Chelsea Clinton took to Twitter to whine about the Iowa legislature voting to defund Planned Parenthood.
Thousands of women in Iowa lose access to healthcare because of a continued assault on reproductive rights
— Chelsea Clinton (@ChelseaClinton) May 19, 2017
This is the Slate article that she is referencing.
Iowa “defunds” Planned Parenthood, causing four clinics serving thousands of patients to close:
— Slate (@Slate) May 19, 2017
From the article:
The Republican Party’s offensive on reproductive health struck a major win in Iowa on Thursday, when Planned Parenthood announced that it would close four of its 12 health centers in the state. The closures are the upshot of a recent appropriations bill the GOP-led state legislature and Republican Gov. Terry Branstad ushered through, rejecting $3 million in federal Medicaid funding for family-planning services just for the privilege of blocking family-planning dollars from going to facilities that provide abortion care.
Facing a roughly $2 million funding cut, Planned Parenthood has decided to shutter health centers in Sioux City, Bettendorf, Burlington, and Keokuk on June 30. (The center in Bettendorf will maintain some telemedicine services until it can sell its building.) A Planned Parenthood spokeswoman told the Des Moines Register that the four clinics provided services to 14,676 unique patients over the past three years, and in three of the four counties that have Planned Parenthood clinics closing, those clinics covered 80 percent or more of their counties’ patients who got free or subsidized family-planning care in 2015.
Without federal Medicaid money, Iowa plans to direct around $3.3 million of state funding to creating an independent family-planning program that will exclude facilities associated with abortion care.
A few points that Chelsea Clinton (and Slate, and anyone else who is complaining) should remember…
1) 14,676 patients seen by 4 clinics over 3 years? By my math (14,676 divided by 4, divided by 3), that’s a paltry 1,223 patients at each clinic each year. Maybe Planned Parenthood needed to close those clinics because they were really underperforming – and maybe not necessary?
2) Abortion services (which, remember, is the ONLY service that Planned Parenthood offers that has seen an increase over the last several years) are not health care. Planned Parenthood inadvertently admitted this during the promotion of their most recent publicity video – as produced by an increasingly unhinged Joss Whedon.
Planned Parenthood’s promo of the video was made by ghouls who apparently had undergone irony bypass surgery. This was on their website:
Wait, WHAT????
.@PPact couldn't come up with better wording than this?!
'our responsibility to use our superpowers to slay."#ppslaysbabies#defundPP— Students for Life (@Students4LifeHQ) May 18, 2017
Nothing like a little truth in advertising, right, Planned Parenthood?
3) A $2 million shortfall??? That’s pocket change to a Clinton. After all, Hillary was paid over $20 million in speaking fees between her resignation as Secretary of State and the launch of her 2016 presidential campaign! C’mon, Chelsea! This is your mother’s moment to be a hero, and it would probably even be tax-deductible! Hillary Clinton could donate $2 million to Planned Parenthood of Iowa, get tons of left-wing gratitude and sobbing adoration, and never even miss the money! Chelsea, tell your mother to use her superpower (raising money) and be the hero that Planned Parenthood needs! Hillary the Slayer!
But that’s not the Clinton way. They don’t solve problems. They just whine about them on Twitter and want taxpayers to cover the bill. So unless Chelsea can put her money where her mouth is – or convince her mother to do it – her whining is nothing but music in the wind.
Rather disingenuous to cry about defunding considering the hundreds of millions PP gets annually in private donations. Two million dollars would barely be noticed by the parent (and I use the term parent loosely) organization. If these clinics are so critical to women’s health, PP should give these locations the money to remain open.
The young Ms. Clinton has abundant resources at her disposal. Why all the angst?
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