Gavin Newsom Cosplays President In China

Gavin Newsom Cosplays President In China

Gavin Newsom Cosplays President In China

Do you remember the Summer of 2022 when Joe Biden left the White House unlocked while he was out and California Governor Gavin Newsom went in to measure for drapes and see how the chair in the Oval Office felt? You can natter on all day about how you are NOT running for President, but Governor Hair Gel’s actions speak loudly. He IS running for President. Joe Biden’s in the way now, but there is a long time between now and then. Lot’s could happen. That’s why Newsom is in China cosplaying as President. He’s burnishing his foreign policy chops.

Gavin Newsom, while burnishing, is giving aid and comfort to our enemies. He toured a automotive plant and saw a self-driving boat car and also talking climate change with the locals. You say “strategic diplomacy” and I say burnishing. While Newsom is there talking climate change with people who don’t give two rats’ fannies about climate change, the Chinese are laughing about him and us behind our backs.

Per Politico:

California Gov. Gavin Newsom is handing his current and possible future Republican opponents a potent line of political attack in his trip to China this week.

The Democratic governor is pitching the visit as strategic diplomacy aimed at connecting China’s competitive edges in clean energy technology and policy with his administration’s ambitious carbon emission reduction goals.

While Newsom’s focus on the world’s largest climate polluter stands to bolster his reputation among Democrats, it’s also sparked a new opposition campaign from Republicans, who are already using the trip to tie Newsom to the Chinese government.

“Governor Newsom’s effort to cozy up to the Chinese Communist Party is delusional,” said Rep. Michelle Steel (R-Calif.). Newsom should instead “be concerned about the CCP’s control of the critical mineral supply chains as he prepares to ban gasoline-powered cars by 2035.”

California is a hellhole and banning gas cars isn’t going to clean up the environment, especially if China keeps polluting more. Can these people reason things out? A coal-fire wind is going to blow right across the Pacific Ocean to magnificent Santa Catalina Island.

And, by the way, the entire Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is laughing at Newsom’s walk. Behold:

I cannot unsee that. I don’t remember that California walk when I lived there. Must be all the excrement lying around. Before you watch the following video, remember that memos of understanding have no force of law and just mean the parties agree to talk more:

Although that is a cool turn and I DO want a car/boat. I don’t think that I want an electric car/boat. I remember something bad happens with electricity and water. Gavin is about as deep as a Spring puddle if he doesn’t know about all the coal fired plants in China. Interesting that during the Covid lockdown, Gavin Newsom gave the No-Bid contract for those masks to BYD. Remember? The ones that didn’t work.

If you have a weak stomach, don’t watch this next video. I am ready to row to China to handle the dog killers.

These? These are the people Gavin Newsom is testing his Presidential mettle on? Sorry, bub. They are laughing at you and killing people and dogs. Gavin is running. Don’t kid yourself.

Composite: Rajita Ranasinghe/ CommonsKanaka Rastamon/ Commons

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1 Comment
  • Scott says:

    Should have listened to McArthur and nuked these bastards into oblivion in the 50’s.. any group that would do that to a dog… no better than the Ham-Ass sub humans…the only thing that’ll fix that problem is canned sunshine…

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