Biden’s Absence and Other Silver Linings of the Coronavirus Outbreak

Biden’s Absence and Other Silver Linings of the Coronavirus Outbreak

Biden’s Absence and Other Silver Linings of the Coronavirus Outbreak

He promised supporters daily briefings, but, amid the coronavirus outbreak, Joe Biden has had no national TV interviews in two weeks. That said, he is busy on Twitter re-tweeting CNN’s falsehoods…

…and repeating China’s communist government’s propaganda, rivaling that of Baghdad Bob.

Or at least someone managing his account is. Because I can all but guarantee the messages posted to his Twitter feed weren’t composed by him; he just recently discovered this newfangled thing all the young whippersnappers are employing called “remote meetings.” So I think it’s safe to say ‘Ol Joe isn’t running his social media. He’s too busy forgetting where he is, and fumbling through every telecommunication attempt he’s tried (whilst…wait for it…rubbing his nose on camera):

…showing everyone exactly the kind of president he’d be.

Which is a welcome silver lining amid a worldwide crisis.

But Bumbling Biden’s conspicuous absence from the campaign trail isn’t the only positive amid an otherwise difficult past several weeks. There are a number of valuable lessons we’re learning from the coronavirus outbreak:

Socialism is always a failure: make no mistake, Joe Biden is no moderate. His campaign positions are just as radical as Sanders’. One look at the failure of the socialized healthcare systems in Europe, specifically Italy, should send us all running back toward our own. Our medical and scientific communities are the best in the world and are working diligently to address this pandemic as quickly as they can. By contrast, Italy’s socialized healthcare system is overrun, with its personnel forced to decide who gets treatment and who doesn’t. This outbreak is solid proof that socialized healthcare is deadly; we should never implement that system here. Another plus is that telemedicine will likely increase going forward.

Open borders are profoundly dangerous: Europe is being inundated with coronavirus, and the pinpoint reasons are open borders and political correctness. While President Trump was banning flights from China, Italy was trying its best not to be labeled “racist.” We are witnessing the deadly results of those policies in real time. Illegal aliens—who Europe’s pols call “migrants”— are likely a tremendous pressure on our limited resources. If you’re watching cable news, you won’t see any information on how California’s healthcare system is faring. But it’s safe to assume that, given Governor Newsom’s recent shutdown of the entire state, that it’s at best, stressing their healthcare system. But it’s far more likely that his imposition of “sanctuary” status on the entire state has resulted in massive pressure on California’s healthcare system. Newsom will never admit it, and the media will never report it, but I’d bet my left arm that non-citizens are using up resources that should be reserved for Americans. This is a profound lesson we all must heed as we debate immigration policy going forward.

Public schools are outdated: most schools across the country are closed and kids of all ages are now at home where their parents and guardians are coming up with imaginative ways to educate them (Khan Academy and free online courses come to mind). I’ve been wondering for a while now why we need brick-and-mortar schools, at least at the collegiate level. Ever since Barack Obama commandeered the student loan industry within his inaptly named “Affordable Care Act,” tuition has skyrocketed nationwide. With no competition, why wouldn’t colleges hike up costs? As a mom with a teen about to graduate high school, I can tell you that an average university charges upwards of $25,000.00 or more per year for out-of-state tuition. Double that to cover other expenses. In this day and age, there’s no reason students need to be physically on campus. With exceptions, of course, classes can be taught online, via teleconferencing (someone alert Joe Biden!), and myriad other ways that would help reduce tuition and other costs associated with attaining a degree.

New job opportunities: while the job losses the country has already experienced are tragic and profound, a bit of good news is that other opportunities for employment have surged. Here’s a list of the companies who need employees right now.

The American people are far more united than the media would have us believe: we are determined, resilient, and dedicated to helping our fellow man. There are countless examples across the country of selflessness amid the coronavirus outbreak: people have organized to shop for those most at risk who cannot leave their homes; people are sewing face masks for our precious healthcare workers; people are doing what they can to lift the spirits of their neighbors; and private industry has stepped up to the plate in remarkable ways in an effort to serve their country. In the darkest of times, people who just days ago ignored one another, have reached out to their neighbors and communities for the connectedness that has so diminished in the digital age. It’s a welcome phenomenon, and one I’m hopeful will last beyond this pandemic.

And, lastly, the lesson we learned loudly and clearly yesterday: the Democrats will exploit any crisis (read that link!) to advance their party’s far-left agenda, the consequences to the country be damned. As VG Nina outlined, they’re attempting to stuff what’s supposed to be a coronavirus-outbreak relief bill with every lobbyist agenda-item imaginable. It doesn’t get any more reprehensible than taking advantage of the quarantine of many of their colleagues to push through an agenda that, on a regular day, would see them laughed out of Congress. We should remember their treachery in November. And if we do, we just may wash away some of what stinks in D.C. And that would be a good thing.

