DNC: Joy On The Inside, Chaos And Carnage Outside

DNC: Joy On The Inside, Chaos And Carnage Outside

DNC: Joy On The Inside, Chaos And Carnage Outside

Tuesday’s DNC line-up was pretty much a snooze fest. It seems as if the action was all outside the venue.

It all kicked off with the state “roll call” and the theme that was ongoing throughout the evening:

Kamala Harris is READY for this job.

DJ Cassidy, the party deejay of the elite (he spun at Jay-Z and Beyonce’s wedding in 2008), played all the tunes and inserted some cringe monologues in between state roll calls. Yo, yo, yo. Hawaii claimed to be the “Aloha” state-all about the peace and the love, kindness and killing babies. Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan claimed to value individual freedom (except when she locked everything down in her state), New Jersey represented the they/them/ he/she crowd with the “doctor” in a purple dress, Gavin and Nancy were all smiles for California and… West Virginia? Woah. I don’t even know what to say about West Virginia! What the hell is going on in West Virginia?

With all of that said, all of them said, Kamala Harris is ready for this job.

Bernie Sanders said it as he threw out his usual, boring talking points about more government control. JB Pritzker said it. Michelle Grisham said it. Tammy Duckworth echoed in the chamber while Second Gentleman, Doug Emhoff said “Momala” was ready. Then, came the Obamas.

And while all was a party on the inside at the DNC, the streets of Chicago saw more violence and, yes, murders.

Don’t worry, though. They couldn’t crush (ahem) the vibe of laughter and hope and joy, joy, joy, joy and more joy all over the place. They used words like “women’s reproductive care” and even threw in IVF a couple of times to show how “pro-children” they are.

All were smiles at the DNC. At least 25 young lives ended outside of their walls. This, to the Democrats, is cause for celebration. And, while individuals sacrificed their unborn children in a bus, chaos also boiled up in the Chicago streets:

The above, happened on Monday, but the protests intensified last night outside the Israeli consulate:

Dozens gathered about 7 p.m. outside the consulate, located at 500 W. Madison St. in the West Loop, over 1 mile from the United Center, where the DNC is taking place.”-Mark Rivera and Chuck Goudie, ABC News

At several points, protesters confronted police and pushed through CPD lines, marching around the immediate area.

Protesters were also seen hitting police with wooden placards.”-Mark Rivera and Chuck Goudie, ABC News

Hope. Inspiration. Joy, unspeakable joy.

Kamala Harris is ready for this job.

As Michelle Obama said at the DNC last night, something magical is in the air. Was it the smell of a burning American flag about a mile away? Did Tim Walz and his wife watch it burn or just inhale the fumes of the burning flags? They love the smell of a burning city.

As we watched the DNC last night (so you did not have to suffer through this), Michelle Obama reminisced of the familiar feelings of “hope” that were buried for far too long. For a while there, she wasn’t even proud to be an American. Over the past few years, Michelle had a deep feeling of dread in the pit of her stomach (that is, until her husband took Joe Biden out to pasture and shot him). Seriously, Michelle, so did we. And now, we are staring down the barrel of another four years. The Democrats do not see it this way, though. Michelle Obama claims to be renewed with a hope that is “contagious” because of all of the joy oozing out of Kamala Harris! How can anyone not see this hope in this “middle class” girl who went to private schools in another country and worked so hard to get to where she is today and her desire to be our next president? This hope, this joy, is demonstrated by Kamala’s “unwavering commitment” and the “steel of her spine” and, yes, of course, her joyful laughter!

Michelle worked the audience into a nice lather, enough to bring in all the feel-good-leg-tingles when she ushered in her husband, Barack, who echoed the same sentiments as everyone else:

Kamala Harris is ready for this job.

Of course, BHO had to give a bit of time (a month, to be exact) in between his campaigning for Biden and the admission that Kamala is THE ONE and ready for this job. The former president also made an interesting observation, pointed at Trump:

We do not need four more years of bluster of bumbling and chaos we have all seen this before and we know the sequel is worse.”-Barack Obama

As the vice-president, Kamala Harris was part of four years of bluster, bumbling and chaos. Yes, Barack. We have seen this before. And we do know that a sequel to this IS worse. They can talk about the years of Trump all they want. The Democrats are betting on the willful ignorance of their voter base to forget about the last four years.

And, really, all they have to do is exit the halls of joyful laughter to see it. Baby-killing abortion busses and burning flags in plain sight on the streets of Chicago outside of the DNC. In our cities every day, there is unrest, violence, homelessness, crime, drugs-all that have worsened over the past four years of which Kamala Harris was second-in-command. This is the sequel to Democrats in office for four more years. As all of these spineless clowns go home with their security detail, the Obamas wash their hands of all of it and enjoy their millions, our cities burn and children perish.

