How Many Biden Lies Will Americans Accept?

How Many Biden Lies Will Americans Accept?

How Many Biden Lies Will Americans Accept?

Joe Biden has been and always will be a liar. The question is, are Americans willing to keep swallowing his lies, or will we finally hold him accountable?

Biden’s political career really should have been over when his lying and plagiarism was uncovered during his first presidential run in 1987. Alas, the people of Delaware did not see fit to remove the senator who apparently learned quite well how to cozy up to the credit card industry in his state – and conveniently, Hunter got a job right out of law school. So Biden stayed in the Senate, biding his time until he thought that enough time had passed for people to forget his previous lies. But then his 2008 presidential campaign fell flat under the wheels of the Obama bus, but Obama then lifted him out of the gutter and made him vice president.

We now know that Joe Biden becoming vice president turned into a financial windfall for the Biden family. Not only was money being made by using the Biden name by Joe’s brothers, but Hunter made bank selling access to Joe, and then helping pay his father’s bills as the money got laundered through the shell companies that the Biden family got set up. And Joe lied his way through the debates, as he claimed Hunter never made money from China or Russia – something that even Jake Tapper had to admit that Biden “was wrong” about. Pssst, Jake – BIDEN LIED.

So, how many lies will the American public be willing to take from Joe Biden? Let’s leave Donald Trump out of this conversation, because we all know that the media has it out for Trump, and Trump doesn’t help himself by constantly talking in grandiose hyperbole. Biden is a liar. His lies have been big and bad. And they can’t all be blamed on his obvious cognitive decline, though the media is certainly going to talk themselves into that explanation in the face of the dirty rotten facts. Americans are still struggling with inflation, because even though prices have stopped skyrocketing, they aren’t coming down. Yet Joe is telling the public that “Bidenomics” has fixed everything!

President Joe Biden is in the middle of a victory tour over his supposed economic successes — but the numbers keep showing his arguments for Bidenomics are pure disinformation.”

“It’s working,” he crowed Tuesday to an audience in Milwaukee on a re-election campaign tour stop.”

Not, it’s not.”

For starters: Average Americans are spending $709 more per month on everyday goods and services like food than they were two years ago.”

That’s an eye-watering $8,508 yearly bump.”

Indeed, inflation since Biden took office totals 15%. Focus on daily essentials (like food, power bills, mortgages), and prices are up almost 25%.”

Have wages and salaries kept pace? That’s a big no: They’ve risen less than inflation in all but two of the past 22 months.”

Blame Biden’s drunken-sailor spending, which sent an already hot economy into an inflation conflagration after he and his enablers dismissed and denied growing concerns — including from liberal economists — that Democrats’ American Recovery Act risked spiraling price hikes.”

Yet for all the damage done, Team Biden can’t stop lying about it: Last week, for example, the White House bragged that the Inflation Reduction Act — the greatest misnomer in legislative history — is “already having a significant impact on American workers and families.”

Yet, in the same week, Biden admitted the IRA was actually all about green subsidies.”

And let’s talk about the shockingly obvious lie that Biden watched a bridge collapse with his own eyes.

What is the point of that lie? It’s stupid, unnecessary, and easily disproved. But Joe has always had an inflated ego and a pathological liar – a terrible combination, and yet Democrats and the media (but I repeat myself) keep making excuses for him. He “was wrong,” they say. They wouldn’t be nearly as forgiving or generous to a Republican, and we all know it.

But what should sink Biden are all the lies surrounding the withdrawl from Afghanistan. As Marc Thiessen points out, Afghanistan was the turning point where Biden’s poll numbers dropped.

Joe Biden could lose the presidency because of Afghanistan, and I’ll tell you why. People aren’t voting on Afghanistan in 2024, but they’re voting a referendum on Joe Biden. If you look at the poll numbers before the Afghan withdrawal, he was above 50% approval and after that withdrawal, he’s sunk below 50% and has never recovered and not only did he sink below 50% on foreign policy and fighting terrorism, [but] on every single issue.”

Why is that? Because Americans looked at this and they said, “One, he’s lying to us and two, he’s incompetent” and when people decide that you’re an incompetent liar, you don’t recover from that. That is a permanent, indelible mark on his presidency and so all the polls we’re seeing in the two years since this happened are a reflection that it all started in Afghanistan.”

It all started in Kabul when his polls went cratered and they have never gone up above 50% again because the American people know he is a liar and he is incompetent. That’s why he’s going to lose the White House.”

From his mouth to God’s ears, but I am much less confident about that. Now, Joe Biden absolutely should be held to account for Afghanistan. It was a disgrace to American foreign policy and a humanitarian disaster. The book “Kabul: The Untold Story of Biden’s Fiasco and the American Warriors Who Fought to the End” was recently released and details the sins of Joe Biden and the Biden administration in heart-wrenching detail (look for a book review in the near future on this blog). But why does it take a book release, or the emotional testimony of Gold Star Families, to remind us of just how awful of a human being Joe Biden is?

It’s because the media has enabled the lying of Joe Biden to serve their own purposes. They hated Donald Trump so much that they were willing to swallow Biden’s lies, and that meant – and still means – turning a blind eye to Joe’s lies. It also means not following up on stories that would certainly sink his presidency – like who gave the order to drone an innocent Afghan family on what intelligence after the suicide bomber killed 13 Americans and hundreds of civilians at Abbey Gate? A press that actually cared about the truth would follow the story to the bitter end. We don’t have a press that cares about the truth. We have a press that cares about protecting Joe Biden above the truth. And goodness knows what Old Joe is going to say tomorrow when his handlers let him look around at Maui.

The question is, what do the American people care about? Do they care that Joe Biden lies and the media covers his ass? Or are the people discerning enough to hold Joe accountable?

I hate to say it, but I don’t have a lot of hope that the voters will hold Joe to account.

Featured image: original Victory Girls art by Darleen Click

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  • SFC D says:

    He’s lied his whole life, but he’s now so addled and demented he doesn’t even know he’s lying. It’s just who he is. How anyone could support him is beyond me. It requires an equal amount of dementia to believe him.

  • Scott says:

    “the White House bragged that the Inflation Reduction Act — the greatest misnomer in legislative history — is “already having a significant impact on American workers and families.”… Ironically, that one isn’t a lie. It has had a significant impact on American workers and families…A VERY NEGATIVE impact..

  • Kevin says:

    Well, Biden has done a poor job keeping up his predecessor.

    Washington Post: Trump’s false or misleading claims total 30,573 over 4 years

    Did you ever say anything about the 280 pound Malignant Tumor?

    • Scott says:

      Look who got a new supply of lead paint chips… guess Momma turned your internet back on?

      Who can argue with a paragon of truth like the Washington Post??? The only time biden has done anything other than tell a lie was by accident.. Why can’t you admit that he and his entire family are guilty of multiple crimes?? The evidence is truly overwhelming, even with the secret service pretending to not know that the coke found in the white house belonged to Hunter..

  • Ming O'Mongo says:

    How many lies will some part of the public accept? Ask yourself whether the Nigerian prince/princess scam still works?

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