Dan Rather Is Mad CBS Moderators Did Not Fact Check

Dan Rather Is Mad CBS Moderators Did Not Fact Check

Dan Rather Is Mad CBS Moderators Did Not Fact Check

Dan Distorted Facts Rather is incensed after watching the Vance/Walz debate last night. Why is he upset?

Because CBS, his former network was spineless. Spineless we tell you, for refusing to fact check during the debate.

Yes, THAT Dan Rather.

With our democracy being tested in unimagined ways, we are just over a month away from one of the most important presidential elections in U.S. history. The only chance for voters to see the vice presidential candidates together is tomorrow night in a ‘debate’ being hosted by CBS News.

If there’s one thing Vance has learned from Trump, it’s that lying to get ahead is OK. If you get caught, just double down and lie some more. Who’s going to fact check you? Well, apparently not CBS News.”-Dan Rather

Yes, our republic has been tested in so many ways to include the left’s distorted definitions if “democracy”, courtesy of Democrats and the news anchors who vote for them. Mr. Rather is so dramatic, don’t you think? Vance is lying to “get ahead”? How, come again, did Kamala Harris “get ahead”? For shame, CBS, for not fact checking JD Vance!

With that as background, it is necessary to report and comment on the fact that CBS News has decided not to fact-check the candidates in real time. I would love to know what went into this decision, because it feels spineless, especially after ABC’s Linsey Davis and David Muir effectively and correctly fact-checked Trump during the debate with Kamala Harris.”-Dan Rather

Because Kamala’s Sorority Sister, Linsey Davis and Fanboy, David Muir, both did such an unbiased, bang-up job of fact checking last debate, right? Davis and Muir were both chock-full of journalistic excellence and objectivity, Dan.

Please. There were a few times Norah O’Donnell and Margaret Brennan attempted to throw a few “journalistic” blows at Vance. But, to Dan Rather, they were sub-par in their fact-checking prowess:

It seems clear that CBS is trying to avoid the blowback ABC got after the presidential debate. A journalist, much less a news organization, should not be afraid to take heat. Their responsibility is to call out lies. If they don’t do that on live television, during the most consequential election in modern history, they are the lesser for it. But the biggest loser is the American electorate.”-Dan Rather

O’Donnell and Brennan were sub-par for many reasons last night, but they are not why Dan Rather thinks they were. The days of “journalists” taking the heat and calling out lies are over, Dan. In fact, you may have ushered this new era in with that 60-Minutes hit piece of yours back in 2004. New networks don’t call out the lies anymore. “Journalists”, in all of their made-up, nip-tucked glory sit on the set behind a “news desk”, stare blankly at a camera and parrot the lies, occasionally flashing a veneer-fake smile. They repeat the teleprompter lies ad nauseam until the public starts believing them and parroting them back.

The CBS “no fact-checking” rule was bogus, said Dan Rather. The lack of “fact checking” is a practice that “incentivizes lying“.

Rather, who’s lived in his elite journalist’s bubble for years on end, cannot see that the corporate media has been incentivizing lies for years. He believes these lies himself. Don’t believe us? Look around.

The corporate news complex pushed the Russia, Russia, Russia narrative in 2016. They told lies about people who supported Trump (they continue to do so) riding on the coattails of their 2016 favorite, Hillary Clinton and her “basket of deplorables” remark. Their lies kept our businesses shuttered, created economic turmoil and kept our kids out of school for almost two years starting in the spring of 2019. Their lies later got Joe Biden elected. Their lies promoted riots, looting and the torching of city blocks as “peaceful protests” and “First Amendment Rights”. Their lies have overrun our borders, killing innocent, hard-working Americans. Their lies have told young boys that they could be girls and young girls that they could grow to be men. Their lies made some of our kids dumb, scared and fragile-unable to handle harsh truths, differing opinions or unwilling to show their faces because they hid behind a mask for so long. Their lies told us that a tiny being, the size of a grain of rice, with a heartbeat, is not a human being. Their lies have called infanticide “healthcare”. Their lies have cut family ties and ruined relationships. Their lies should prevent them from sleeping at night but they don’t. Off to another Capitol Hill cocktail party.

These lies are the so-called “fact-checks” Rather is talking about here.

In Delusional Dan’s eyes, CBS royally blew it. They should have fact-checked JD Vance on his Pinnochios. Norah O’Donnell and Margaret Brennan incentivized Vance and really should have gone full, merciless, Davis/Muir.

As we look at our state of America and the current state of affairs across the globe, we have lived a lie for almost four years, with an incompetent leader at our helm, and an equally incapable Vice President, entering seemingly out of nowhere, doing squat for three years and now wanting a job she cannot do. We tip our hats to the true “journalists”, the fact-checkers for this mess.

Dan Rather can take his fact-checking and stick it where the sun doesn’t shine but that actual movement may be hard to do without an actual spine. Pot, meet kettle.

Photo Credit: LBJ Library, Public Domain, via Wikimedia Commons

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1 Comment
  • — Rather who’s lived in his elite journalist’s bubble for years on end cannot see that the corporate media has been incentivizing lies for years.–

    Oh, he can see it, all right. After all, he was an important part of it.

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