Meh. Charlie Crist, former Republican governor of Florida and perpetually orange in tan color, is now a registered Democrat. Seriously now… who didn’t see this coming? Especially since he had a high profile speaking slot at the Democrats’ Convention this past summer? Some are even saying this latest party affliation conversion of Crist’s is just the first move in a highly anticipated announcement that he will run for governor again trying to unseat Republican Rick Scott in 2014. YAWN.
As far as I’m concerned, Charlie “I’m Orange” Crist is the poster boy for why politicians are considered lying, dishonest scum bags only interested in promoting themselves while squeezing the life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness out of We the People. So he became a democrat. He’s still unpopular. Good luck with that governor’s race Charlie. DLTDHYOTWO.
Great Weekend Blog Reading Links!
Teach at Pirate’s Cove is blogging about Jim Geraghty’s plan for blue states to pay their “fair share” in a blog post called “Soak The Blue State’s Fiscal Plan″. Go read it.
The Other McCain has up a great blog post on the hating and missing of Andrew Breitbart. It’s a must read.
Phineas at Sister Toldjah is remembering Pearl Harbor – then and now.
Professor Jacobson at Legal Insurrection has up a post on “The progressive deification of Elizabeth Warren has started”. Unbelievable.
Emily at NakedDC has a blog post up on Former Congressman Alan Simpson putting an end to Gangnam Style. Um, thank you sir.
Quickly turning into one of my favorite blogs, The First Street Journal has a post up about infamous Rule 5 in blogging — Haute couture!
Jammie Wearing Fool has up a great blog post on how the Union Goons reacted as Michigan became a Right-to-Work State. I’m sure you can imagine.
Jim Hoft at Gateway Pundit has up a post on “Terror Leader Mashaal: Hamas Will Never Recognize Israel”. Go read it.
Dan is blogging at Reihl World View on “Jennifer Rubin’s Moronic Blathering Smearing Heritage and DeMint”. It’s a must read too.
A good post is up by Jonn on the defacing of the Iwo Jima Memorial at Quantico at This Ain’t Hell blog.
Aunty Brat at Assoluta Tranquillita has an amazing post up about Eleanor Roosevelt and Pearl Harbor. It’s a must read!
Michelle Obama’s Mirror has up a fun post called “It’s an honor just to be nominated. I’d like to thank my dog…”. Go Read. Now.
Instapundit has a lot of good blog reading up including FIVE NEW ADDITIONS to the Habitable ExoPlanets Catalog. LOL.
Erika Johnsen is blogging at Hot Air on “America’s energy boom: To be, or not to be?”. She has an interesting graph demonstrating oil and gas extractions over the last twenty five years.
Doug Powers has up a great post at Michelle Malkin called “Filibuster reform: Reid vs. Reid”. LOL.
neo-neocon has up a number of good posts today but the “Obama: “I won’t compromise on taxes” is a must read!
and finally, Andy at AofSHQ has up an Open Thread on Season 4 of Justified – which starts January 8th.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Dear Jacobson,
I just cant use Professer with this guy.
Let me ask.You posted “Not surprisingly, the progressive champion of transparency for others will not release those records.” So you admit you have NOT seen any records but post that “She cheated during her career by listing herself as Native American for employment” So if you have no proof you just make it up. Sounds like Fox News. Perhaps you should do the students at Cornell a favor and drop any classes that require a foot in reality or truth and teach something that fits your propensity for fantasy and delusions. How about a progressive course on whether Middle Earth is really in the middle. Or maybe a two semester course on whether hobbits really have big feet.
Speaking of delusions. I also enjoy your support for another delusional hack and racist Twilight Barnes.Ms Barnes is her fantasy believes herself some kind of hunter of those who would steal the Cherokee Ancestor. Ms Barnes claiming to be a champion of the Cherokee is almost as insulting as you claiming to champion Native Americans. Ms Barnes has tried to give the impression she speaks for represents the Cherokee nation. Ms Barnes speaks for NO ONE but herself and Mr.Cornstalk and DOES not represent anybody but herself. Most certainly NOT the Cherokee Nations or native Americans. I am not surprised you use as a tool a person so blatantly racist and delusional. A few of Twilights rants against the Evil Whiteys are “If you do the big bad white man will remove you.””This is not the first time a Cherokee is forced out by the Whites” “The white people think they can take anything they want from the Indians and we have no say”And in regards to other Cherokees who do not share her delusions and concepts of what a makes a Cherokee “If you or your cherokee ancestor left the nation to we said goodbye to them and their descendents for all time.” and “To put it bluntly to HELL with them and anybody who descends from them” I sure would like to know who WE is. It does not surprise me that you put your support and have used a racist hack who has 6 years experience in Genealogy and suffers from delusions”to HELL with them and anybody who descends from them”
The truth is that most rationale thinking people laugh at Twilight Barnes and her delusional rants just as they do you. She like you seems to live in a fantasy world and like you live by the motto “if you cant prove it just make it up
I am very happy that The First Street Journal is, “Quickly turning into one of my favorite blogs!”