Bishop Lectures Trump AND Complains Of Culture Of Contempt

Bishop Lectures Trump AND Complains Of Culture Of Contempt

Bishop Lectures Trump AND Complains Of Culture Of Contempt

Why, oh why, is there always a fly in the Duke’s Mayonnaise? This fly is the Episcopal Bishop Mariann Budde, of the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C.. She is the fly in the mayo and that fly has a pole up its backside. While our National Day of Prayer is in the Spring, there is a tradition of a prayer service at the National Cathedral the day after Inauguration since 1933. The Inauguration Festivities were beautiful. The fashions were fabulous. The Nation was content. Until Budde reared her Karen-like head.

Just so you know, Bishop Budde kvetched about Trump holding a Bible in front of St. John’s Church, part of her diocese, and required windows be changed in the National Cathedral, her home church, because they depicted two Confederate Generals. Mrs. Budde thinks that Jesus was some sandal wearing hippie type.

If you haven’t seen the Bishop lecture Trump, behold, I bring you the video:

From RNS, here is the lecture:

“Millions have put their trust in you. As you told the nation yesterday, you have felt the providential hand of a loving God. In the name of our God, I ask you to have mercy upon the people in our country who are scared now,” Budde said in her sermon. “There are gay, lesbian and transgender children in both Democratic, Republican and independent families who fear for their lives.”

Budde also made a plea for immigrants, a group under fire from Trump’s incoming administration, saying they include people who “pick our crops” and “work the night shift in hospitals,” among other vital roles.

“They may not be citizens or have the proper documentation, but the vast majority of immigrants are not criminals,” she said. “They pay taxes, and are good neighbors. They are faithful members of our churches, mosques and synagogues, gurdwara and temples.”

The faces of the Trump family members are great, but notice that Usha Vance doesn’t look at J.D.. He has less of a poker face than I do. You know this woman, the White woman ashamed of her race, the great White Savior, and the Karen lecturing you from behind her mask. Where would the poor people of color be if she weren’t here to save them?

On Deadline, Bishop Budde proved her place as the great White Savior:

Appearing via remote on The View today, Budde did not apologize, acknowledging, “I think if you read what I said, how could it not be politicized? We’re in a hyper political climate. One of the things I caution about is the culture of contempt in which we live that immediately rushes to the worst possible interpretations of what people are saying and to put them in categories…That’s part of the air we breathe now. And I was trying to speak a truth that I felt needed to be said, but to do it in as respectful and kind a way as I could, and also to bring other voices into the conversation, voices that had not been heard in the public space for some time.”

Culture of Contempt? Budde speaks in the condescending tones of NPR and she thinks that we don’t get it. The Bishop is a culture of contempt in and of herself. We, of the Right, hear people like Budde every darn day. We recognize her. Trump knew what she was doing:

She was nasty and boring. And Budde pays no respect to those victims of crimes committed by illegal aliens. I thought following the laws of the Country was Biblical. You know, Render unto Caesar and all that jazz. I thought that was part of why Jesus submitted himself to the Sanhedrin and then Pontius Pilate. What about the trafficked children? What about the people who have died from Fentanyl made from ingredients brought in by the cartels? Bishop Budde has no care about anyone but her turn the lecture the Trumps and the Vances.

Remember in the lecture where Budde said all the LGBTQIIA2 kids are afraid? Scott Bessent clapped back in the NY Post about the Righteously Rigid Reverend:

And Bessent is a Treasury genius. So many things wrong with this Bishop. Maybe she has forgotten who she works for. Culture of Contempt, my Aunt Fanny.

Featured Image: Paul Alers/NASA/Wikimedia Domain

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  • GWB says:

    She is the fly in the mayo and that fly has a pole up its backside.
    LOL. Right out of the gate with the multiple metaphors. It works, though.

    They may not be citizens or have the proper documentation, but the vast majority of immigrants are not criminals
    If they entered the country illegally, then they most certainly are. They invaded our country. If you allow that then borders have no meaning and sovereignty is a nullity. Which, of course, is what you want, Miss Globalist.

    They pay taxes
    Only if they’ve stolen someone’s SSN.

    and are good neighbors
    Actually, many of them are not. But you can’t see them in your DC-Prog bubble.

    They are faithful members of our churches
    No, they are not. They are violating the basic sovereignty of our state, and thereby NOT rendering unto Caesar what is Caesar’s.

    They are faithful members of our… mosques
    That may very well be, since Islam sees invasion as a method to conquer more land for Allah. Which would be very uncool, and not pro-American.

