Dershowitz Under Fire After Joining Trump Team

Dershowitz Under Fire After Joining Trump Team

Dershowitz Under Fire After Joining Trump Team

Alan Dershowitz is, undeniably, one of the top legal minds in the United States of America. He didn’t vote for President Donald Trump; he may not even like him. Today, he joined the Trump legal team and the Left immediately began to smear him. How dare he care about the Constitution and the rights of the accused.

This isn’t the first time the left has gone after Dershowitz. Our Amanda noted that the Left went after him when he wrote an introduction to the Mueller Report. The law professor took a sober, legal look at the Report and wrote a thoughtful introduction. This in Liberal Land is a thought crime, punishable by shunning at cocktail parties, which is harsh punishment if you care. Give a Honey Badger Award to Dershowitz ’cause he don’t care.

Doubling-down, Professor Dershowitz has joined the legal team to represent President Trump in the bogus, partisan Impeachment Trial slated to start next week. A year and a half ago, the Professor published “The Case Against Impeaching Trump”, one of over 30 books he has written. So, he was a logical choice as an add to the Trump Team, along with Ken Starr, Pam Biondi and others.

In this brief video, the Harvard Law Professor Emeritus explains why he wrote “The Case Against Impeaching Trump”:

Imagine that? A man who cares about the law and the Constitution. Not today, bub. I knew what was up when I watched “Outnumbered” today. Forgive me, for I have sinned. Jessica Tarlov, the one with the bad vocal fry, piped up with, “He defended Jeffrey Epstein!”, when Dershowitz was mentioned. It only took 30 seconds on Twitter to find Dershowitz/Epstein trending.

Jake Tapper Tweeted:

Well, stop the presses. Top famous lawyers have worked on cases together, before. Here is how the above referenced Miami Herald brought up dead, alleged pedophile Jeffrey Epstein:

White House lawyers were successful in keeping Trump from adding House Republicans to the team, but they also advised him against tapping Dershowitz, according to two people who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss internal discussions. They’re concerned because of the professor’s association with Jeffrey Epstein, the millionaire who killed himself in jail last summer while awaiting trial on sex trafficking charges.

Yes, sure as venereal disease follows unprotected sex, break the Liberal rules and get slimed. How dare Alan Dershowitz believe that every accused person deserves a defense. For those of us who are culturally literate, we know he also defended Claus Von Bulow and golfer O.J. Simpson.

As Dershowitz said in the above video, the Left loves him when he says what they think he should say. I don’t like all the people that Alan Dershowitz defends. He loves the law and the Constitution. And, every accused person should be so lucky to get him. Finally, Honey Badger Don’t Care.

2015 Major Gifts Reception“2015 Major Gifts Reception” by jfedsrq is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

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