Duncan Hunter Defense: Throw Wife Under The Bus [VIDEO]

Duncan Hunter Defense: Throw Wife Under The Bus [VIDEO]

Duncan Hunter Defense: Throw Wife Under The Bus [VIDEO]

Congressman Duncan Hunter (R-CA) and his wife Margaret, are in major trouble. They’ve been indicted on charges of illegally using campaign funds for personal gain. The details aren’t pretty.

Duncan and Margaret Hunter pleaded not guilty Thursday morning to federal charges that they had stolen a quarter of a million dollars in campaign funds to furnish their lavish lifestyle. The Hunters had been indicted earlier this week, accused of spending the campaign money on expenses including a $14,000 Italian vacation, groceries and other household items.

Yeah, right now none of this bodes well for either of them if the charges stick. Sadly it also seems that Duncan didn’t learn from his father’s misfortunes.

However, Duncan has adopted Hillary’s ‘throw others under the bus’ defense. Specifically he throws his wife under the bus.

Yes folks, he actually said that. Here’s video.

In fact, he threw his wife under the bus multiple times.

Wow. What a peach of a guy. Look, they are facing some pretty serious charges here. Charges that, if true, could mean fines and/or jail time. Throwing the blame onto your wife and trying to deflect by calling out your political opponent a democrat socialist isn’t a good look. Telling the public that you haven’t tracked your finances since 2003 when you gave your wife power of attorney? ‘I knew nothing’ is quite an interesting defense.

And because of the charges, he’s lost power in Congress. 

House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., this week called the charges “deeply serious” and said Hunter would be removed from the three House committees on which he sat. Hunter agreed to comply with Ryan’s request and step down from his assignments — avoiding the spectacle of a debate and vote on the House floor.

The indictment covers multiple charges of spending and supposedly concealing their spending of campaign funds for personal use between 2006 and 2016. They include:

More than $15,000 – The amount the Hunters allegedly spent on airline tickets and hotel rooms for, among others, their children, relatives, family friends and the family’s pet rabbit.

More than $14,000 – What was allegedly spent on a family Thanksgiving vacation in Italy in 2015.

More than $11,300 – The amount of campaign funds allegedly spent at Costco.

More than $9,000 – The amount of campaign money allegedly spent on alcohol and groceries for family and friends at various supermarkets.

More than $6,500 – The amount allegedly spent in campaign funds for a Hawaiian vacation in April 2015.

Morethan $5,700 – What the couple allegedly spent in campaign funds at Wal-Mart.

More than $3,300 – The amount allegedly spent at fast-food restaurants.

More than $2,400 – What the couple is accused of spending in campaign dollars for a Las Vegas vacation in August 2011.

Not only that, but they supposedly labeled purchases as different types of campaign expenses. 

In FEC filings, the couple mischaracterized their purchases as “campaign travel,” “dinner with volunteers/contributors,” “toy drives” and “teacher/parent and supporter events,” among other deceptions, prosecutors said. For example, family dental bills paid with campaign money were listed as a charitable donation to “Smiles for Life,” according to prosecutors.

Hunter has paid $60,000 back into the campaign over the last couple of years since allegations started surfacing.

However, if the charges hold and either or both are found guilty, each faces at least three-five years of prison time. The district Hunter represents is still leaning Republican and it is too late to take Hunter’s name off the ballot. Thus, if he wins the race, but loses in court – a special election will be the result.

Hunter was one of the very first to endorse candidate Trump for President. Needless to say, that didn’t play well across California politics. Nor has it played well in DC politics. Does this mean Hunter was specifically targeted given his track record regarding campaign misuse? It’s possible.

Either way this case goes, throwing your wife under the bus to protect yourself and your political career is a bad move. A very bad move.

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