Border Patrol Arrests Three Palestinian Terror Suspects At San Diego Sector

Border Patrol Arrests Three Palestinian Terror Suspects At San Diego Sector

Border Patrol Arrests Three Palestinian Terror Suspects At San Diego Sector

Kamala Harris as Border Czar is doing a bang up job guys! The Border Patrol apprehended three terror suspects in the San Diego sector earlier this month.

Border agents detained three Palestinian migrants who illegally crossed the southern border after they were found to have possible ties to terrorist organizations earlier this month, according to sources.

One of the migrants had “salacious photos” on their phone — including a picture of a masked man holding an AK-47 rifle, federal law enforcement sources said.

In addition to the three Palestinians, federal authorities caught one migrant from Turkey who was also suspected of having ties to terror groups.

How many illegals with suspected ties to terrorist organizations is that now? A minimum number when you consider how many likely DIDN’T show up at an actual border crossing. I don’t know about you, but I shudder to think how many have slipped through the cracks. Especially since the Border Patrol is and has been telling us they just don’t have the tools to vet everyone properly. 

Border Patrol agents told The Post they do not have the tools to fully vet migrants and people with connections to terrorist organizations are slipping through the cracks.

‘I wanted to get into Border Patrol and protect from terrorists. And it’s like, well, I probably let terrorists in the country,’ said one border agent.

‘Knowing who these guys are, we have, like, no access to anything international. Like, we really don’t and it kind of sucks.’

Oh, I’d say it kicks rocks bigly. Especially when you consider that the State Department isn’t helping because they aren’t working to ensure the Border Patrol has ACCESS to International databases! That’s not a matter of money. That’s a matter of negotiation and getting those countries to AGREE to grant access. Has the State Department done that to help secure our border? NOPE. And obviously Border Czar Kamala is nowhere to be found on this aspect of the issue. 

Of course, the media and Democrats have been working overtime to gaslight us all into believing that she was never declared an actual Border Czar, she was just tasked to address the “root causes” of illegal immigration. Axios is a prime example:

Driving the news: In the past few days, the Trump campaign and Republicans have tagged Harris repeatedly with the “border czar” title — which she never actually had.

“Harris was appointed ‘border czar’ in March of 2021, and since that time, millions and millions of illegal aliens have invaded our country and countless Americans have been killed by migrant crime because of her willful demolition of American borders and laws,” Trump told reporters on a call on Tuesday.

House GOP Chair Elise Stefanik introduced a resolution condemning the administration and its “Border Czar” for failing to secure the U.S.

Harris supporters have rushed to her defense. “She assumed the role that Vice President Biden had during the Obama administration, which is diplomacy with Central America,” former DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson told Fox News on Tuesday. “She is not the border czar.”

Au contraire! 

As we are watching in multiple instances, the media is going full 1984 in regards to pesky issues/statements/X tweets that Kamala has issued and is attempting to tell us those things we saw and heard weren’t really the things.

Keep trying guys. We have ALL the receipts. 

Back to this particular issue. Our border is a complete sieve. We all know it. The Democrats want it that way. And if a few terrorists slip through the cracks… what’s the big deal? Well, look at the numbers via Bill Melugin, who tells us that crossings, that we know of from Mexico and other South American countries are up 140% compared to the Trump term and 34% over Obama’s two terms. 

Biden/Harris years
FY’ 2021 – FY’2024 (so far)
4.31 million recorded illegal crossings from Northern triangle and Mexico.
Guatemala: 896,608
Honduras: 782,115
El Salvador: 282,029
Mexico: 2,353,513
Total: 4,314,255

Trump/Pence years
1.8 million recorded illegal crossings from Northern Triangle and Mexico.
Guatemala: 495,004
Honduras: 417,569
El Salvador: 187,424
Mexico: 699,771
Total: 1,799,768

That doesn’t include those who’ve shown up from Afghanistan, Pakistan, China, Syria, Iran, Palestine, and other Eastern and Middle Eastern countries. I’d suggest you can increase the influx percentage during the Biden/Harris Administration by another 40% at least when adding those numbers in. 

In late October 2023, mere weeks after the horrific attack on Israel by Hamas, the San Diego Sector issued a bulletin warning of potential incursions into the U.S. by Hamas, Hezbollah, and Palestinian fighters. 

And now, our Border Patrol has caught three more terror suspects from Palestine and one from Turkey. This while the Biden/Harris Administration is doing their utmost to ignore that innocent women, children, and men are being killed by illegal immigrants, some of whom have been deported multiple times. 

The families of Jocelyn Nungaray and Rachel Morin and all the rest killed or attacked by illegal immigrants deserve better. They haven’t gotten that now from Kamala Harris. 

They and we sure as hell won’t be secure with Kamala as President. 

 Feature Photo Credit: Laughing while Americans are killed, Biden Harris via White House FB page, cropped and modified

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1 Comment
  • Scott says:

    Very simple. Anyone who has already been deported, yet comes back and commits a violent crime should be summarily executed as an enemy combatant. They don’t require a trail or anything else. They came here once uninvited, and werre thrown out. they returned and comitted a violent crime. They have made it clear why they are here, and that they have no respect for the rule of law.. let em feed the worms! ( or buzzards, coyotes, fishes, whatever you prefer)

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