    We’re in a hyper political climate.
    No sir. We are in an antagonistic religious takeover – by Progressives from Christians. And Christians are well on their way to final defeat. (Betrayed by wolves in sheep’s clothing like this “bishop.”)

    And I was trying to speak a truth that I felt needed to be said
    I’m guessing you wouldn’t know Truth if it fastened onto your face and started wriggling.

    voices that had not been heard in the public space for some time.
    Oh, BULLHOCKEY! We’ve heard nothing BUT those voices for the last 15 years or so! The only way you could silence those voices right now would be to… well, take away your bully pulpit. You’re a liar, “bishop.”

    In the name of our God
    No. Do not put the name of OUR God in your lying mouth, “bishop”! You do NOT worship the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. You do NOT worship the Yahweh of Moses and Joshua. You go after the golden calf of Progressivism, dancing in your heathen manner before it, celebrating the overturning of the Order of Creation and the Kingship of our Savior! Repent your lies and deception, lest “Away from me! I never knew you!” is His declaration on that Day of Judgment!

    • GWB says:

      their way to final defeat
      Well, no. Not true defeat. Merely the loss of our prominence as the people – and therefore the backbone – of this nation. But God will win in the end.

  • Lloyd says:

    Bishop??….or, Bitch!

  • Cameron says:

    “There are gay, lesbian and transgender children in both Democratic, Republican and independent families who fear for their lives.”

    Maybe if you and your kind stopped encouraging the belief that they were going to be hauled off to death camps, they wouldn’t be terrified.

    who “pick our crops” and “work the night shift in hospitals,” among other vital roles.

    Democrats still yearn for slaves.

    “They may not be citizens or have the proper documentation, but the vast majority of immigrants are not criminals,” she said.

    No documentation means they are criminals. End of discussion.

    “They pay taxes,

    Not as much as citizens or legal immigrants. And if they are filing returns, they are using stolen SSNs.

    and are good neighbors

    Talk to the people who had to deal with Tren de Aragua out in CO about how neighborly they are.

    People like you should be burned at the stake as a warning for heretics to repent of their false god.

  • kelly_3406 says:

    This issue seems …. personal for her.

  • A reader says:

    So speaking truth to power, standing up for those who are targeted, whether you agree with them or not, showing love and mercy to your neighbor— who according to Jesus, is EVERYONE— and being kind is, um, how did you put it? Oh yes, “the fly in the mayo and that fly has a pole up its backside.” Huh. Got it.

    Some better words to think on…
    “Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.” Matthew 5:7

    “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8.

    Asking the leader of our country, and one of the most powerful people in the world to show mercy to others is EXACTLY what Jesus would do. It is inherently, completely and unequivocally Christian. As
    the Reverend Benjamin Cremer so eloquently put it: “If your Christianity causes you to be offended by someone asking the most powerful person in the country to be merciful towards the powerless, then you have profoundly misunderstood the teachings of Jesus Christ.”

    If what she said bothered you so much, then you would have been bothered by Jesus. Maybe let that pole sit in your own backside for a bit.

    • GWB says:

      So speaking truth to power, standing up for those who are targeted, whether you agree with them or not, showing love and mercy to your neighbor
      I knew you would show up to concern troll this post. You’re a progressive, not a Christian, so you don’t actually grasp what Jesus is saying – ever.

      The real problem is that your “Jesus” has no holiness or righteousness to him. So you have no understanding of “mercy” or “love.”

      Some verses that maybe you should look into concerning Jesus.
      And making a whip of cords, he drove them all out of the temple

      You brood of vipers!

      go, and from now on sin no more

      Sin no more, that nothing worse may happen to you.

      (Those last 3 are all from the “Gospel of Love” – John’s Gospel, BTW.)
      (Also, you have NO idea what Micah is talking about, apparently.)

      And the people she was demanding “compassion” for are all people trying to cast off the shackles of the law by denying God. And they aren’t asking for forgiveness, nor are they repenting. They are demanding their Creator not hold them to His standard. Jesus had this to say:
      “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs, which outwardly appear beautiful, but within are full of dead people’s bones and all uncleanness.”

      Yes, I would have been bothered by Jesus. If you think you wouldn’t have, then you are a fool. The difference between me and you is I know why Jesus came as the Christ, and I accept the condemnation of God and the salvation of Christ that makes atonement for that condemnation. And I’m willing to speak out when people are standing in defiance of God, in order that they might repent, and thereby be saved. And to stand up against the false shepherds who claim God’s false imprimatur. (She doesn’t misunderstand the teachings of Jesus, she twists them.)

    • Scott says:

      Time and place dumbass, time and place..

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