Lizzie Warren’s Medicare For All Plan Will Tax Everyone And Bankrupt The Country

Lizzie Warren’s Medicare For All Plan Will Tax Everyone And Bankrupt The Country

Lizzie Warren’s Medicare For All Plan Will Tax Everyone And Bankrupt The Country

Lizzie Warren gleefully unveiled the details of her Medicare For All plan this morning. She is PROMISING that the middle class won’t ever see a tax increase. In fact, we are supposed to believe that the middle class healthcare costs will drop down to zero.

How will this happen? First of all, her plan will cost $52 Trillion. Second, she promises that it will only take $20 Trillion to implement. Third, that means that we will get money back! How much? $11 trillion.

Now I’m no Mathmagician but even I can tell that this doesn’t make sense. Let’s dive into the weeds of her plan shall we?

Her plan, which you can read here, points out a number of problems Americans face regarding healthcare costs and health insurance costs. Note she carefully avoids pointing direct fingers of blame at Obamacare.

How does she plan to fix these issues at the cost of $52 trillion?

  • Tax the hell out of every business owner
  • Disband all private insurance
  • Gut the Department of Defense (I presume she’d leave the government run VA in place?)
  • Double the wealth tax on billionaires
  • Reverse Trump’s tax cut
  • Force insurers to lower administrative costs
  • Force hospitals to lower salaries, especially administrative salaries

How will this play out in rural areas such as Wyoming? She promises universal coverage and universal flat rate costs. 

“Medicare for All fixes that problem. And I’ve previously laid out additional investments to increase the number of Community Health Centers and grow our health care workforce in rural and Native American communities, while cracking down on anti-competitive mergers that lead to worse outcomes and higher costs for rural communities.

We can also apply a number of common-sense, bipartisan reforms that have been proposed for Medicare. Today, for example, insurers can charge dramatically different prices for the exact same service based on where the service was performed. Under Medicare for All, providers will receive the same amount for the same procedure, saving hundreds of billions of dollars.”

Has she BEEN to a rural hospital? NO. Does she understand or even attempt to understand that rural hospitals aren’t like metro area hospitals? In my hometown we have ONE hospital. Does it have the necessary doctors, nurses, staff, and tools to provide CT scans and MRI’s on a regular basis? Nope. Instead those patients are sent down the road to Cheyenne, Casper, or even Colorado. What about critical care for children? Sent out of town once they are stable enough. Yet Lizzie’s plan will magically fix this and more? RIIIGHT

Let’s take a closer look at her plan to tax employers.

When a new tax is added to a business, then cost savings will have to be realized elsewhere if the employer stands a chance of breaking even or *gasp! making a profit. An employer will have to look at cutting hours, abandoning plans for expansion, put a moratorium on raises, and cut other benefits in order to keep the cost of production stable. If the tax is too onerous, then what do they do?

Pass the cost of goods sold onto the consumers, which means cost of living will go up. Tax savings? Not by a long shot!

Her plan WILL raise taxes…on everyone. Yet the MSNBC folks are cheerleading for her…WOOT!!

They are so clueless aren’t they? What those cheerleaders fail to realize is that one of the big corporations that Lizzie wants to tax the hell out of is the parent company that ultimately is responsible for their paychecks and their benefits! If that tax is ever implemented … no pay raises and less paid vacation time for you!

This plan will not only increase taxes, it cuts job growth.

“‘Medicare for All’ is unraveling,” Parker said in a statement. “Elizabeth Warren’s admission that it will cost two million jobs – on top of the fact it will destroy the patient/doctor relationship – proves throwing more government control at the problem is not the answer. Obamacare has proven more government decreases choice and increases cost.””

Lizzie’s plan, one that even a Mathmagician can’t comprehend, is unworkable, will drive up costs, and halt growth and innovation. All in the name of that socialistic mantra … Fairness for all!

Welcome Instapundit Readers!

Feature Photo Credit: Original artwork by Victory Girls Darleen Click 

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  • Most health care proposals, including this idiotic one from Pocahontas, treat reform as if it is mostly a demand-side problem. “if we just subsidize peoples’ health care sufficiently, or impose price controls to make care ‘more affordable,’ things will be fine.”

    And almost everything proposed destroys the incentive for competent people to provide health care — “reforms” are directly or indirectly making war on doctors and other providers of health care. That is, they destroy the supply side. Increasing the demand while destroying the supply guarantees catastrophe.

    I know small town physicians (in MT and SD) who left medicine because of the difficulties of complying with ever-increasing federal regulations. I’ve spoken with physicians and nurses who teach in medical and nursing schools who say it is increasingly difficult to recruit students because of fears of what the future will be for practitioners. Pocahontas’ babble about “anti-competitive mergers” is disinformation. Individual private practice and small partnerships have become impossible and *must* merge with hospitals or other large organizations or quit — to survive federal regulatory and record-keeping requirements requires a full-time legal staff, a full-time IT department, and a full-time accounting department. “Medicare for all” exponentially accelerates the destruction.

    Forked-tongue Liz and her fellow politicians are destroying the American health care system.

  • Mad Celt says:

    Never fear. Mentally Challenged Americans still can’t garner the votes to put her in the Oval Office. We’ll see her state funeral before an inauguration.

  • Wfjag says:

    My proposal for avoiding middle class tax increases: A wealth tax on the endowments of private universities and colleges. That way the true “privileged” classes will pay.

  • Gregg says:

    While I think Fauxcahontas’ M4A plan is completely nuts, there is one statement in the above article that I want to comment on – only to prep us for the inevitable riposte:

    “Let’s take a closer look at her plan to tax employers.

    When a new tax is added to a business, then cost savings will have to be realized elsewhere if the employer stands a chance of breaking even or *gasp! making a profit. An employer will have to look at cutting hours, abandoning plans for expansion, put a moratorium on raises, and cut other benefits in order to keep the cost of production stable. If the tax is too onerous, then what do they do?”

    In fact larger employers have an employer-financed health plan so a large proportion of employers already pay that “tax”. So Chief Spreading Bull could simply claim the costs to the employer don’t change much.

    It’s the small employers who will get it in the neck by this ridiculous plan. And small employers make up the larger share of job production.

  • DH says:

    Am I the only one that finds Warren’s numbers completely unfathomable? $52 trillion over 10 years works out to approximately $16K for every man, woman, and child per year. That sounds REALLY out of whack.

  • Dave says:

    No need to tax anyone to pay for it. Since 2008 the government has demonstrated its ability to solve all economic and social problems by printing money. My dad for one is very happy about this because his stocks keep going up.

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