Kamala Harris Seriously Stunned By Being Asked Questions

Kamala Harris Seriously Stunned By Being Asked Questions

Kamala Harris Seriously Stunned By Being Asked Questions

Poor Kamala Harris. You have to have a cold, cold heart not to feel a little bit sorry for a human being living life that stunningly stupid yet completely, unaware of her stupidity. We are not going to pretend that we don’t know that Kamala got a (ahem) leg up on her career by being associated with the quite married Willie Brown. Still, she acts like she doesn’t know that we know she is STOOPID. Anyhoo, I am just the cold, cold heart to talk about Kamala’s latest stunning performances. AI Kamala went on repeat when asked about abortion by Margaret Brennan and Kacklin’ Kamala showed up at the 9/11 22nd Remembrance Day.

If only we had a real press corps. Not mean like Jim Acosta going after Trump, but occasionally questioning the narrative. CBS’s Margaret Brennan talked with Kamala Harris and Kammie went on AI repeat with this answer:

Brennan also pressed Harris on abortion and about what limits the administration supports.

“What is it that you believe? I mean, what week of pregnancy should abortion access be cut off?” she asked.
“We need to restore the protections of Roe v. Wade,” Harris began. “We’re not trying to do something new—”
Brennan interrupted, “Well, that was nebulous, because it was about viability, which could be anywhere between 20 to 24 weeks—”

“That’s, that was in the Women’s Health Protection Act that the White House also endorsed—,” Brennan added.
Harris concluded by arguing she and Biden have been “clear” about restoring Roe v. Wade protections, saying, “that is what we want.”
“Let me be very clear. From day one, the president has been clear, I have been clear. We need to put back the protections that are in Roe v. Wade into law. Since the Supreme Court took it, Congress has the power and ability to pass legislation to put those protections back in law and Joe Biden will sign that bill. So, that is what we want,” she said.

No, no, no. It was way worse than the Fox write-up made it sound. No matter which way Margaret Brennan asked the question Kamala just said, “We need to restore the protections of Roe v. Wade.” Kamala does not have an agile mind, she has not original thoughts, she can only repeat talking points as in this video:

This exchange took the cake. If she would have said, “It does not compute”. It would have made more sense:

Vice President Kamala Harris appeared stunned by a question from CBS host Margaret Brennan, who wondered if she was taking the possibility of another Donald Trump presidency “seriously enough.”
Harris looked taken aback, pausing before responding, “I don’t understand the question.”

Oh, child. Maybe Kamala was overworked. I mean, a trip to Asia, a 50th for Hip Hop, AND the NYC 9/11 Memorial. That a lot. Kamala combines all the worst characteristics of a politician and an aging party girl. Repeating talking points and thinking she is still all that. Like her dancing at the Hip Hop party:

It wasn’t just me who thought she looked like Tyler Perry’s Medea there dancing with her pants up around her boobs. This is from the New York Post:

Kamala Harris was ridiculed online Saturday for busting out her “granny moves” during a White House party she hosted celebrating the 50th anniversary of hip-hop.
Critics pounced on the vice president for revolving through a series of tired, bare-minimum shuffles at the outdoor fete.
“Kamala Harris with the granny moves at her 50th Anniversary of Hip-Hop party,” political commentator Anthony Brian Logan said on X, formerly known as Twitter.
“Pure cringe,” another user wrote, as another called it the “Cackle Shuffle” in an apparent reference to the vice president’s laugh.

Then, Kacklin’ Kamala showed up for the 9/11 Memorial:

Medea would slap her silly for acting like that at a somber service. With a church fan, too. My cold, cold heart doesn’t feel the least bit sorry for Kammie. But, Lord pray for Joe Biden, please.

Featured Image: Darleen Click exclusive to Victory Girls Blog/All Rights Reserved

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  • Scott says:

    That skank should go back to the one thing she’s good at… To show such disrespect to the heros that died on 9/11, she truly should be ashamed, but that is not within her capacity..

  • therealguyfaux says:

    As Oscar Wilde might have put it, “It takes a heart of stone not to laugh.”

  • GWB says:

    You have to have a cold, cold heart not to feel a little bit sorry for a human being living life that stunningly stupid yet completely, unaware of her stupidity.
    Yep. Cold as the space between stars. (Not warm like the space between her ears.)

    You know who I’m even colder towards? The people who keep electing her.

  • GWB says:

    If she would have said, “It does not compute”
    I was thinking more:
    All units relate. All units. Norman, coordinate.

    I’m going to call everyone out on the hip-hop party thing, though. She actually didn’t look cringe at all in the videos I’ve seen. If you think a VP should be a stuffed shirt and devoid of real life, then you need to re-examine how you view politicians. And that it was hip-hop is merely a sign of the times – imagine a president going to a Grateful Dead concert, or Willie Nelson. If he enjoys the music it should be perfectly fine. Or should he only listen to them if they come to the Kennedy Center, because… bowties?

    Darleen, your blockquote doesn’t appear to turn off properly after the Proud Elephant tweet. (Maybe you only turned off one, but there are two nested there.)

  • Dietrich says:

    Being stupid is like being dead; in each case you are unaware of your condition.

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