Bob Menendez Teases Independent Run And Keeps Campaign Cash

Bob Menendez Teases Independent Run And Keeps Campaign Cash

Bob Menendez Teases Independent Run And Keeps Campaign Cash

Senator Bob Menendez has decided running as a Democrat in New Jersey isn’t worth it. Therefore, he’ll keep his campaign cash while he thinks about running as an Independent.

Senator Robert Menendez of New Jersey announced on Thursday that he would not run for re-election as a Democrat this year, bowing to intense political pressure and federal charges that place him at the center of an international bribery scheme.

But in a nine-minute video posted on social media, Mr. Menendez, 70, reiterated that he would not resign and left the door open to running as a political independent if he is exonerated at a trial scheduled for May.

“I am hopeful that my exoneration will take place this summer and allow me to pursue my candidacy as an independent Democrat in the general election,” he said.

This is Bob Menendez, a U.S. Senator from New Jersey, who has faced corruption charges before. Such as those leveled against him in 2015. Corruption that included taking donor money and also there were supposed ties to prostitution rings. Interestingly, Menendez was charged that year, but Lois Lerner (remember herWE DO) got away scot free. 

Yet, somehow, Bob managed to beat the rap and keep his Senate seat. But now, he’s facing a trial after being indicted yet again. This time for corruption AND bribery that allegedly includes receiving gold bars and giving away critical U.S. information to foreign entities in Egypt and Qatar.  

In September, Menendez and his wife Nadine were charged separately in a scheme where they allegedly aided three New Jersey businessmen in return for cash, gold bars and a luxury car.

Authorities who searched the Menendez home found more than $100,000 worth of gold bars in the residence, as well as more than $480,000 in cash, which was hidden away in closets, amongst clothing and in a safe, prosecutors said.

For some asinine reason Menendez tried to claim the charges against him were brought because of racism. That was a major head scratcher everywhere. But what is more infuriating is, given the seriousness of the charges and that he goes to trial in May, he STILL has his Senate seat. George Santos….does not. Can we say hypocritical? 

Well, now, Bob has decided he won’t run for Senate….as a Democrat. Instead, he’ll bravely face his trial in May, and keep his campaign cash while teasing a run as an Independent.

Keeping that sweet sweet campaign cash is key for Menendez. Why?

Menendez’s Senate bid allows him to continue to raise money, and his campaign funds can be used to cover legal fees. Menendez’s campaign had spent $2.3 million on legal fees in the final three months of 2023, the most recent period covered by campaign finance reports, but his fundraising plummeted over that period. His campaign ended the year with $6.2 million on hand.

Well, isn’t that just plain sneaky of him? 

Again, this is a guy who, along with his wife, is facing very serious charges of corruption, bribery, and essentially giving away secrets to foreign agents. Yet, he’s STILL in office even though multiple Democrats have called for his ouster, and he’s tanking against his Democrat opponents. 

Except for Chuck Schumer. He’s all in for protecting his pal.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer on Wednesday declined join a growing group of Democrats who are calling on indicted Sen. Bob Menendez to resign his seat, though he did say the New Jersey Democrat’s actions fell “way, way below the standard” of the office.

“Like you, I was just deeply disappointed, disturbed when I read the indictment,” Schumer said at a news conference on Capitol Hill. “Look, I’ve known Sen. Menendez a very long time. And it was truly, truly upsetting.”

That was in September 2023. And Schumer hasn’t changed his mind since then. Meanwhile, there are Democrats who, including those running for his seat, want him gone. Or are now happily engaged in trolling for him. Yes, I’m speaking of Senator John Fetterman.

As you can see, he’s been adamant that Menendez needs to GO. Therefore, he couldn’t resist a wee dig at the embattled Senator.

Rather than gracefully bow out until his very serious legal issues are resolved, Menendez is gaming the political system. He’s keeping his campaign alive by teasing a run as an Independent so he can still use campaign funds to pay his legal fees. 

I don’t know about you, but that kinda smells like corruption to me. 

Feature Photo Credit: Senator Bob Menendez, official Congressional portrait, cropped, public domain

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  • Scott says:

    Nothing new here, corrupt deomnrats protecting each other. Party above all else.. Fetterman is a surprise, but definitely an outlier. The vast majority of demonrats will be like Chuck and continue with the double standard in order to maintain power. After all, that’s what elected office is all about to them.. POWER … it has nothing to do with actually representing their constituents, or doing what’s best for the nation

    • Lloyd says:

      Agree…Menendez is a sleaseball….who will be protected by all the others like him who are permanently attached to the government teat…Schumer being the best example!

  • Well… First time that I’ll be pulling for him to be acquitted. Gives a (bare) possibility that New Jersey will actually have a Republican Senator. (Or at least one with an “(R)” after the name.)

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