Garland To 60 Minutes: I Am Totally Not A Partisan Hack

Garland To 60 Minutes: I Am Totally Not A Partisan Hack

Garland To 60 Minutes: I Am Totally Not A Partisan Hack

Attorney General Merrick Garland is always having to explain why it just LOOKS like he’s got his thumb pressed on the scales of justice. I wonder why?

Garland has gone before Congress to be brought to account as to why his Justice Department feels it’s totally cool to call parents “domestic terrorists” for speaking up at school board meetings (oh that was someone else’s fault, not his), why the FBI felt it was a worthwhile effort to attempt to infiltrate Catholic churches to look for pro-life radicals (someone else’s fault, not his), or why the investigation into Hunter Biden has taken years and only got lit up when whistleblowers came forward and implicated him (David Weiss’s fault, not his, but he’ll give Weiss special counsel status NOW if that will make everyone happy). And now Merrick Garland is going to the American public, via Scott Pelley on “60 Minutes,” to insist that they just have to TRUST him.

Merrick Garland: We do not have one rule for Republicans and another rule for Democrats. We don’t have one rule for foes and another for friends. We don’t have one rule for the powerful and another for the powerless, for the rich or for the poor, based on ethnicity. We have only one rule; and that one rule is that we follow the facts and the law, and we reach the decisions required by the Constitution, and we protect civil liberties.

Scott Pelley: Are you essentially saying as attorney general to the American people, “Trust me”?

Merrick Garland: Well, in the end, I suppose it does in the end come down to trust. But it’s not just me. It’s decades of the– of the norms of this department that are part of the DNA of the career prosecutors who are running the investigation and supervising the investigations that you’re talking about.

Okay, I have a REAL easy test for Attorney General Garland. What charges will Representative Jamaal Bowman be facing for pulling the fire alarm on Saturday? After all, your Justice Department has been VERY busy tracking down and charging anyone who merely set FOOT in the Capitol on January 6th. You even admit to Pelley that you’re STILL looking for people to charge!

Merrick Garland: We’ve arrested and brought charges against more than 1,100 people. There are– more to come. The videos that every single person happened to have on their phones that security cameras had, that bystanders had, that the media had at the time disclose faces, some of which we have not yet been able to connect to people.

Scott Pelley: You’re looking for new suspects, new defendants, still?

Merrick Garland: Yeah. That’s not that they’re new suspects, but they are people that we haven’t found yet.

Scott Pelley: Why do these prosecutions mean so much to you?

Merrick Garland: Because this is a fundamental aspect of our democracy. If we can’t ensure that this kind of behavior doesn’t recur, it will occur. The prosecutions we bring are deterrents against that from happening.

Ignorance of the law is no defense, Mr. Attorney General. Bowman pulled a fire alarm, admitted to it, and claimed that he, a former charter school principal, was too stupid to know that pulling the lever on the wall that said “FIRE” would set off an alarm instead of unlocking a door. There’s a statute that was violated. When can we expect charges? Or do we have one rule for the elites, and another rule for the peasants?

While we play the Final Jeopardy theme music in the background, waiting for the Attorney General to act in this case, let’s look at how Merrick Garland tries to portray himself as some valiant defender of democracy.

Attorney General Garland leads 115,000 employees prosecutors, agents of the FBI, and other federal law enforcement. Additional security is now assigned to protect judges and prosecutors after the Trump cases drew death threats. Political violence is among Garland’s gravest concerns.

Merrick Garland: People can argue with each other as much as they want and as vociferously as they want. But the one thing they may not do is use violence and threats of violence to alter the outcome. An important aspect of this is the American people themselves. American people must protect each other. They must ensure that they treat each other with civility and kindness, listen to opposing views, argue as vociferously as they want, but refrain from violence and threats of violence. That’s the only way this democracy will survive.

Scott Pelley: Why do you feel so strongly about that?

Merrick Garland: Well, I feel it for a number of reasons and a number of things that I’ve seen. But for my own family, who– who– fled religious persecution in Europe and some members who did not– survive. When they got to the United States, United States protected them. It guaranteed– that they could practice their religion, that they could vote, they could do all the things they thought a democracy would provide. That’s the difference between this country and many other countries. And it’s my responsibility, it’s the Justice Department’s responsibility to ensure that that difference continues, that we protect each other.

Oh, this is some straight up unmitigated bullshit here. I remember, as anyone with a memory longer than two years would, when the Dobbs decisions was leaked and there were organized protests at the homes of Supreme Court justices… and it took direct complaints from elected officials – including the governors of Maryland and Virginia at the time – before Merrick Garland finally agreed to provide protection for the SCOTUS justices. Which proved necessary, as an armed man who confessed to being ready to kill was arrested outside Justice Kavanaugh’s home just weeks later. But sure, Garland is DEEPLY concerned about “political violence.” Is this deep concern born out of the fact that his inaction could have gotten a Supreme Court justice assassinated? Oh wait, this desire for extra security is because of the TRUMP cases. Wow. Call me crazy, but I’m seeing two tiers of “concern” here!

Maybe, Mr. Attorney General, people are claiming that there are two rules of justice – “for my friends, everything; for my enemies, the law” – because they see it repeatedly in how you run your Department of Justice. You claim that Joe Biden has never told you to not prosecute Hunter! That’s because you are on the SAME SIDE. Joe Biden doesn’t HAVE to tell you anything, because he is your political friend, and you have the same goals! We see the endless prosecutions of pro-life activists and convictions with potentially lengthy sentences, and contrast that with indictments, but no trial yet, of four people affiliated with Antifa and “Jane’s Revenge”.

But Garland would like everyone to know that he’s not bitter about not ever getting to be a Supreme Court justice.

Are we looking at the biggest case of sour grapes ever, coupled with a unhealthy dose of power, enabling a very angry older man to take his hurt feelings out on those he sees as his political enemies? Garland insists that’s not the case. But if that’s not so, it’s kinda funny how often he has to keep telling us that he’s totally fair and nonpartisan and who are we gonna trust, Merrick Garland or our lying eyes?

Featured image: original Victory Girls art by Darleen Click

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  • Kevin says:

    Here’s what you missed on 60 minutes … the other story about Sam Bankman-Fried. Bankman-Fried met with Mitch McConnell and offered to give him billions of dollars to run ads against the 280 pound Malignant Tumor. The other thing … Bankman-Fried put out an offer to the Malignant Tumor’s camp (advisors) about how much it would cost him to pay the Malignant Tumor not to run. $5,000,000,000 … that’s about as much as he over-valued his properties. No confirmation as to whether that amount was proposed by the Malignant Tumor or his advisors. That was eye opening; not the interview with Merrick Garland.

  • therealguyfaux says:

    Somehow, “faithless underlings” is just what you’d expect from this shitweasel.

  • Chris in Va. says:

    I haff never been ze partisan hack und I haff never even met a partisan hack in my entire life, ya! I vood not know one if I even saw one.

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