Defund The Police Activist Loses Worldly Possessions

Defund The Police Activist Loses Worldly Possessions

Defund The Police Activist Loses Worldly Possessions

This Monday’s edition of “make them famous” comes to us courtesy of a San Francisco Defund the Police advocate.

Darcie Bell, who describes herself on Instagram as “a fat, old, mouthy broad from San Francisco”, is your typical San Francisco liberal. Darcie goes by the handle Jerque Cousteau on X (she’s winding down her presence here for obvious reasons) and on BlueSky Social.

Jerque sounds about right but let’s get to the story. Apparently, Darcie was 100% for defunding the police in San Francisco and has been known to post anti-cop rhetoric when the opportunity arises. Except, this weekend, she needed law enforcement because some thug in San Fran made off with her U-haul van with her possessions.

Instead of calling the police, Bell took to social media to ask for assistance in locating “a 26-foot uhaul truck with the Arizona plate AL50003” because “it had like everything she owns on it.”

Darcie the Jerque insisted upon not phoning the police, so she called U-Haul and after they had deciphered her muffled, double-masked, KN95 dialogue peppered in with swear words, I’m sure, they told her what she needed to do: file a police report. So, Jerky Darcie did.

But, alas, the police did not magically retrieve the U-Haul van with all of Darcie’s worldly possessions, giving her more justification for her previous “defund” rhetoric.

I haven’t found my s—! The cops didn’t do s—! U-Haul made me file a f—ing police report! There’s cameras all over this city. They haven’t done s—! … I just want my stuff back!”-Darcie Bell

Darcie clearly is a grown-ass woman who does not understand the consequences of her own words and actions. Perhaps she could write a letter to, or, cuss out her own governor, Mr. Gavin Newsom, who cut over $185M from law enforcement, public safety in June’s proposal. He said that he “wasn’t going to defund the police” but riddle us this: what happens when you cut law enforcement budgets overall and tell the police that they cannot do their jobs? We have seen this in other cities such as Seattle and Portland. Law enforcement officers retire or quit out of frustration, leaving fewer officers to do the job. What would the priority matrix be, then? Catching the criminal who knifed a person in a parking lot or going after a U-Haul?

But, the Internet is forever. And, some have not forgotten Darcie’s rhetoric of the past:

Defunding the police is good actually. We pay them a whole lot to do less.”-Darcie Bell, October 2024

And, then, there’s this:

When we locked down & people had time to get angry & organize, we took to the streets to demand justice. Lots of promises to defund cops that never happened.

No matter how bad this pandemic gets, they’ll never give us the ability to do that again. They’ll always prioritize cops.”-Darcie Bell, May 2022

Hey, Darcie? We thought possessions in this terrible, Capitalist country of ours is a bad thing? Obviously, someone needed what was in your U-Haul truck more than YOU did. And, by your sh-tty ideology that you and the likes of you throw out, that would justify thugs making off with your possessions. You don’t work hard to provide for your family, after all. The possessions of your U-Haul should be evenly distributed by The State as they see fit, right?

Imagine no possessions

…it’s easy if you try, Darce.

Defund the Police Darcie decided to play upon sympathies and then threw her kids into the mix. Yep, she has them:

Look at these good, Christian ‘victim advocates’ celebrating my kids losing their belongings at Christmas.”-Darcie Bell

Wait? She celebrates Christmas?!

“Some of you need to reconsider aborting them so I can buy a witchcraft set…”

Now, I do feel bad for the kids. For one, their presents were on the truck. And, secondly because this woman is probably filling their heads with wack ideas that will not serve them well in this lifetime. I think the latter is more tragic.

But, I’m all about solutions here. Perhaps, Defund The Police Darcie can purchase this Little Tikes set and get her witchcraft on. She could Double, double toil and trouble; fire burn and cauldron bubble until she gets her U-haul back?

I’m not laughing, you are.

Photo Credit: Taymaz Valley/FlickR/Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)/Cropped

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  • GWB says:


    OK, now that’s out of my system….
    because “it had like everything she owns on it.”
    But she’s totally not a materialist like all those greedy capitalists.
    Also, this is why they equip those vehicles with locks and tell you to not leave the vehicle running or with the keys in it.

    They haven’t done s—!
    Because you took away their money and their motivation.
    Also, if every interaction you’ve had with police has left you unsatisfied, the only common element in all those interactions was… you.

    good, Christian ‘victim advocates’ celebrating
    You don’t know what “Christian” even means.
    Also, they’re not celebrating your kids suffering, they’re celebrating you having to eat what you sowed. And they’re hoping it turns sour enough in your stomach to get you to repent of your evil.

    Wait? She celebrates Christmas?!
    No, not actually. She and her kids celebrate getting presents and decorating with lights and shiny baubles. But they do not and never will celebrate Christmas.

    But, I’m all about solutions here.
    The interesting thing is, that if she weren’t someone reaping what they had sown, someone would put up a GoFundMe for her kids, and they’d probably have a decent (though not the best, as their stuff was stolen) Christmas. If she were even remotely sympathetic, her church would probably ensure a nice Christmas for the family. If she paid even lip service to hypocrisy* the police might put in some effort. But that’s not where she came in to this.

    (* I do have to give her credit. She was stupid enough to hold to her beliefs even when they were being undermined by reality. She did NOT go to the cops until there would be consequences for that – like UHaul charging her credit card $60,000 for the missing vehicle. She still thinks “the community” should help her find her stuff. Of course, the community had decided long ago that only an agent of the State [police] could do those sorts of things. After all, a mere citizen might go all Daniel Penny on the thieves and then where would racial justice be?)

  • Mad Celt says:

    The same kind of sympathy can be whipped up for a Nazi who falls into a woodchipper.

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