Is This Mess Zelensky Created, Fixable?

Is This Mess Zelensky Created, Fixable?

Is This Mess Zelensky Created, Fixable?

Is this Ukraine mess that Zelensky created, fixable? No one, and I mean NO ONE had on their bingo cards that a lucrative strategic raw earth minerals deal benefitting Ukraine would blow up in such a spectacular fashion.

Toni wrote on the initial fallout here. Deanna added in additional information along with Zelensky’s not so good interview with Bret Baier, here. 

Keep in mind, this raw earth minerals deal really was a win for Ukraine. Why? Because it would put Ukraine at a strategic advantage, not just for the U.S., but also for Europe and it would also serve to lessen China’s influence on the raw earth minerals market. It would’ve been a very strategic first step towards getting Russia to stand down or stop the meatgrinder war altogether. 

Yet, for some insane reason, Zelensky blew it all to smithereens yesterday. Below is the entire presser. It is well worth your time to watch it all. Pay VERY close attention to not only what is said, but the body language. 

As I watched, for the third time, it struck me that Zelensky came in with an agenda. He made it clear verbally that this minerals deal wasn’t enough. He wanted it all. He wanted, no demanded, that security guarantees (with the implication of it being unlimited) be added to this deal. 

Again, watch and listen carefully. Multiple times before the blowup at the last nine minutes, Zelensky said he didn’t want a ceasefire or peace deal with Putin. He just wants Putin gone. How that’s going to happen without causing World War III is anyone’s guess. 

Furthermore, his insistence during the interview with Baier that Europe would step up and fund Ukraine without hesitation or limitations was pretty jaw-dropping. Then again, Zelensky has had his hand out for the last three+ years and the money/arms/equipment has flowed without hesitation into Ukraine. Does he REALLY think that Europe will step into the gap if the U.S. steps down? REALLY?

How can any peace deal be brokered if one side A. refuses to negotiate at all, and B. continues to demand more and more with no return on investment? 

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said his country would still be interested in a deal to share mineral rights with the United States — after leaving the White House without signing an agreement following an explosive blowup with President Trump in the Oval Office Friday.

Trump has demanded a share of Ukraine’s rich mineral deposits, as recompense for the more than $175 billion the United States has given to the country in military and civilian aid since the 2022 Russian invasion.

“We are ready to sign the minerals agreement, and it will be the first step toward security guarantees,” Zelensky said in a lengthy statement to X Saturday morning. “But it’s not enough, and we need more than just that. A ceasefire without security guarantees is dangerous for Ukraine. We’ve been fighting for three years, and Ukrainian people need to know that America is on our side.”

The deal was in place! Why the hell didn’t he sign it? Why instead did he start demanding more and wanting the deal redesigned at the very last minute? This is a mess, quite honestly, of his own making. The minerals deal is/was a separate deal from anything concerning a ceasefire or peace deal between Ukraine and Russia. Why the hell did he tie the two together??!! 

Those from Team Obama are now claiming that Zelensky is today’s Churchill, that Trump is emboldening Putin, and that this deal was actually bad…for Ukraine. Yes, Susan Rice went there. Yet, for all the claims that this is a Churchill move by Zelensky, when push comes to shove, NO ONE is advocating for a repeat of WW II. They refuse to admit that though because reasons, and Trump. 

Not everyone across Europe or NATO in particular is a fan of what Zelensky did. They’ve been able to take a step back and see the forest for the trees. 

NATO chief Mark Rutte has said he told Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky that he needs to find a way to restore his relationship with President Donald Trump after Friday’s White House clash.

‘It is important that President Zelensky finds a way to restore his relationship with the American President and with the senior American leadership team,’ Rutte told the BBC on Saturday, commenting on a call he had with Zelensky on Friday.

He described the meeting at the White House as ‘unfortunate’.

That’s diplomatic speak for “you arrogant ass, you just killed us all.”

This mess did NOT have to happen. A strategically significant minerals deal was literally done except for the formal signing, handshake, and lunch. It would’ve given Ukraine a HUGE bargaining chip to get Putin, who is relying heavily on China among others (North Korea & Iran) to back off and eventually stand down.

Instead, he blew it all up. And the European elites along with Democrats and media here clapped like the trained seals they are. 

However, they are missing the forest for the trees because Trump and also because they HATED J.D. Vance’s epic Munich speech on freedom. Further, they are missing or willfully ignoring background context which Secretary of State Marco Rubio lays out here. 

Here’s the transcript of Rubio’s interview. I’d either watch or read it all. 

This is a mess of Zelensky’s creation with the very possible help of Team Obama as Molly Hemingway lays out here. It’s reasonable to consider that yes, Zelensky took Team Obama’s advice and that it backfired BIG TIME. 

Quite honestly, NATO along with Europe and Ukraine NEEDS the United States. They know it, and refuse to admit it. Right now, this mess is only fixable and then a ceasefire or better yet, PEACE happens if Zelensky grabs a broom and starts cleaning up what he broke.

Feature Photo Credit: Zelensky in 2022 BBC interview via Ukraine office Flickr, public domain, cropped and modified

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  • Wfjag says:

    Zelensky – the latest person to learn that you don’t try to Trash Talk VP Vance. And, then learning that running to the press for help won’t help, either.

  • Scott says:

    Nice Hunt for Red October reference Nina!

    And spot on post. Zelinsky went and got stroked ( and likely bad advice ) from the dims before going to talk to the Preaident and VP, and thought he could take the same approach he’s used the last three years with the new administration. Well, as the saying goes, FA/FO.. and he did both! Look closely at anyone blaming President Trump / Keep Vance for this, and you’ll see someone who hates America, and wants our Republic to become a socialist utopia ( not to mention, most likely, a Ham- Ass supporter). ANYONE from Zeros admin fits this mold, so Rice is no surprise.
    President Trump is a businessman, and if Zelinsky gets his shit together, comes back with an apology and a reasonable offer ( and refrains from calling Vance a bitch again) it’s likely the deal will be salvageable. If he insists on continuing the war instead of working for peace, then he’d better hope that Europe really will step up.

    • Johnny says:

      Maybe someone should check if Zelensky has an offshore bank account. Remember when the war started not long after his wife went shopping somewhere in Europe.
      With all those BILLIONS of dollars that were given to them, I wouldn’t be surprised if several top aides were filling their piggy banks with millions.

      • Scott says:

        Yeah, you can bet that ” the big guy” wasn’t rhe only one to get his 10%.

        There a reason that the dems don’t want any oversight on all the money we’ve gifted them

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