Too harsh? I don’t think so. So, when they say they have “joy”, and “hope”, think about the utter misery that every single one of them who got on stage last night inflicted upon the American people in 2020. Division. Lockdowns. Higher cost-of-living. The ushering in of unrest in our city streets. A general distain for our military and law enforcement. Open borders leading to crime and more despair. Wars overseas. Enemies laughing in our faces at our weakness. Carnage. Chaos.

This is the sequel. And, yes. Kamala Harris is ready for this job.

Photo Credit: Original Artwork by VG, Darleen Click

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  • Kevin says:

    You’re going to have to do better with your propaganda mouthpiece that reaches about 14 people on a good day. Here, let’s look at the truth …

    “Organizers anticipated there would be 30,000 to 40,000 protesters on hand for Monday’s kickoff. But only a few thousand showed up; police estimated 3,500. “There were more reporters than protesters,” observed Bennett Weiss. He was there selling Gaza-related buttons, including one that, he said, describes himself: “Self-Ambivalent Jew Against Zionism.”

    Here’s what is going to crawl under the skin of the Malignant Tumor … the DNC had 11.4 million viewers on night one. The RNC had 9.2 million viewers on night one. I can’t wait for the network viewership numbers to come out for the Tuesday night lineup … Does “get blown out of the water” mean anything to you?

    See you tomorrow to set the record straight … again.

    • John Shepherd says:

      Mr. Prdophole: did you enjoy your kill the Jews rally outside the convention?

    • Turtler says:

      Oh joy. Rummage Sale Roehm here to spew hateful, misogynist, Fascistic propaganda again.

      “You’re going to have to do better with your propaganda mouthpiece that reaches about 14 people on a good day.”

      There’s a lot to unpack here. But let’s start with the obvious.

      Firstly: “Going to have to do better with your propaganda mouthpiece that reaches about 14 people on a good day…”

      Considering the volume and distinct identities of the commentators involved, it’s probably well above 14. The site staff doubtless have access to the details.

      Secondly: “Going to have to do better…” Why?

      Even if your bullshit, strawman figures were true (And knowing how virtually nothing you have said in your entire public life is true), why? There’s a place for boutique, personal blogs with limited circulation. Why bother?

      Thirdly: Why the fuck are you attending to a website you claim is a “propaganda mouthpiece” with limited circulation? You obviously hate the people here. You obviously disagree with our beliefs, hence the endless projection and smears. So why do you stay? Is whatever paycheck you get for being the equivalent of a 50 Cent Army Stooge on here worth this?

      And please tell me you are getting paid to do this kind of phone in dishonest bullshit, because at least then it’d help prop up Slow Joe and Kamala the Cunt’s job numbers and I won’t have to consider someone so soulless they’ll spend time in an environment they hate spewing poison nobody except your soulmate “A Reader” believes for free.

      “Here, let’s look at the truth …”

      When the WaPo is outright contradicting the activists and city officials on sight, I’m not going to buy WaPo.

      “Here’s what is going to crawl under the skin of the Malignant Tumor … the DNC had 11.4 million viewers on night one. The RNC had 9.2 million viewers on night one. I can’t wait for the network viewership numbers to come out for the Tuesday night lineup … Does “get blown out of the water” mean anything to you?”

      When it comes to viewership numbers? Not really. Especially given how often they are cooked. Especially factoring in stremaing.

      “See you tomorrow to set the record straight … again.”

      Literally nothing about you is straight, Reject Sale Roehm.

  • Kevin says:

    Oh, forgot to mention the best description of the day which comes directly from the Malignant Tumor … Basement Dwellers! He always has the best “put down” names when it comes to his supporters. Democrats couldn’t have come up with a better description. Thank you, Malignant Tumor.

  • John C. says:

    Look up “Strength Through Joy.” The old ideas keep coming back…

    • Scott says:

      No doubt John, everything in their playback comes from the Nazis or Communists.. and just because Kevin feels a kinship with Walz, he who drinks horse semen, doesn’t change that fact. Kevin is either one of the dumbest individuals I’ve ever had the misfortune of listening to, or one of rhe most deceitful.and indoctrinated.. of course, ” AND” is always an option too

  • John Shepherd says:

    Kevin is mentally disturbed and is the kind of person who is working himself up to commit a violent act. He should be banned because there is the danger a negative comment will trigger him. I don’t think anybody here wants to be in any way responsible for that.

    I thought about this after my post. What if he goes violent because of what I said.

  • draigh says:

    The other shoe will drop before the end of September. The “Biden” Administration will, with a “swipe” of a pen, provide amnesty and voting rights to all illegal aliens currently in the country. Of course there will be repercussions other than 12 to 15 million additional “Democrat” votes. Now all those new “citizens” will require higher wages and benefits accorded all citizens. Another round of inflation is in our future!

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