Lena Dunham’s Rape Allegations Just May Backfire

Lena Dunham’s Rape Allegations Just May Backfire

For those of you who have lived in unaware bliss of the odd phenomenon named Lena Dunham, the potato-shaped actress, writer, and producer of the HBO series Girls — who seems to have a real penchant for removing all her clothes — allow me to provide a quick background before moving on to her latest kerfuffle.

Besides her work in Girls, Dunham recorded this tasteless video in 2012 supporting the re-election of Barack Obama, entitled “Your First Time.” Yes, you read correctly.

Then there’s this linked video from Saturday Night Live, entitled “Jewelry Party,” where she managed to stereotype Latinas and non-feminist men, and even promote Planned Parenthood in a 5-minute skit. What talent!

And of course, Dunham just couldn’t resist taking on the Biblical story of Adam and Eve in a skit also shown on SNL. Because, you know, Christians! She even exhibited her infamous affinity for nudity, which fortunately has been blurred in the video at the link.

Now, since Dunham just can’t resist attention, or the opportunity to smear conservatives and promote her own radical feminism, the 27-year-old wunderkind has just published her memoir Not That Kind of Girl, in which she alleges that she was raped by a college Republican when she was a 19-year-old student at Oberlin College. Then again, she admits that she was drunk, and high on Xanax and cocaine, but then again feminist women should never, ever have to take responsibility for anything. Because . . . sisterhood, right? On top of that, her “mustachioed Republican” also hurt two other women, which includes an encounter where the woman’s blood was spattered on the walls! And of course it has to be true, because “Barry” was a Republican!

Is anyone else calling Bravo Sierra on this story? I know I am.

Well, well, well. It appears that Oberlin College and the Oberlin Police Department are taking these allegations somewhat seriously. The college reported the statements in her memoir to the authorities, but Lt. Mike McClosky of the Oberlin Police stated, “Information published in a memoir is not enough to pursue an investigation. Unless Ms. Dunham comes forward, there can be no active case.” He also added that no report or incident report was filed at that time.

Incidentally, the statute of limitations for rape in Ohio is 20 years, so Ms. Dunham, who fancies herself a campus anti-rape activist, should be able to take this dangerous man off the streets. After all, studies show that he may be likely to rape again.

So Lena, do some women a solid and get that dangerous Republican rapist off the streets before he rapes again. That is, if he really exists.

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Kim is a pint-sized patriot who packs some big contradictions. She is a Baby Boomer who never became a hippie, an active Republican who first registered as a Democrat (okay, it was to help a sorority sister's father in his run for sheriff), and a devout Lutheran who practices yoga. Growing up in small-town Indiana, now living in the Kansas City metro, Kim is a conservative Midwestern gal whose heart is also in the Seattle area, where her eldest daughter, son-in-law, and grandson live. Kim is a working speech pathologist who left school system employment behind to subcontract to an agency, and has never looked back. She describes her conservatism as falling in the mold of Russell Kirk's Ten Conservative Principles. Don't know what they are? Google them!

  • Appalled By The World says:

    Ah- thank you for informing us lucky stiffs who, until now, had no clue who this person is. She sounds like a real winner-barf!

    B as in B, S as in S-so would a radio talk show host say in my neck of the woods regarding her story.

  • While I was a 19-year-old engineering student at Reallybig U, I was kidnapped by little right-wing space aliens who shouted “Death to the Commies!” while hauling me aboard their flying saucer hidden in Area 51 of Gitmo.

    After being transported aboard the alien mothership orbiting the planet Tatooine I was subjected to horrifying, unspeakable torture by ET, Counselor Troi, and Elmo from Sesame Street. I was forced to watch the 700 Club and Leave It To Beaver while listening to my tormenting trio chanting “Cut welfare spending…cut welfare spending…” The torture took place in a room splattered with sugary soda from Big Gulps and covered with posters of Ronald Reagan, Sarah Palin and Ted Cruz smiling fiendishly while stomping on tiny helpless little blac-, er, African-American babies.

    It is the truth! I swear to Ted Kennedy! Read all about it in my memoirs You Are A Racist If You Think That I Am That Kind Of Gurl Even Though I Am And There Is Nothing Wrong With Being A Gurl So Stop Judging Me (available from Amazon for the low low price of $149.99).

  • Merle says:

    If she was a stripper I’d pay her to “put it back on” 🙂


  • Douglas Frank says:

    A Republican? At Oberlin? Now THATS Affirmative Action!

  • Chris in N.Va. says:

    Somewhere there’s a gauge measuring Total World IQ, whose needle spasmodically twitches backward towards zero whenever one of these Lib/Dem/Prog self-absorbed nitwits offers another self-fancied bon mot sputtering forth from their single-synapse cranium.

    Methinks the chlorine level in the gene pool needs to be increased.

  • GWB says:

    she alleges that she was raped by a college Republican when she was a 19-year-old student at Oberlin College

    OK, I just noticed that disconnect. This isn’t even possible, as there aren’t any Republicans at Oberlin.

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