Does Donald Trump Have A Chance To Win In 2024?

Does Donald Trump Have A Chance To Win In 2024?

Does Donald Trump Have A Chance To Win In 2024?

Does Donald Trump have a prayer of a chance to win the Presidential Election of 2024? Since even before he announced in November, 2022, we have been told by people that he CANNOT win. There is no path to the Presidency. On that day in November, 2022 that may have been true. The problem is: life is dynamic. Nothing ever stays the same. So could Trump win the Presidency in 2024?

The short answer is YES, of course. Under certain circumstances, even Asa Hutchinson could win. Stop laughing. That was a palate cleanser, but it is true. Our most knowledgeable political prognosticators have told us that a certain percentage of the voting public will vote against Trump giving his opponent the win.

Back in June of this year, one of my favorite political writers tweeted:

I personally know and love many people who feel that way. They say Trump can’t win. He’s too polarizing. I respect them and their candidate of choice: Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. I REFUSE to say a negative word about RDS. It is counter-productive and I intend to vote for the Republican candidate for President in 2024 and I don’t want to eat my words.

By the way, don’t fall in love with a Presidential candidate. They are all flawed and will all let you down. The last candidate I LOVED was Mitt Romney. Lesson learned. Be ice cold in your assessment of any political candidate. Remember, you mean nothing to them and they are, most likely, lying.

Republicans like Kurt Schlichter, Chris Christie and Neil Cavuto tell us that Trump cannot win and everyone on the Left tells us so. Check out this Uriah Heep guy, David Pakman:

Trump may very well lose in 2024. Life is not static; it is very dynamic. Stick to your overarching principles, but don’t get too locked in to a candidate. When I see DeSantis v. Trump Twitter fights, I despair. What is wrong with you people? The most important thing is beating the Democrats in 2024, we are going to have to pull together to make that happen. No more Twitter fights.

That’s why I was happy when I saw that Kurt Schlichter had written this article for Town Hall:

Can Trump Actually Win in November?

Kurt, my dude! He wrote:

There’s a huge difference between some chud with a username like @MagaBeefcake8008 insisting that Trump can win in the general election, and some neutral guy who’s earned a little bit of respect for actually performing adequately over time with his predictions saying so. Well, that’s happening. People who are not bizarre weirdos who previously thought Donald Trump was doomed in the general are now arguing that Donald Trump might well win. Is it true? That’s debatable, and I am not convinced. But what’s not debatable is that some intelligent and reasonable people who are not involved in Trump’s campaign and who have no dog in the fight have changed their minds about Trump’s ability to win in November. Wherever you stand on an issue, you have to consider all the evidence, even if it challenges what you think. Especially if it challenges what you think.

Welcome to the party, Pal. Dreams to come true. I am going to keep an open mind until I cast my vote in the Tennessee primary. More:

This bears close examination because electability is key. Much of the rationale behind a Ron DeSantis campaign is that Ron DeSantis really can win in November while Trump really can’t. His recent disposal of that human hairstyle of a Cali governor reaffirmed his skills. Governor RDS is a great guy – I support him in the primary, though I will vote for the GOP nominee, even if it is Nikki Bush Haley (gag me with a 5-inch heel). DeSantis is better on the issues than Trump, but the fact is that Trump is more than good enough on policy. Yeah, he’s had some fails, like his COVID nonsense, but an actual conservative should be thrilled to have another Trump presidency compared with another term of the pinko freaknik that is the Biden show. You can be annoyed by DJT’s dumb nicknames and ridiculous social media ramblings, but none of that matters. He is not running to be your buddy or role model. He’s running to be your president.

So, if Trump takes electability off the table, his only real competitor – Ron DeSantis has a problem. And no, Nikki Haley is not a competitor, unless the Earth slips through a wormhole and is transported back in time 20 years to when her establishment corporation-stroking brand of hack failure conservatism was ascendant.

Tis true. RDS beat Governor Hair Gel like a rented mule.

But, when did the Republican establishment narrative start to change regarding Trump’s ability to win in 2024. I don’t think the horrific U.S. economic situation did it. First, there was the Afghanistan withdrawal, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the October 7 Hamas attack on the innocent of Israel.

The existential fear is what making many take another look at Trump. I am going to watch all of the candidates until Primary day. Life could turn around big time again. In the meantime, keep reading and thinking. Trump might could win.

Featured Image: Gage Skidmore/ Commons

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  • John Shepherd says:

    Trump can beat Biden on the mulligan vote. Trump can beat Harris because she is dumb. Trump can’t beat anyone else. He would lose to Bernie Sanders. The people saying Trump can win assume a rematch with Biden. That is not going to happen. As soon as Trump wraps up the nomination the Democrats will discover that Biden is a liability and dump him. They will pick the person who will beat Trump like a drum. It won’t Gavin Newson or Michelle Obama. It is very likely to be Gretchen Whitmer.

    And Trump did terrible job with COVID. He abrogated leadership.

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