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New analyses have popped up showing that yes, there are more voting irregularities. Not only that, but they’re huge. Yet the media continue their gaslighting, telling Americans to move along. There’s nothing to see here. And, as of this writing, they have ignored this new information.
On Monday, data scientists from the Data Integrity Group revealed that over 432,000 votes in Pennsylvania were removed from Trump’s totals. Moreover, on December 30 that same group testified before the Georgia state senate that President Trump mysteriously lost 30,000 votes. What’s more, in one Georgia county over 12,000 votes switched from Trump to Joe Biden.
But back to Pennsylvania.
Using time-series election data, the Data Integrity Group found that in 15 counties both Election Day and absentee ballots for Trump decreased rather than increased, as expected. There was no explanation, nor did this occur for any other candidate. One member of the group said:
“There were vote movements across all candidates. However, we did not see the same type of negative decrements to any of the [other] candidates that we saw with President Trump’s tallies, and they happened repeatedly with no explanation.”
The DIG didn’t blame any group, person, or voting machine manufacturer for what they observed. They just reported the facts, ma’am.
So who is this group?
The Epoch Times, which broke the PA story, reports that the Data Integrity Group is “a group of scientists, engineers, and machine learning experts who have been working together to check whether or not there was manipulation of data in the 2020 general election.” One member is Justin Mealey, a Navy veteran with experience in electronic warfare and cryptology. Another is Dave Lobue, who has worked in data science and machine learning across diverse industries.
The DIG isn’t taking a political stand. Instead, they’re urging these states to authorize forensic audits. It’s irresponsible to certify results otherwise.
“The bottom line is the errors were made. Data confirms these errors and it shouldn’t matter if they were machine or human, they’re still errors and deserve a second review and thorough analysis with forensic audits to find the answers.”
Meanwhile, the media continue their gaslighting of the America public. Like the Washington Post, which “debunked” all of Trump’s claims of voter fraud. Was Dominion software compromised? No, says the WaPo. Did the federal government find any evidence of voter fraud? Once again, the WaPo says no.
And just to be helpful, the WaPo even quoted Attorney General Bill Barr, who said that “we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election.”
The gaslighting continued on CNN, where Watergate icon Carl Bernstein insisted that both Republicans and Democrats should call on Trump to resign. Like, NOW! because Trump committed sedition or something.
Sure, Carl. Worse than Watergate!
The Fakenews cult is worse than Heavensgate
— John Henry (@fake_news_u_r) January 4, 2021
On his weblog, cartoonist Scott Adams (who has more IQ points than the average CNN reporter), showed how the “Fake News Industry” has been gaslighting America. Take a quote out of context (e.g., the Georgia phone call), use loaded words, and repeat the lie.
Meanwhile, as TN Sen. Marsha Blackburn wrote, “more than 74 million Americans who voted for President Donald Trump have justifiably lost confidence in the electoral system. . .”
“We must protect the sanctity of the ballot box because if we ignore these issues now, then nothing will change and the trust in future elections — the bedrock of our representative form of government — will be shaken forever.”
But the media, Democrats, and establishment Republicans want you to believe this:
This guy won the Guinness Book of World Records for most votes.
— John Henry (@fake_news_u_r) November 6, 2020
If you believe the election results stink to high heaven, you’re not crazy. Nor are you a Trump cultist. You know that if the same information about voting irregularities had occurred in 2016 in favor of Hillary Clinton, the media would’ve all over that news like stink on . . well, you know. After all, they used every sketchy tidbit about Russia, Russia, Russia! to declare Donald Trump to be an “illegitimate” president.
Meanwhile, the media and the Democrats are destroying whatever confidence patriotic citizens have had in the election system. But 74 million Americans will not forget.
Welcome, Instapundit readers!
Featured image: Steve Snodgrass/flickr/cropped/CC BY 2.0.
The way I’ve heard it, the Edison data these people are working from was rounded for display purposes. And sometimes rounding errors go up, sometimes they go down.
I’m not saying that there isn’t a good basis here to demand an audit, to get discovery on the unrounded time series data. There is. But this is a long way from a smoking gun, it’s just smoke that might lead to a smoking gun.
You have to be aware of the details, or you’ll be blindsided by opponents who are aware of them. We need to fight SMART, not just fight!
Right. Smoking guns and proof come from investigating. Investigations are launched on allegations and irregularities in data/statements/whatever that indicate something is not right. Demanding a smoking gun before investigating is hardly fighting “SMART”.
Given a vote is a whole number, what do you round it up to?
Or is this an admission that the votes were fractionally weighted and counted?
Even if they were rounded to the nearest 10 – its doubtful one could find 2 orders of magnitude difference as the rounding errors should largely cancel.
Pay no attention to the leftist behind the curtain.
What wouId you round the 432,000 Trump votes to, Brett?
Iet me guess……432,000 Trump votes, rounds to 100,000 Biden votes. Got it.
[…] Gaslighting Goes On Despite New Voting Irregularities. Kim Hirsch – “the media continue their gaslighting of the America public. Like the Washington Post, which “debunked” all of Trump’s claims of voter fraud. Was Dominion software compromised? No, says the WaPo. Did the federal government find any evidence of voter fraud? Once again, the WaPo says no.” … “If you believe the election results stink to high heaven, you’re not crazy. Nor are you a Trump cultist.” […]
There’s a string on Bernsteins back and if you pull the string it says – ‘worse than Watergate’
[…] To His Armed Standoff With Police, also, SEAL Pleads Guilty In Death Of Green Beret Victory Girls: Gaslighting Goes On Despite New Voting Irregularities Volokh Conspiracy: Ohio Governor Signs Repeal of Duty To Retreat Weasel Zippers: WI Legislature […]