Media Rushes To Bury Hunter Biden Story

Media Rushes To Bury Hunter Biden Story

Bury that story ASAP! The media shills for Joe Biden are in a tizzy this morning. Why? Because the NY Post published a report showing that, yes…

CBS Journalist Feels Safer In North Korea Than At White House

CBS Journalist Feels Safer In North Korea Than At White House

North Korea is safer than the White House. Yes indeed, that is exactly what CBS “journalist” Ben Tracy believes.

“Disappointed With the Results”, Chris Waaaaallace

“Disappointed With the Results”, Chris Waaaaallace

“Disappointed with the results”, Chris Wallace whines in “The New York Times” to craft cover for his lackluster performance as debate moderator. Wallace is taking heat from…

Student Journalists Walkout Because Boss Was Mean

Student Journalists Walkout Because Boss Was Mean

Student journalists walked off the job two days ago because their boss was mean. No, this is not the Babylon Bee. Forty three “journalists” penned a grievance…

Klacik Vs. Mean Girls On The View

Klacik Vs. Mean Girls On The View

Congressional candidate Kimberly Klacik is relentlessly making her case in Baltimore. So of course, the mean girls of “The View” couldn’t take what she was dishing out.

Liberal Media Defends Foreign Agent AJ+

Liberal Media Defends Foreign Agent AJ+

Once again, the liberal media proves it hasn’t met a double standard it doesn’t love. After spending months–no years–demanding steps be taken to prevent foreign interference in…

Lancaster Shooting Proves Media Crafted Narrative

Lancaster Shooting Proves Media Crafted Narrative

The newest city being roiled by rioting is Lancaster, Pennsylvania, where a man with a knife was shot by police.

Trump Scoop By The Atlantic – Real Or Hit Job?

Trump Scoop By The Atlantic – Real Or Hit Job?

A story broke late yesterday from The Atlantic‘s Jeffrey Goldberg, which alleges that President Trump referred to dead troops buried in France as “losers.”

Washington Post: Better Vote for Biden or Else

Washington Post: Better Vote for Biden or Else

Perhaps it’s because they’re afraid that the persistent rioting might sway the election to President Trump. But the Washington Post has published an opinion piece which in essence threatens…

Scott Atlas Must Be Discredited

Scott Atlas Must Be Discredited

There’s no doubt that Dr. Scott Atlas is one smart guy. A senior fellow at the Hoover Institution, Atlas is a radiologist who served as Chief of…

Shaun King Scamming Off Chadwick Boseman Death

Shaun King Scamming Off Chadwick Boseman Death

Black actor Chadwick Boseman died Friday as a result of colon cancer. The “Black Panther” actor, who had also played monumental figures such as Jackie Robinson, James…

Project Veritas Sues Oregon for Right to Undercover-Investigate Portland Antifa

Project Veritas Sues Oregon for Right to Undercover-Investigate Portland Antifa

The primary reason the world knows that Planned Parenthood harvests and sells baby body parts is thanks to independent, undercover investigative journalism.

Media Go All In On Gaslighting For Harris

Media Go All In On Gaslighting For Harris

When you expect the media to be awful at their jobs, they never disappoint.

MSNBC Producer Quits, Writes Media Obituary

MSNBC Producer Quits, Writes Media Obituary

Ariana Pekary used to be a producer at MSNBC. You don’t know her name, but after today, you should. Pekary just quit her job at MSNBC, and…

COVID Vaccine Gives the NYT the Heebie Jeebies

COVID Vaccine Gives the NYT the Heebie Jeebies

The US will heave a collective sigh of relief once a bona fide COVID vaccine becomes available. It would signal the end of lockdowns and masks. Businesses…

Columnist Will Not Take Knee Before Cancel Mob

Columnist Will Not Take Knee Before Cancel Mob

On Monday, Chicago Tribune columnist John Kass received a shaming from his moral betters at the paper. First, editor-in-chief Colin McMahon moved his Page Two column to…

Media Flaks Try to Shoot Down Conservatives

Media Flaks Try to Shoot Down Conservatives

My late father served on a bomber crew during World War II. When I asked him, he told me that the saying “You know you’re over the…

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Ava Gardner