Dismantle Whole System Of Oppression – Ilhan Omar

Dismantle Whole System Of Oppression – Ilhan Omar

Dismantle Whole System Of Oppression – Ilhan Omar

Minnesota Representative Ilhan Omar said that we need to dismantle the entire system of oppression at a livestreamed event today, July 7, 2020. Criminal Justice reform is not enough. The entire system of political and economic oppression must be dismantled.

Ilhan Omar came to this country in 1995 as a Somali refugee. Twenty-four years later, she was elected as a Congresswoman to the United States House of Representatives. And yet, she wants to dismantle the system? In this history of the world, there has never been such a thankless wretch as this venomous hag. Omar should be down on her knees every day thanking the Creator that the Founding Fathers put their necks on the line so that she could come here and spew her virulent vitriol.

Omar claims that the oppression is even in the air we breath. I kid you not. In the video below, you only have to watch the first few minutes to hear her list of oppression grievances:

Yes, she wants to dismantle the whole system because companies make a profit? I agree the political system is corrupt, but Ilhan Omar is part of the corruption. The Left, of course, agrees with Omar the Anti-Semite.

I am thinking that if Omar had been born in the U.S.A. instead of Somalia, she would be high on Hidin’ Biden’s Veep list. In case you were still enjoying the Fourth on the fifth, Joe wants to transform America into…?

It’s safe to say that none of the Victory Girls are fans of Representative Ilhan Omar. We have written about her campaign finance and tax issues, bizarre relationship issues, her convenient Islamism (Islamashield), and her “some people did something” comment. Somehow, we missed writing about her anti-Semitism. I am sure this boil-brained, odoriferous wench will give us an opportunity to make up for the oversight.

Donald Trump, Jr. wondered if Creepy Joe Biden knew that Ilhan wants to dismantle the whole system. Ilhan said that Trump, Jr. didn’t comprehend about what she said and questioned his education:

What? What did Donald Trump, Jr. get wrong? What didn’t he understand? Dismantle is a pretty easy word to grasp. Ilhan doesn’t have to explain; she is in a protected class. Muslim, woman, immigrant, congressweenie.

Noting that she lost her father to complications from Covid-19, Omar said:

“I see the pain and the havoc it is wreaking on the black community in Minneapolis,” Omar added. “We must recognize that these systems of oppression are linked. As long as our economy and political systems prioritizes profit without considering who is profiting, who is being shut out, we will perpetuate this inequity. So we cannot stop at criminal justice system. We must begin the work of dismantling the whole system of oppression wherever we find it.”

I could explain how profit leads to companies hiring more people who can then feed their families, but Ilhan Omar is dumber than an entire crate of rocks. I could explain that without profits there would be no taxes paid in to support her lifestyle in Congress. I could explain but I don’t give a … farthing, and she is incapable of understanding.

We have enough anti-American butt cracks that were born here. We need to do a better job of vetting immigrants. We also need to find a way to deport this dishonest, cheating skank.

Welcome Instapundit Readers!

Featured Image: Craig/Flickr.com/cropped/Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

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1 Comment
  • Harlan says:

    omar: “DIsmantle the economy!!! (…except for those parts of it that allow me to vastly enrich my own family under the table.)”

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