In case you didn’t think the Left had already gone full bat guano crazy recently, here comes moonbat Sarah Silverman.
On Wednesday night, the erstwhile comedienne tweeted out — in all caps, no less — a call to overthrow the government. She added cute little emoji hearts, to show that she really is full of love.
And here we thought that “nasty” women and coochie costumes were deranged.
But wait, wasn’t this the same Sarah Silverman who gave a speech at the Democratic National Convention, exhorting fellow Bernie supporters that if they didn’t support Hillary Clinton they were “ridiculous?” And who was joined onstage by Sen. Al Franken, calling for “unity,” and praising the glories of democracy?
Why, yes. Yes, it was. Well, that was then. I wonder how she feels about the nation coming together in “unity” now?
Sarah’s heart-adorned tweet is positively nuts — seriously, who thinks an idiot like her can convince the U.S. military to overthrow their Commander-in-Chief? But, what she’s calling for appears to be treason. Here’s how my dictionary defines it:
Will anything happen to her? Nah, probably not. There are penalties ranging from a jail stint of no less than five years to death, but few people have been convicted.
But can anyone show me where any prominent conservative called for an overthrow of the government in 2008 and 2012? Anyone, anyone? Bueller, Bueller?
The Left have gone completely bonkers. It is truly a sad mental illness, isn’t it?
She doesn’t know the meaning of the word fear.
She doesn’t know the meaning of the word quit.
She doesn’t know the meaning of the word treason.
Apparently there are a whole lot of words she doesn’t know the meaning of.
Our intilly-eckchoowal betters, dontcha know?
But can anyone show me where any prominent conservative called for an overthrow of the government in 2008 and 2012?
Define “prominent”.
Though I think she IS an idiot, if she can point out why a coup is appropriate (like the President violating the Constitution, and Congress aiding and abetting that violation), then it would be a worthwhile discussion.
Quite simply, I don’t mind folks talking about revolution. I mind them being morons about it, but I don’t mind the discussion. After all, revolution is how we got our start, and one of its architects said:
The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure.
Of course, if the left wants to take this up, they should remember who the wannabe tyrants are…………