Democrat Staffer Gloats About Taxpayers Paying His Student Loan

Democrat Staffer Gloats About Taxpayers Paying His Student Loan

Democrat Staffer Gloats About Taxpayers Paying His Student Loan

Yes, it is we the American taxpayer who are footing the bills for Joe’s student loan policies. In an amazing show of hubris, a Democrat staffer gloats on X about his student loan getting “canceled.”

Well, Ben is correct on one point. Elections DO matter and Joe needs to get dumped ASAP. On the other hand, we the taxpayer are footing the bill for paying off these student loans. Which, is going to help add another TWO TRILLION dollars to our deficit. No, that’s not a typo.

Congress’ nonpartisan budget scorekeeper on Tuesday significantly increased its estimate of the U.S. budget gap, predicting that the nation will run a $2 trillion deficit this year.

The latest forecast from the Congressional Budget Office is up from its estimate of $1.6 trillion earlier this year. Four main things are driving that $400 billion increase, CBO said — citing President Joe Biden’s student loan relief policies as the No. 1 cause of the bigger gap between the amount of money flowing into federal coffers and cash going out this year.

New student loan policies will cost about $145 billion during the current fiscal year, which runs through September, CBO predicted. That includes higher subsidies for student loans and the Biden administration’s plan to reduce balances for many borrowers.

Yet here we have Ben, in all his arrogance, gloating about his student loans getting paid off. He even doubled down. 

My job was paying it down for me ahead of schedule, but I’m happy to let the government cancel it instead of paying it off $400 a month and letting interest accrue.

Read that again folks. His JOB was paying his student loans. Exactly WHO is paying his salary? We are. So he was essentially double-dipping on the taxpayer dime. 

This is a guy who is making somewhere in the vicinity of $90-$96,000 a year. He’s also likely, per internet sleuths, an owner of a half-a-million dollar home in Pennsylvania, and enjoys living large in DC. Yet he’s unable to budget to pay off $8,250.00?? REALLY??!! 

He could’ve waited and taken part in Joe’s other end-run around SCOTUS, the so-called SAVE plan. 

Under the SAVE plan, monthly payments are calculated based on a borrower’s income and family size, regardless of how much student debt they have.

Starting in July, monthly payments on loans borrowed for undergraduate school will be reduced from 10% to 5% of discretionary income.

Borrowers who have loans from both undergraduate and graduate school will pay a weighted average of between 5% and 10% of their income based upon the original principal balances of their loans.

Again, who is footing the bill for Ben and paying his salary? You and I are.

When you are that arrogant and firmly believe that the government is here to always help you get out from under your OWN bad decisions, gloating will commence. Especially since this so-called loan forgiveness of Joe’s is straight up pandering for votes. 

Nearly 1 in 5 Americans said student loans will have a major influence over who they cast their vote for in the upcoming presidential election, a Bankrate survey found. More than 40 million borrowers owe a total of $1.77 trillion in loans, according to the Federal Reserve.

Former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden have taken different approaches towards student debt: The Biden administration has introduced several student loan relief initiatives during his time in office. Most recently, the administration announced an additional $7.7 billion in forgiveness for undergraduate loan holders in May. His administration has forgiven a total of $160 billion in loans for nearly 4.6 million borrowers.

Elections DO matter and Ben’s gloating over his debt getting paid off by we the taxpayer is a prime example as to why Joe needs to go. 

Come November, vote accordingly. 

Feature Photo Credit: Roger Blackwell/flickr/cropped/CC BY 2.0.

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  • alanstorm says:

    I could go along with canceling these parasites’ student debt….as long as they agree to not vote for the next 12-16 years, and forswear government jobs for the same period.

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