Definition of “racism”: ‘a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race’.
Color of skin versus content of character. The CA Senate has chosen race:
“Assembly Bill 1921 passed with a 30-1 vote, according to the Associated Press. It was introduced by Assemblyman Dan Holden (D-Pasadena). Sen. Holly Mitchell (D-Los Angeles) says the bill would require the Instructional Quality Commission (which facilitates much of California’s Common Core framework) to consider teaching students about Obama’s election within the context of past voter discrimination, the AP notes.
Sen. Joel Anderson (R-Alpine) was the only senator who voted to strike down the bill. He said, “We’ve never done this for any previous president,” the AP notes.
Mitchell reportedly placed great emphasis on the importance of learning about “overcoming our nation’s past to elect our first black president.”
Oh yeah, Common Core and it’s nefarious ideology is at the root of this nonsense.
Will they also teach children about what happened in Benghazi? The racist rants of Obama’s pastor and mentor, Jeremiah Wright? Fast and Furious? IRS abuse of private citizens then lying about it? The scandals of the EPA? The trade of violent terrorists for one deserter? NSA spying? The VA abuse of our Veterans? Open borders and the huge influx of criminals and terrorists into our country? A total lack of leadership regarding the horror and mass murder of Christians in the Middle East? Record number of people on food stamps? Epic unemployment? Obama’s subversion of the Constitution and our laws? The lowest trust in government ever polled? Out of control debt? How Obama avoids responsibility and blames anyone and everything else? His disdain for our military? His wife decreeing what Americans should eat?
Obama has indeed been first in a lot of things, but being black isn’t what history will remember him by. But the CA Senate will make damn sure the kids in their state will view him through the prism of race. And that’s what you call…racism. Read more below the fold:
For fun, here’s a list of some of our other Presidents and their own “firsts”:
George Washington was the first President to be on a postage stamp. His face is also on the $1 bill and the quarter.
John Adams was the first President to live in the White House. Mrs. Adams hung her wash in the East Room.
Thomas Jefferson was the first President to be inaugurated in Washington, DC. and he grew the first tomatoes in America. He was also the first President to shake hands instead of bow.
James Madison was the first President to wear long trousers instead of knee breeches, every day.
Andrew Jackson was the first President to ride on a train.
Millard Fillmore was the first President to have a bathtub with running water. He was also the first President to have a stove in the White House.
Rutherford B. Hayes was the first President to have a telephone in the White House.
Benjamin Harrison was the first President to have a Christmas Tree in the White House.
James Buchanan was the first unmarried man to be elected President.
Abraham Lincoln was the first President to be assassinated.
U.S. Grant was the first president to view the Pacific Ocean (1852).
Grant was the first president to…
Meet the Queen of England
Visit Holy Land
Visit Russia/Asia
See the Great Wall of China
Visit Egypt
Visit Japan
Visit Hawaii
Host an Indian Chief in the White House
Host black leaders in the White House (Frederick Douglass, Sojourner Truth)
Use a vacation home (Long Branch, New Jersey)
Andrew Johnson never went to school. His wife taught him to read and write.
Theodore Roosevelt was the first President to ride in a car. He was the first American to receive a Nobel Prize. He received it in 1906 for helping to settle the Russo-Japanese War.
William Howard Taft was the first President to have a car at the White House. He was also the first President to throw out the first ball at the beginning of the Major League Baseball season in 1910.
Woodrow Wilson was the first President to hold regular news briefings.
Calvin Coolidge was the first President to make a radio broadcast.
Herbert Hoover’s son, Alan, had pet alligators that meandered around the White House.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the first to appear on television when he opened the New York World’s Fair in 1939. He was the first President to appoint a woman, Frances Perkins, as a Cabinet member (Secretary of Labor.) He was also the first President to have a Presidential plane.
John F. Kennedy was the first Catholic elected President. He was also the first President who was a Boy Scout.
The first President to resign from office was Richard Milhous Nixon.
Jimmy Carter was the first President to be born in a hospital.
Ronald Reagan was the first President to have been divorced and the first to wear contact lenses.
Bill Clinton was the first President to be a Rhodes Scholar.
Those are all interesting tidbits about our Presidents. And that’s all they are….interesting and fun to learn about. Being the “first” black President belongs in this list. These “firsts” aren’t criteria for evaluating the successes or failures of an American Presidency.
Just as race shouldn’t have been a criteria for electing a man thoroughly incapable or willing to be an American President.
If the people who are obsessed with race are to truly move beyond defining a man by the “color of his skin” these people need to stop referring to it over and over and over and over again and concentrate on “content of his character”.
Now that’s worth teaching about!
Proof once again that the left is race obsessed. What bothers me the most is that this bill reinforces the racist “one drop of blood” argument, since the King’s only 1/2 black.
It’s California, what do you expect from the “land of fruits & nuts”?