Kamala Goes On “Call Her Daddy” Because Abortion Is Everything

Kamala Goes On “Call Her Daddy” Because Abortion Is Everything

Kamala Goes On “Call Her Daddy” Because Abortion Is Everything

Why would Kamala Harris go on a sex advice podcast?

For those of us who are not in the target demographic of the “Call Her Daddy” podcast (which would be late Millennials and Gen Z), the decision that the Harris-Walz campaign made to send Kamala to talk to host Alex Cooper is a little bit confusing. After all, Kamala is currently running away with that particular demographic of young single women. She’s literally preaching to her own choir here – even though, as usual, her answers are still canned soundbites. So why go on this podcast when you are a serious presidential candidate? Why open yourself up to all the probable jokes involved?

The full quote reads:

KAMALA: “Well, I think you and your listeners have really got this thing right, which is one of the best ways to communicate with people is to be real, you know, and to talk about the things that people really care about. I mean. What I love about what you do is that your voice in your show is really about your listeners, and I think especially now, this is a moment in the country and in life where people really wanna know they’re seen and heard and, and that they’re part of a community, that they’re not out there alone, and, and so I’m really glad to be with you.”

There is nothing “real” about Kamala Harris. The woman is the emptiest pantsuit in politics. She went on “Call Her Daddy” is for one reason alone: abortion. This is literally the only topic where Harris has any level of passion or thought process. And her campaign knows it. So why not go bang all the tropes about abortion to prove a point to audience of this podcast? What is the point being made to the “sex positive” Gen Z crowd? Kamala Harris also believes in consequence-free sexual activity, and if you want an abortion, she will make sure you can get one, and if you hear “no,” or think your faith disagrees with abortion, then that is just old white men telling you what you can and can’t do with your body, and Kamala Harris is all about FWEEDOM FREEDOM.

After all, are there ANY laws that tell men what they can and can’t do with their bodies? Umm… yes. Yes, there are.

Whoops. Also, last I checked, the Biden-Harris administration was planning on using the power of OSHA and the federal government to FORCE most of working America to take a COVID-19 vaccine, even if they CHOSE not to – and it took the Supreme Court telling the administration “no” before that craziness ended up on the ash heap of history. Also, this IS the same party that believes that men can get pregnant, so what is going on here? What level of trans bigotry is Kamala Harris pushing? (Yes, that is sarcasm from me, but you know that this argument exists on the internet.)

The entire podcast clocks in at over 44 minutes, but it was filmed as well. And what Cooper chose to put up on YouTube as the highlights of the interview is very illustrative. This is seven-plus minutes of abortion propaganda.

Harris spent much of the interview discussing abortion rights and what statewide abortion bans can mean for people living in those states — including mothers, who may need to arrange childcare and travel out of state for the procedure.

“Let’s talk about how it affects a real person. The majority of women who receive abortion care are mothers,” Harris said. “So imagine she’s in a state with an abortion ban — one out of three women are, by the way, in our country — and she’s a mom. She’s going to have to figure out, one, God help her if she has affordable childcare, God help her if she has paid leave, and then she’s going to have to go to the airport, stand in a TSA line, sit on a plane next to a perfect stranger, to go to a city where she’s never been to receive the care she needs … and that’s all if they can even afford a plane or a bus ticket.”

Harris made her appeal to listeners who might not personally believe in abortion, emphasizing that women should have the right to choose for themselves.

“You don’t have to abandon your faith or deeply held beliefs to agree that government shouldn’t be telling her what to do. If she chooses, she’ll talk to her priest, her pastor, her rabbi or Imam, but not the government telling you what to do,” Harris said. “And that’s what’s so outrageous about it, is a bunch of these guys up in these state capitals are writing these decisions because they somehow have decided that they’re in a better position to tell you what’s in your best interest than you are to know what’s in your own best interest.”

She continued: “This is not about imposing my thoughts on you in terms of what you do with your life or your body. … It’s actually quite the opposite. It’s saying the government shouldn’t be telling people what to do.”

Again, the last three and a half years apparently never happened, and the Biden-Harris administration never were going to insist that every working American get a COVID shot. Tim Walz never created a “snitch line” so people in Minnesota could rat out their neighbors for not following social distancing guidelines. Kamala Harris saying that “the government shouldn’t be telling people what to do” is just gaslighting.

But let’s look at her other answers about abortion from these quotes. First, look at her story about having to travel to have an abortion. The travel part of her complaint is just weird. Women travel all the time for work or for fun – and they go to the airport, go through TSA (are you offering to get rid of the TSA, Kamala?), sit next to someone they don’t know on a plane, and often go somewhere they’ve never been before. Are we “girlbosses” who can do all the things, or are we fragile flowers who can’t travel on our own now? This was an excessively dumb argument, coupled with a gross insinuation that only poor women who can barely afford to travel are the ones out there getting abortions.

Now, the pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute, estimates that 55% of women getting an abortion “had previously had at least one birth.” Which is a sad and shockingly high number, especially when you consider that these women know what happens when you have sex, and that becoming pregnant is a possibility. The Brookings Institution estimates that 95% of abortions happen as a result of “unintended” pregnancy – that is, not anything that would qualify as an “exception” like rape, incest, or the life of the mother. To put it bluntly, abortion is far too often used as the birth control of last resort. Which is what one would expect in a culture that wants to get rid of all possible inconveniences to your happy hedonistic lifestyle, promoted by a “sex positive” podcast where abortion “rights” are considered of the highest value because FREEDOM. Alex Cooper and Kamala Harris are in absolute agreement on this. Nothing, absolutely nothing, should get in the way of a woman who wants to be “free.”

Kamala Harris also makes the insulting insinuation that “a bunch of these guys up in these state capitals are writing these decisions.” Are there no women in state governments? Are there no pro-life women in state governments? Do tell. The generalization, that it’s always men who write the pro-life laws, is frankly disgusting. Are women allowed to have an opinion that disagrees with Kamala Harris on abortion? She has apparently never considered it, except when it comes to Supreme Court justices.

And for Kamala Harris to claim that faith shouldn’t even enter into the conversation? Whenever she brings up restoring Roe v. Wade, she is promising to impose HER “thoughts” on all of us, because she knows what is best. Not the Supreme Court who sent it back to the states, and not state governments, and not the voters. Her. Because to her, abortion is the highest value. She brags about campaigning at an abortion clinic because this is who she is. This is what she values most – the “freedom” to kill a baby while it is still in the womb.

By going on “Call Her Daddy,” a voting demographic that she has no need to win over, and taking a softball interview about her favorite topic, Kamala is showing yet again (unlike her running mate, who at least went on Fox News on Sunday) that she can’t handle anything remotely adversarial, and that she isn’t capable of making a convincing argument for herself. Abortion is what she wants to talk about, because it’s all she’s got. She isn’t wrong to think that a majority of Americans may agree with her on this one issue, but if you ask her about any other issue, then it is word salad time. And she’s not running for president of abortion. Though, should she lose in November, perhaps Planned Parenthood could offer her a job.

Featured image: original Victory Girls art by Darleen Click

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1 Comment
  • Scott says:

    Well of course someone that’s been a Ho to advance her political career would be in favor of abortion. She no doubt has had to be, lest a pregnancy interfere with her moving up in politics.. ( though Willie Brown may have had a different plan)

    These women have completely bought into the progressive religion based on nothing but hedonism.. It is a religion based in evil. Remember this in November.

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