Debate Bingo! Trump Vs Biden Rematch

Debate Bingo! Trump Vs Biden Rematch

Debate Bingo! Trump Vs Biden Rematch

Is everyone ready? Does everyone have enough popcorn and snacks? Tonight is the first presidential debate of 2024!

Now, we have seen this movie before in 2020. However, many things have changed in four years. Neither candidate has debated during this primary season. Both Donald Trump and Joe Biden have been president. This is a pivotal moment for both candidates, and hopefully both of them have taken it seriously. And everyone knows that the deck is stacked against Donald Trump, who will not just have to debate a senile and possibly jacked up Joe Biden, but both moderators as well.

But there is no more time to dwell on preparation, or possible outcomes. The moment is at hand, and even with the helping guidance of the moderators, Joe Biden will have to perform. Will he start strong and LOUD, like at the State of the Union, and then fade away as the 90 minutes passes? Will he freeze up at any point? Will Donald Trump be able to keep his cool when January 6th is used against him for the umpteenth time?

While we wait for all these answers, we also need to keep our sense of humor. Therefore, we here at Victory Girls present Debate Bingo! Take a look at that grid. All of those phrases or topics are something we think is likely to come out of a candidate or moderator’s mouth tonight. When you get a bingo, take a shot of your drink of choice (we’re definitely not trying to give people alcohol poisoning, so non-alcoholic drinks are welcome), let us know you scored a bingo in the comments, and keep going. If we don’t laugh, we might cry, so we may as well make the best of the hand we’ve been dealt.

Make sure you check back here at Victory Girls for our takes on the debate later tonight and tomorrow!

Featured image: original Victory Girls art by Darleen Click

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