By now you’re probably aware of President-Elect Donald Trump’s announcement that Gen. James Mattis is his pick for Secretary of Defense. In case you missed it, here’s what he said at last night’s Thank You rally in Cleveland, Ohio:
As many know, Gen. Mattis is a general’s general, a man some say is our modern-day Patton. And just like Patton was, Gen. Mattis is just as blunt, and just as quotable. Here are ten of his most bad ass quotes, in no particular order:
And two of my personal favorites:
And on professionalism:
And finally, and perhaps his most “controversial” statements, at least with the sensitive cupcakes over on the Left, are these:
And, thanks to spineless leadership worldwide those “ass holes,” in the form of ISIS, are currently raging in at least eighteen countries, terrorizing and slaughtering untold numbers of innocents.
Affectionately nicknamed “Mad Dog” by the troops he commanded, and who utilized the call-sign “Chaos,” President-Elect Trump says he’ll officially nominate Gen. Mattis for Secretary of Defense this Monday. A better pick simply does not exist. And it’s no wonder he’s adored by so many.
WOW. WOW. WOW. WOW. READ THIS. WOW. I Served With James Mattis. Here's What I Learned From Him
— John Podhoretz (@jpodhoretz) December 2, 2016
One last point: if I were you, Daesh, I’d just lay down my arms right now, and slither off into the blowing sands. Cuz Mad Dog Mattis is coming after you, and he’ll be bringing Hell with him.
The nation has been moving onto more dangerous ground for some years now. Unfortunately, the present administration has only added to this, both from within and from without.
Such times call for leaders who have a clear vision of what’s at stake, what’s to be done, make the tough decisions, and are unapologetic for doing so (let the historians do the debating).
It seems to me that President-Elect Trump is selecting an administration which will consist, to varying degrees, of such leaders with General James Mattis being a stellar example.
Footnote: I was told that General Mattis does not like the term “Mad Dog” to as used by new Marine recruits. Perhaps, someone might be able to shed some light one this.
“The present administration” has caused more detriment to this nation than all others combined. As a nation we can only pray that the new administration will claw back the liberties that have been abandoned and thrown away by the communists, fascists and neo-cons for most of the last four decades. I ain’t holding holding my breath.
I heard that, too, VALman. I’d like to hear the back story.
It seems there is general agreement that General Mattis earned the “Mad Dog” nickname following the 2004 battle of Fallujah in Iraq. One source indicated that it was used behind his back. There are also reports that he prefers the nickname “Warrior Monk.”
Here’s a snippet revealing the character of the man from a NBC article:
Another famous Mattis story is the time he worked on Christmas in 1998.
Charles Krulak, who was the Marine Commandant at the time, told Stars and Stripes newspaper that when he arrived to deliver holiday cookies to a Marine command at Quantico, Virginia, he was told that the duty officer was Mattis, then a brigadier general.
“So I said to him, ‘Jim, what are you standing the duty for?’ ” Krulak told the military newspaper. “And he said, ‘Sir, I looked at the duty roster for today and there was a young major who had it who is married and had a family; and so I’m a bachelor, I thought why should the major miss out on the fun of having Christmas with his family, and so I took the duty for him.’ ”
When Trump announced this at his first Re-election Campaign Rally in Cincinnati (that’s what I would’ve called it instead of the Thank You Tour), he compared him to Gen. George Patton, and I realized, if you look at a pic of DJT with a frown and his eyes narrowed, he looks a heckuva lot like Georgie with his “warface” on. Or am I crazy?
[…] Victory Girls Blog: Incoming SecDef: 10 Most Bad Ass Quotes from General James “Mad Dog” Mattis. […]