Kim Godwin: Trump Is “As Racist As They Come”

Kim Godwin: Trump Is “As Racist As They Come”

Kim Godwin: Trump Is “As Racist As They Come”

ABC President Kim Godwin wants all of her good “journalists” to walk in lockstep up all the way up to November.

In fact, she wants to make damn-well sure that none of the mindless, overpaid, talking heads say anything that would be the least bit favorable about Donald Trump. And she wants to make sure of it.

In order to unpack what Godwin said and why she said it, we must first go back to Trump’s rally in South Carolina this past Friday where he said this:

I got indicted a second time, a third time, and a fourth time, and a lot of people said that’s why the black people like me.”-Donald Trump

A stretch to say he was “discriminated against”? Yeah, nope. A selling point as to why DJT deserves a second shot at The White House? Hardly. In good taste? Probably not. Could Trump stand to stop making things about him? Abso-freaking-lutely. But “as racist as they come”? Really? When we have a guy who said this in back in 2020?

Thoughtless musings from an old, white guy who should be indicted along with his crooked offspring but I digress. Getting back to ABC News President, Kim Godwin, who is Black and who did not vote for “racist extraordinaire”, Donald Trump but voted for the Jackalope who told her that she wasn’t Black if she didn’t vote for him. Makes sense, right?

No matter one’s politics, the fact that a person running for President of the United States made these remarks period – but also to a public crowd – and with so many black people present – and that they stand with him – is mind blowing. Shocking.”-Kim Godwin, President, ABC News

Ms. Godwin, how, is this worse than accusing Black people of “not being Black” should they choose not to stand with a certain candidate?

Nonetheless, there were a few curious takes on X:

As racist as they come. Hey “journalists”? Who said this?

Look at what they value and look at their budget and what they’re proposing. They’re going to put y’all back in chains.”

No, silly Democrats! It was not Donald Trump. Since I feel we’re playing a little game here, I’ll take Famous, Racial Presidential Quotes for $500, Kim…

…unlike the African American community, with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community with incredibly different attitudes about different things.”


Who is…Joe Biden. Famous, Racial Presidential Quotes for $1,000, Ms. Godwin:

That’s like saying you . . . before you got in this program, “you’re” take a test whether you’re taking cocaine or not. What do you think? Huh? Are you a junkie?”


Who is…again, Joe Biden. And no, he was not talking to his son who is a cocaine-addicted junkie. He was talking to a Black reporter who asked him if he had taken a cognitive test.

Here we go-one more question: Who did the eulogy for a former KKK member?

I must admit. I am still having fun with this little game of ours. Let’s continue with a few fill in the blanks, here. Who called Barack Obama “clean and articulate”?

Who, in 1977, didn’t want his children “growing up in a jungle”?

Who thinks “poor kids” are just as “bright and intelligent” as White kids?

Oh, that Joe Biden is just a silly old man gaffe machine, so they say. He’s an “innocent grandpa” that does not know how his words come out! No…wait..we’re telling a different story now. That narrative was soooo 2020. Joe Biden is strong, competent. He’s young-at-heart and full of vim and vigor! Hey, he still has an active sex life!

According to this, Godwin’s days may be numbered as she did get what looks to be a demotion. Her new boss is a white woman from Disney. In this case, Godwin may need to eke out a few last-ditch efforts at “journalistic excellence” before the fateful day in November. Fall in line and repeat after the news director, good people of the media: “Orange Man Bad”. (Nod in unison, reporters and anchors and agree.) More adjectives to describe the racist orange man? Look no further than some assist from Karine Jean Pierre. Repugnant. Divisive. No self-respecting “journalist” in The White House press pool would give any thought to anything Trump says as not racist. They have, however, been ignoring the crotchety, old, popcorn/corn-pop-brained racist that is currently in office for the almost four years now.

This is just one inter-office memo from a major network that leaked out. How many more are we not seeing? The sad thing is that the word “racist” has been overused. Everyone and everything has become “racist”. Unfortunately, Kim Godwin may have inadvertently exposed the media’s favorite Presidential candidate as the true racist. Say what you will about, Trump but Joe Biden is as racist as they come.

Photo Credit: Committee to Protect Journalists, CC BY 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons/Cropped

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  • GWB says:

    The main reason blacks (and so many others) are sliding in some quantity toward Trump is the exact same quality that brought him all those votes in 2016: he talks like you matter, as an American, instead of whatever grievance group the Dems are currently promoting over against you. He says that America includes you and that he wants to make America great again.

    Anyone who doesn’t see that as a generally winning message is not really focused on Americans like you and me – no matter who that “you” is.

  • John Shepherd says:

    I am not going to get outraged by this. If Tim Scott were the nominee they would be calling him “Th Black Face of White Supremacy.’ it’s what they do.

  • Mad Celt says:

    Sure, you’re the big Racism Detector and Trump causes your alarms to go off so we need to believe you, right? Well, I am the big BS Detector and you have caused my alarms to go off.

  • Cameron says:

    Black bigot says what?

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