Democrats Have A Man Problem They’re Trying To Fix By Scolding

Democrats Have A Man Problem They’re Trying To Fix By Scolding

Democrats Have A Man Problem They’re Trying To Fix By Scolding

These polls don’t lie, and the way that Democrats are reacting, they know it is true. The Harris-Walz campaign is losing men.

And it’s not just white men. It’s also Latino men. And with the Trump campaign’s efforts in the black community, there is movement there, too. Not a lot, but enough to make Democrats nervous.

A string of polls out this week show that while Harris is outperforming former President Trump with women, she is not moving the needle with male voters, in some cases trailing the former president by more than a dozen points in battleground state polls.

This week, a New York Times/Siena College survey of likely male voters showed Trump with a sizable lead nationally — 51 percent to 40 percent — over Harris. Democratic strategists have also sounded the alarm that she needs to increase her numbers with Black and Latino men if she wants to defeat Trump, who has increased his numbers with both voting blocs.

A USA Today/Suffolk University poll also out earlier this week, for example, showed that in the battleground state of Arizona, 51 percent of Latino men between the ages of 18-34 support Trump, while 39 percent back Harris. But Trump’s support increases among Latino men ages 35-49 in the state: 57 percent said they support Trump, while 37 percent back Harris.

None of this is a new problem, in that Harris has had a gap with Trump among male voters since President Biden dropped out of the race and endorsed her.

But Democrats are getting more worried about the persistent shortfall with just weeks to go before the election.

“I don’t think people understand what a big problem we have on our hands with men,” one prominent Democratic strategist said. “Black men, Hispanic men, men in general.

“We can’t simply say, ‘Well, we have women,’” the strategist added. “Even if we win next month, we’re going to have to ask ourselves some hard questions when this is over.”

One donor took it a step further: “Men are gone, at least for this cycle.”

The Harris campaign has been desperate to try and recapture the male vote, but they apparently have no idea how to go about it. Their first impulses were to push both Second Gentlemen Doug Emhoff and vice presidential candidate Tim Walz out there as male role models. The Democrats were sure that this would work, because they were going to “reshape masculinity” and show that it was totally great for men to support women! This might have worked, if Tim Walz wasn’t a pandering weirdo who thought that wearing flannel made him manly, or if Doug Emhoff hadn’t been caught out knocking up the nanny, slapping his ex-girlfriend, and being accused of workplace harassment. Notice there isn’t a denial here.

So, Walz and Emhoff are a bust. What do Democrats do now? Wait, bring out “The Big Dog!”

“Dog” being the operative word here. Bill Clinton, who was supposedly banished to the cornfield after “Me Too” and “Believe All Women,” is having a comeback moment for Democrats, because apparently Bubba there knows how to talk to men (but don’t let him around women). But what if Mad Dog Bill doesn’t work? Hey, bring out Barack Obama! Let’s have him scold “the brothers” for not supporting Kamala Harris!

“We have yet to see the same kinds of energy and turnout in all corners of our neighborhoods and communities as we saw when I was running,” Obama, 63, said at a “Black Voters for Harris” event in Pittsburgh, ahead of a rally for Harris.

“I also want to say that that seems to be more pronounced with the brothers,” he added, referring to black men.

“[Y]ou’re coming up with all kinds of reasons and excuses,” the former president said of the lack of enthusiasm for Harris’ candidacy from some black men. “I’ve got a problem with that.

“Part of it makes me think that, well, you just aren’t feeling the idea of having a woman as president, and you’re coming up with other alternatives and other reasons for that,” Obama claimed.

Obama argued that it is “not acceptable” for black men to support former President Donald Trump.

Ohhhhhhkay. The reason “the brothers” are not enthusiastic about Kamala Harris is not because she’s a woman. Trust me, if Michelle Obama were running, the support in the black community for her candidacy would be nearly universal. Kamala Harris is NOT popular. She is an empty vessel. She dropped out of the 2020 primary because she had no support then. She was picked by Joe Biden for vice president solely because she was a woman of color. And when Joe Biden was summarily shoved off the top of the ticket, Kamala Harris was anointed as his replacement without a single primary vote. She was created as the nominee with exactly zero popular support. And the more people see of her, the more they are reminded WHY she failed as a presidential candidate on her own merit.

So, if you can’t blame men for not supporting Kamala Harris, maybe you can scold then and shame them into doing it! Maybe ads like this will work!

Now, this is not an official ad from the Harris-Walz campaign, but it was definitely created by supporters of the campaign – specifically, a former director for Jimmy Kimmel, who has a long history of Hollywood work. These are not “regular guys” – these are all actors. The director, Jacob Reed, put the ad out on his personal TikTok, but it hit Instagram through “Vote Save America,” a left-wing “one-stop shop” website for all things Democrat – volunteering, donating, and buying merchandise. Was this meant to be a parody of what Hollywood thinks normal men are like? Was this meant to be funny? Who told the guy sitting on the bed of the pickup truck to place his hands on his hip like that??? That’s the most unnatural sitting pose ever! Was this supposed to bring back the vibes and the joy?

No one likes to be scolded. No one likes to be mocked. No one likes to be blamed, or shamed, or coerced into supporting or voting for a candidate – male OR female. That Kamala Harris is a lackluster and vapid candidate is not the fault of male voters who see the empty pantsuit. This has nothing to do with gender, and it has everything to do with the candidate herself. A capable female candidate, who had survived an actual competitive primary and won out, would likely find much more enthusiasm among men than Kamala Harris. Maybe try that next time, Democrats, instead of trying to make “fetch” happen.

Featured image: Democrat donkey caricature via DonkeyHotey Flickr, cropped and modified, Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)

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