Biden Will Spend The Rest Of His Presidency In The Basement

Biden Will Spend The Rest Of His Presidency In The Basement

Biden Will Spend The Rest Of His Presidency In The Basement

The writing is on the wall. Joe Biden will spend the rest of his Presidency in the White House basement. This was his schedule yesterday.

Did he have any significant events scheduled for earlier in the week? No. Not a one. However, the media is spinning this as if it will be the absolute bestest Lame Duck Presidency EVER! 

Just weeks after Democrats drove Joe Biden from the race, his aides are rethinking his final months as president, sketching out a targeted role on the campaign trail and sharper focus on White House events that shape his legacy.

White House and political aides have talked about occasionally sending Biden out to stump for Vice President Kamala Harris as polls suggest his approval rating has ticked up following his decision to step aside.

The vice president wants Biden’s support in the targeted places where he has the most strength, including with older white voters in states he won in 2020, including Pennsylvania and Michigan, according to three political aides granted anonymity to discuss private discussions.

It’s a remarkable contrast from how Biden envisioned spending the next several months, criss-crossing the country to sell voters on a second term. Still, some Democrats have privately suggested in recent weeks that the president would be better suited to staying in the White House and governing.

They admit a couple of things here. 1. The Democrats conspired to force him to step out of the race. 2. Kamala only wants him at certain events where he can do very little harm. 3. Keeping him in the White House basement is the plan. 

On a call with political appointees across agencies Wednesday afternoon, White House chief of staff Jeff Zients laid out four main pillars for Biden’s team to execute in a lame duck period: the continued implementation of key legislation; lowering costs and growing the economy through additional moves on student debt relief and efforts to bring down prescription drug prices; defending personal freedoms and civil rights by calling out hate and extremism; and ensuring US strength, security and leadership in the world, according to audio of the call obtained by CNN.

On the fourth point, national security adviser Jake Sullivan suggested Biden would keep a busy schedule in international matters: “You can expect to see very busy months of activity, of summits and trips to ensure that we do everything we can to leave it on the field,” Sullivan said, adding that there would be “high-level summits both here and abroad.”

Oh that’s perfect. Add more cost to the taxpayers who foot the bills for paying off others student loan debt, more targeting of parents, and attempting for the umpteenth time to get Hamas to agree to a cease-fire and maybe just maybe, release the remaining hostages. Which Joe and his Administration have been unable to do for nearly a year now. Yet they think the next six months will show Americans and the world how amazing Joe’s leadership truly is? 

It’s VERY difficult to do if they don’t put anything on his schedule for most of each week! 

He had one public event to welcome the 2023 MLB Champion Texas Rangers to The White House. 

It went about as well as you can imagine given he totally lost his way at the end. Meanwhile, we are supposed to applaud that Kamala UNEXPECTEDLY answered a few softball questions from the press. Sort of.

Please. Clap. 

Given Joe’s schedule this last week, and the fact that he was already in Delaware by Thursday night, does anyone TRULY believe there will be multiple international jaunts between now and January 20, 2025? I’ll be honestly shocked if even ONE trip takes place. 

You know, President Trump made an exceptionally good point during his press conference yesterday. 

He’s absolutely on point here. The Presidency was taken away from Joe. They (Jill and Hunter) pushed him into this campaign while ignoring his very real health issues. And then the debate happened. They couldn’t ignore it anymore. So they yanked a potential second term from his grasp. They forced him out and shoehorned the socialist duo of Kamala Harris and Tim Walz into place. 

EVERYONE is in cahoots about this. Including the FEC, which tracks all the money for the campaigns. According to the FEC, Joe Biden was NEVER a candidate. 

Screenshot of FEC website on Thursday August 8 in the am

You had to drill way down into the weeds at the FEC site to find where Joe was actually a candidate. Every other candidate for President, whether they are still in the race or not, was listed front and center. Joe was nowhere to be found. Until early yesterday evening when the FEC stealth updated their website to “fix” things. Except the map still showed Joe was nowhere to be found. 

We have an inflation problem, the economy is having major issues, Iran is playing terrorist games, our border is non-existent, and Joe will be hanging out in the White House basement. 

Who is leading the country right now? 

Feature Photo Credit: original artwork by Victory Girls Darleen Click

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  • Scott says:

    “Please. Clap. ” You dumb bastards…. Sounds familiar??? Must be a dem thing..

  • Leigh Kimmel says:

    In the last months of Leonid Brezhnev’s life, he was so ill he couldn’t even be hobbled up to the podium to be propped up for viewing, so he just sort of disappeared from view and nobody knew who was running the USSR.

    Why am I unsurprised that this Administration should borrow from that playbook? I’m gonna have to borrow Sarah Hoyt’s shocked face.

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