Kamala Is Super Thrilled About Wheels On The Bus!

Kamala Is Super Thrilled About Wheels On The Bus!

Kamala Is Super Thrilled About Wheels On The Bus!

Kamala just LOVES school buses! She’s super thrilled that the newly minted electric buses not only have wheels on the bus, but USB ports and WiFi too. It’s MAGIC!

Vice President Kamala Harris visited New Flyer in St. Cloud to highlight the work being done to create innovative solutions for green energy needs and the future of public transportation.

There are 30,000 New Flyer buses on the roads today, and VP Harris says every day, millions of Americans ride the bus to go to work, to school, to church, to the grocery store, to wherever they need to get. She said buses are essential and need an upgrade as most of the nation’s buses run on diesel fuel. “Well, here’s the thing. Diesel exhaust is a poison. Breathing diesel fumes can cause headaches, and nausea. It can make asthma and chronic bronchitis worse, and it can even cause a risk for cancer. Diesel exhaust is also a greenhouse gas. Every year, gas powered buses add millions of tons of pollution to our atmosphere, which further accelerates the climate crisis. But there is a solution to all of this. And that solution is parked right over there and right over there. And right over there. These buses, electric buses. They are healthier for people, cleaner for communities and better for our planet.”

Please raise your hand if you’ve been exposed to diesel fumes? Kamala essentially infers we’ve all been snorting diesel fumes for days on end. SMH.

While I feel for the employees of the New Flyer company, the fact is, electric buses have a shelf life of approximately twelve years. Regular gas or diesel powered buses? Up to twenty if maintained correctly, perhaps even longer. So, the ROI on an electric vehicle is much less. And…requires tax-payer funded subsidies to implement! 

Furthermore, the materials needed to manufacture these buses aren’t American-made or grown/natural materials. Nope, they come from overseas ie: CHINA. So Green New Deal and electric buses for the win! As long as no mining is done in America’s back yard. 

“Nothing better exemplifies this administration’s incompetence and hypocrisy than trying to force Americans to buy $60,000 electric vehicles while simultaneously banning the Minnesota mineral projects needed to produce those EVs,” Emmer said in a statement before Harris’ visit.

There is no mandate that consumers must purchase electric vehicles, but buyers may quality for a clean vehicle tax credit. And while the Biden administration recently imposed a 20-year mining ban on 225,000 acres in northern Minnesota, the ban affects only one of three major proposed copper-nickel mines.

Buses, evidently, are much more fun to cackle about and deal with than those pesky border issues. What I ALSO find highly amusing is that Kamala is all in on buses when she and Joe got into a spat about busing during the 2020 campaign trail. 

That was then folks. This is now and boy howdy, those wheels are spectacular! Here’s the thing about those electric buses. I grew up in Wyoming, I live in Colorado. The bus company is in Minnesota. We’ve had more than a few snowstorms and outright blizzards across all three states. Unless you put charging stations, that the electric grid CANNOT handle, every five miles across those bus routes (especially the rural routes), the end result will be stalled buses with kids on board. Yes, it very well could happen. Hell, it’s happened with gas and diesel powered buses when the visibility goes to zero and the wind is blowing snow sixty miles an hour! But Kamala has had the answer for MONTHS now. 

I’ll admit, I laughed so hard I nearly broke a rib. “Hear the road.” AYFKM??? 

Oh, but aren’t those buses so BEAUTIFUL AND FABULOUS?? Finally students can have internet access after busing in the dark ages! As if all cell phone/internet communication comes to a screeching halt when a child or teen steps on to the bus. 


As I’ve come to find out with a little research, Kamala has been chanting and half-singing the “Wheels on the Bus” song for months now while adding her signature cringy cackle to the mix. 

Electric vehicles may have a future, but not until the electric grid has been significantly updated. Furthermore, electric school buses won’t be a good fit nor have a decent ROI pretty much ever. 

Evidently “Wheels on the bus” is yet another way that the media is hard at work trying to redefine Kamala’s Vice Presidency and maintain a minimal semblance of credibility. 

And with that, ladies and gentlemen, I leave you with this. 

You’re welcome. 

Feature Photo: Original artwork by Victory Girls Darleen Click 

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  • NTSOG says:

    Simple pleasures for simple minds.

  • Cameron says:

    They are obsessed with taking away effective technology and replacing it with a new shiny thing. But I’m sure that no political animal’s children are going to be within 20 miles of a mere school bus or any form of public transportation.

  • George V says:

    Diesel exhaust today, like gas automobile exhaust, is much cleaner than it used to be. So riddle me this, Madam VP: If diesel exhaust, as well as coal plant and automobile emissions of today, cause such health problems, how is it that the generation born in the first half of the 20th century, immersed in a miasma of unfiltered coal, diesel and gasoline emissions, instead of laying in a sickbed, managed to build a nation with the highest standard of living, revolutionize agriculture to the point where crop yields are several times greater than 100 years ago, conquer many causes of death and disease, and go from crude wood and fabric airplanes to thousands of jet airliners of today as well as men on the moon and a space station in orbit for decades.

    Maybe instead of worrying about diesel exhaust you should worry about generations of children and adults who are functionally illiterate, unable to perform rudimentary arithmetic, have no clue how their government works, are unsure how to actually work for a living, but aspire to know every move made by Taylor Swift.

    What’s that, nurse? I should be quiet now? Well,,,, OK, I guess….

    • Cameron says:

      “Diesel exhaust today, like gas automobile exhaust, is much cleaner than it used to be.”

      Here’s the problem (other than the fact you are pointing out something true): Do you remember the pictures of the smog, pollution and utter decay from the 60s and 70s? “Progressives” latched onto that and their religion refuses to allow them to believe that any improvement has ever been made.

      • Scott says:

        That’s because the “leaders” of the movement have seen how much money that moves into their pockets, so they keep up the drumbeat, and the lemmings march on..

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