A British teacher at the esteemed and world-renowned Oxford University doesn’t want the researchers there to be successful in their search for a Covid-19 vaccine. This female has written a Huffington Post article with her reasons. They are all too familiar. Her wokeness is painful.
Most of us here in the United States forget that other First World countries have their own class of pampered, over-educated, elitists that spew their condescending hatred. Great Britain has enough problems right now with the pandemic and Brexit. In the face of a worldwide pandemic, we might expect these elitists to stay in their lane and keep their pie holes shut. But not Emily Cousens. No, Miss Emily used a worldwide pandemic to get herself some clicks on HuffPo.
Just so you know who little Emily is, according to her LinkedIn profile, she is has a PhD. in Philosophy, her masters degree in Women’s Studies, and is currently with the Department for Diversity Policy Research and Practice. She’s a special piece of work.
There is your background on little Emily. What set her off was news that two British colleges, Oxford and Imperial are beginning human trials for a Covid-19 vaccine:
Oh my stars and garters, the horror. So, Keyboard Warrior Emily wrote the following for the Huffington Post, “I Teach At Oxford, But I Don’t Want It To Win The Coronavirus Vaccine Race”. Why? The white, patriarchy and British national pride, of course. Little Em is afraid that Britain First xenophobia will grip the nation. From the article:
We’ll forget the lessons that the pandemic has taught us so far: that the UK and the US are in fact not exceptions at the global stage. That we are not only vulnerable but can also afford to learn lessons from countries, regardless of whether we have a special relationship with them – such as South Korea. That being white, male and Oxford-educated may not be the only criteria for effective leadership (the countries whose responses have been most widely praised, Germany and New Zealand among others, are all led by women).
Doesn’t all of that seem so tediously familiar. Actually, it’s kind of reassuring that the British have their own special Social Justice Warriors. Hey Em, you are a white female at an elite university.
And, our Em loves her some Chinese Communist Party, too.
The developments made by researchers at Oxford have been enabled by international co-operation among the research community. Whilst China has faced lots of questions about it’s sharing of information politically, according to Laura Spinney: “The unprecedented speed of virus development so far is thanks in large part to early Chinese efforts to sequence the genetic material of Sars-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19. China shared that sequence in early January, allowing research groups around the world to grow the live virus and study how it invades human cells and makes people sick.”
Wasn’t that so generous of the Chinese to share the genetic sequence of the virus they unleashed on the world? They should, and probably will, get a Nobel Peace prize for their generosity. China will most likely have to share with the World Health Organization. I am sure Our Em will be happy for that multi-culti soup.
And, in the end, if the British succeed,the lesson will be that white men save the world:
The story will be clear: China, once again, has unleashed a threat to civilisation. But the best brains of the UK have saved the world.
Maybe Emily. Or maybe not. Have you met all the members of the vaccine group? Do you know if every member is white and male. What if they are all totally multi-culti? Hmmmm?
Me, if the British win the vaccine race, I will cheer no matter what they race of the researchers. I will stand and sing, “Hail, Britainia!”
Featured Image: Daniel Foster/Coronavirus Reasearch/cropped/Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)
with the Department for Diversity Policy Research and Practice
IOW, this is really what needs to be said: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZOTszoKbE4
the UK and the US are in fact not exceptions at the global stage
Really? What I take away is that we should be exceptional, but we let our technocrats* tell us what to do, and we ended up much like other nations.
(* Like aristocrats in other nations, but obtaining position based on credentials – advanced degrees, or graduating from certain schools – or celebrity status.)
the lessons that the pandemic has taught us so far
The lessons we’ve actually learned? Or the lessons you – one of our supposed ‘betters’ – think we’re supposed to have learned? See above.
the countries whose responses have been most widely praised, Germany and New Zealand among others, are all led by women
Oh my. Did she have an editor? Or is proper grammar too patriarchal for her?
(And who the heck has praised Germany for what they’ve done? Not the Germans I know. A quote: “At least you have more civil liberties than us.”)
Actually, it’s kind of reassuring that the British have their own special Social Justice Warriors.
No, not really.
early Chinese efforts to sequence the genetic material of Sars-CoV-2
Yeah, because they were screwing around with it in their labs. That work is why we have to deal with this pandemic in the first place.
if the British win the vaccine race, I will cheer no matter what they [sic] race of the researchers.
And I will insist Miss Emily decline to partake of it, and instead remove herself to Uganda or something and only partake of a natively grown vaccine there. (Why Uganda? First place popped into my head that had the sort of gov’t she probably yearns for. Except Commie China, of course. She’s welcome to go there, too. Wuhan, specifically. Solidarity! *thrusts clenched fist skyward*)
This is one of the standard tropes of the progs: what will it mean for our sense of superiority if we actually achieve superiority? They think this will encourage others to also be superior – because they don’t understand human nature or history. Instead, it drags the superior ones down to a uniform level of mediocrity. Except them, of course. They’ll still be exceptional by virtue of their membership in the technocracy and their adherence to the religion of progressivism.
In point of fact, white men have saved the world. Over and over, at that. You could say it’s what we do.
Sorry, Miss Emily.
Oxford? We don’ need no stinking Oxford! The University of Zimbabwe is on this.