Hollywood Takes Off The Mask: This is Who They Are

Hollywood Takes Off The Mask: This is Who They Are

Hollywood Takes Off The Mask: This is Who They Are

The Hollywood elite gathered again in a tent to don haute couture and congratulate each other with awards and just like the Met Gala earlier last week, they were all unmasked.

Not an ugly piece of face fabric seen in a crowd of winners and nominees. I mean, imagine the struggle of being an actress and having to wear a mask to cover your pretty, little red pout. After all, some pretty little starlets got the lip injections to accentuate their perfect Cupid’s bow with the perfect shade of Dior lipstick just for the evening. A mask? Silly plebeians! Those are the for peasants! Take a gander. Not a mask in the house!

To say everyone was maskless is not entirely true. The non-celebrity staff was masked (read: The Help).

The Hollywood rich, donned in all their finery, got to choose luxury items to place in their custom swag bags such as a rum pairing dinner and a historical botanical tour at the Four Seasons Resort Nevis, West Indies, $600 body oil, luxury water villa stays in Bali and vitamins (to turn them superhuman so they can continue to be maskless). Oh, don’t worry. These products are supposedly “socially responsible”, supporting minorities across the globe (pinkies out). Oh, how generous and charitable of The Television Academy Foundation! They’re such do-gooders!

Keri Russell and Matthew Rhys of The Americans? Oh, the irony! The scene for this show is set in the 80s and the two actors who played KGB spies ended up, ultimately, going back to Communist Matushka Rossiya. Honestly, these idiots don’t even know how tragically funny they are.

Seems the only person who called out the hypocrisy in Tinsel Town was Seth Rogen:

Let me start by saying there is way too many of us in this little room! What are we doing? They said this was outdoors! It’s not! They lied to us. We’re in a hermetically sealed tin right now. I would not have come to this! Why is there a roof? It is more important that we have three chandeliers than that we make sure we don’t kill Eugene Levy tonight. That is what has been decided.

I went from wiping my groceries to having Paul Bettany sneeze in my face. That’s a big week. If anyone is going to sneeze in my face, Paul, I want it to be you. All right, that’s all the jokes I wrote.”-Seth Rogen

At least you shop for your own groceries, Seth. And it’s okay if Paul Bettany sneezes in your face. He’s vaccinated, right, Cedric The Entertainer?

Because vaccinated, Hollywood, elitist germs are not like those dirty, peasant germs, you see. Should we bet they defecate sparkles that smell like roses? But kids in schools and their teachers and staff, K-12, across the country, carry filthy, disgusting germs and they must be thwarted at every turn because left to their own devices, they will spread em!

Some of these germ-carrier children are under 12 and Delta super-spreaders, they will defend. They MUST be masked! WTF is right, parents of school-aged children. WTF is right, vaccinated Americans who are now told you still need to mask-up. WTF all around on this one.

But the elites will still whine. Eww, David, mask-up. Hollywood may be COVID-and-mask-free for one special evening of congratulatory splendor but those nasty germs that restaurant workers or patrons transmit? Better wear your face diaper folks or they will shut you down. COVID-laden sweat droplets passed on from commoner to commoner at local gyms? You wanna gain another 15 pounds on another lockdown? If not, behave yourself and wear your mask. And those Jesus-loving freaks in church? Well, they’re going to kill us all if they keep assembling like they are! Parents watching your kids’ football and wrestling matches? Mask up and make sure they do, too, because you can bleed on ’em but you can’t breathe on ’em!

I did not watch the display of these self-indulgent, Hollywood snobs on the red carpet last night. There is nothing they do that provides any amount of significance in my life. But Hollywood is making a few statements here and forcing us to ponder. By gathering in a tent in close proximity, are we to think this pandemic is now over? If so, asking for myself and some friends, can we please go back to normal? Their maskless statement may utter this or something even more sinister-that certain classes are beyond reproach and above following rules and mandates. If this is the trajectory we are traveling towards, we are in big trouble. When someone shows you who they are, believe them. Their masks have come off. It’s time our gloves do.

Photo Credit: Davide Alberani/FlickR/Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-SA 2.0)/Cropped

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