There are surely further lessons we’ll learn in the coming days, but this much is certain: Joe Biden’s campaign is on life support, at least for the foreseeable future. But the American spirit is strong and will survive this crisis. In the worst of times, we are displaying the best of us, coming up with new and inventive ways to push through one of the most difficult crises in our nation’s history. And for that we should all be thankful.

I’ll leave you with this from Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick (fast forward to approximately the 10:00 mark; note that many on social media and, of course, the mainstream media are misconstruing his words):

Amen, sir. And Godspeed.


Feature Image Credit: AThree23 via Pixabay; Pixaay license; image cropped

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  • GWB says:

    Ol Joe
    Move that apostrophe to the other side. 🙂

    Joe Biden is no moderate.
    Yes and no. Biden’s campaign positions are what they are because he wants to win. More correct to say Biden was a moderate when moderate would win, and a socialist when he thinks the socialists will vote for him. In the old days, I would guarantee you he would “go moderate” for the general campaign, but the radicals are so amplified by the media and “social media” that I’m not sure I’d bet that way this time.

    its personnel forced to decide who gets treatment and who doesn’t
    Death Panels would be sooo much more efficient.

    Another plus is that telemedicine will likely increase going forward.
    Well, socialism will have telemedicine, too. In soviet telemedicine, you can’t smell the vodka on the doctor’s breath, so it’s easier to trust him.
    (Also, maybe this will lead to a step up from the fitbit, to a diagnostic system that will let you place sensors and record your data. You could keep a “healthy” baseline copy that you could upload to the doctor along with current readings to help his diagnosis. Hypochondriacs will LOVE that machine….)

    who Europe’s pols call “migrants”
    That. If they’re ‘migrants’, when are they migrating home?

    resources that should be reserved for Americans
    I would rather say “that should go to Americans first.” As Americans – founded on Christian principles – we should most certainly help others with our excess. But we should start our charity with Americans, and move outward from here.

    I’ve been wondering for a while now why we need brick-and-mortar schools
    Well, there’s lots of reasons. Even we homeschoolers join co-ops, partly to bring our kids together. There’s lab work in science classes – that needs a b&m presence.
    No, the problem with public schooling is NOT that it’s b&m, but that the places are WAY too big (for efficiency – very progressive) and have control from way too far above the local community they serve (and, yes, a city government can be way too far above the community if it’s too large).
    Science fiction authors have been trying to get us to educate our kids in front of the telescreen for a century now, and it’s born out of the idea that humans are a machine (a biological one) and can be taught like one. I’ve never liked it (and I’m a loner) – not since I first read about it in a Bradbury short story from the 50s.

    myriad other ways that would help reduce tuition
    You still need the instructors. You still have a class size limitation to worry about.
    The right way to reduce tuition is to get gov’t out of the market, and to stop telling people it’s this magical talisman that guarantees they’ll get a good-paying job.

    people have organized to shop for those most at risk who cannot leave their homes
    I know of one person who has done that for her small neighborhood. Someone else is procuring boxes folks can place on their porch so those others can make deliveries. Good people. 🙂

    the Democrats will exploit any crisis
    Another lesson from that is the same one so many have been repeating about “climate change”: I’ll believe this is really a crisis when the people telling me it’s a crisis start acting themselves like it’s a crisis. I feel like TPTB know the panic-inducing data that’s being tossed about is bogus, but it serves their purposes.

    (Has anyone thought about the census impact on NY, CA, and WA, if Wuhan Flu really was as deadly as the fear-mongers claim?)

    These are the times that try men’s souls. But we still have some silver in ours, and it will show through the dross.

  • Mike-in-Keller says:

    I agree that public schools are outdated. Since my wife was able to be home when our kids were growing up, today we would home-school. Not only are public schools outdated, they’ve replaced education with indoctrination.

    Brick and mortar colleges? Sure, get rid of them, except there are degrees that require students and professors to get together: music and laboratories for chemistry, physics, engineering. Maybe some other things. There are some things that must be hands-on.

  • Wfjag says:

    Joe Biden is following the campaign strategy laid out by his old Senate colleague, John McCain when there’s a national crisis:
    First, say you’ll pick a woman as your VP nominee.
    Second, when asked a pointed question by a member of the public, angrily berate that person for not knowing their proper place in your august presence.
    Next, go into hiding.
    Then, when you come out to make a statement, be totally unprepared and stumble over your words and give a presentation that looks like an audition for The Gong Show.

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