SCOTUS Punts On Freedom Of Speech In Murthy v. Missouri

SCOTUS Punts On Freedom Of Speech In Murthy v. Missouri

On the surface, the SCOTUS ruling in Murthy v. Missouri doesn’t look that interesting – until you look at what the case was actually about.

DHS Identifies 400 Illegals With ISIS Ties, Can’t Find 50 Of Them

DHS Identifies 400 Illegals With ISIS Ties, Can’t Find 50 Of Them

UPDATED: We have illegals getting smuggled into the United States who have ties to ISIS and the DHS admits that, out of the 400 they know of…

Los Angeles Has A Mini Pogrom, Media And Leaders Go Silent

Los Angeles Has A Mini Pogrom, Media And Leaders Go Silent

It wasn’t Berlin in 1934. This was Los Angeles in 2024.

WH Issues Reprehensible Statement About Rachel Morin And Jocelyn Nungaray

WH Issues Reprehensible Statement About Rachel Morin And Jocelyn Nungaray

The White House can’t even admit that Rachel Morin and Jocelyn Nungaray were killed by illegal immigrants. Instead they issue a reprehensible copy/paste statement days and months…

Just Stop Oil Desecrates Stonehenge

Just Stop Oil Desecrates Stonehenge

Stonehenge was desecrated by Just Stop Oil jerks today. And they are damned proud of their vandalism.

Israel Announces “Tactical Pause” In Gaza, Is It Due To Hezbollah?

Israel Announces “Tactical Pause” In Gaza, Is It Due To Hezbollah?

Israel has been truly fighting with one hand tied behind its back, and all to appease the Biden administration and worldwide opinion.

The Sky Is Falling! Bird Flu Pandemic Predicted.

The Sky Is Falling! Bird Flu Pandemic Predicted.

Reading today’s headlines, I am reminded of the modern-day children’s Chicken Little story, in which Henny Penny kept telling everyone, “The sky is falling! The sky is…

Gaza Pier Gets Moved, But Will Anyone Use It Ever Again?

Gaza Pier Gets Moved, But Will Anyone Use It Ever Again?

Ever since it was first announced as a publicity stunt during the State of the Union, the U.S.-built Gaza pier has been nothing but a money pit.

SCOTUS Rules ATF Overstepped Constitution With Bump Stock Ban

SCOTUS Rules ATF Overstepped Constitution With Bump Stock Ban

The ATF issued a bump stock ban after the horrific shooting at the Las Vegas concert in 2017. SCOTUS ruled yesterday that the ATF overstepped their constitutional…

Dog Document Dump: More Biden Dog Bite Records Released

Dog Document Dump: More Biden Dog Bite Records Released

If the Biden administration is “the most transparent administration EVER,” then why is it taking lawsuits by Judicial Watch to get requested information about the number of…

Protesters Rush The Field At Congressional Baseball Game

Protesters Rush The Field At Congressional Baseball Game

The left-wing Climate Defiance protesters are very proud of themselves today. They got ARRESTED! And they’re claiming that they were “brualized” when they were arrested!

Eight Suspected ISIS Terrorists Arrested Were Here Illegally But “Fully Vetted”

Eight Suspected ISIS Terrorists Arrested Were Here Illegally But “Fully Vetted”

“Fully vetted” no longer means what we think it does. Our non-existent border gets to be more of a national security threat every day. Yesterday the news…

Israeli Forces Rescue Four Hostages From Gaza

Israeli Forces Rescue Four Hostages From Gaza

In a daring and carefully planned raid, Israeli forces went into Gaza and were able to rescue four hostages.

Georgia Court Delays Trump Trial As Willis Disqualification Is Decided

Georgia Court Delays Trump Trial As Willis Disqualification Is Decided

Chalk up a big legal win for Donald Trump in Georgia.

Columbia Intifada Infestation Returns For “Summer of Disruption”

Columbia Intifada Infestation Returns For “Summer of Disruption”

Is everyone ready for the sequel to the Columbia University pro-Hamas “student” protests?

Illegal Shoots Two Police Officers in New York City

Illegal Shoots Two Police Officers in New York City

An illegal shot New York City police officers as he tried to flee on foot. The 19-year-old Venezuelan stayed in a New York City Courtyard Marriott turned…

Biden Gives Mass Amnesty And Work Permits To Thousands Of Illegals

Biden Gives Mass Amnesty And Work Permits To Thousands Of Illegals

The New York Post has discovered another insidious layer to Joe Biden’s wide-open borders policy. Mass Amnesty for all.

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Ava Gardner