Biden Shows Us Who He Is Yet Again

Biden Shows Us Who He Is Yet Again

Biden Shows Us Who He Is Yet Again

Joe Biden took to San Francisco and (lucky us) Seattle over the past few days to spew more lies and crack a few bad jokes.

Desperate times call for desperate measures. Why else would Joe Biden roll into cities where he knows the vote is his? The pResident took to the mic for a pseudo stand-up comedy show in San Francisco on Thursday night, making “funnies” about his opponent and former President, Donald Trump.

Remember him saying the best thing to do is to inject a little bleach into your arm,.I wish he had done it a little bit himself.

It all went to his hair. I probably shouldn’t have said that. You guys are a bad influence on me.”-Joe Biden

Knee-slapping standup right there, ladies and gentlemen. Not sure who was propping the Big Guy up and keeping him vertical enough for the stand-up act but a big kudos to them, I guess. A big round of applause for Joe’s speech writers, too, because the old nincompoop probably could not come up with something that witty (tying the “injectable bleach” to Trump’s hair) on his own. Can never happen. Good thing he was alert enough to read that teleprompter correctly, though he still thinks Kim Jong-Un resides in South Korea.

In truth, this wasn’t the first time Joe Biden has attempted the “Donald Trump told us to inject bleach” bit. (Bleach-Bit? Hillary? Where you at?)

Individuals had their own comedic remarks about Biden and his visit to the Democrat crap holes of San Francisco and Seattle:

The good news for the public that can’t afford $25,000 for a picture with the president can still be photographed with a potato at multiple produce stands for no additional cost.”-KOMO News Reader

Applause. The crowd goes wild. But don’t inject bleach like Trump told you to.

Still, some people are as clueless as they come:

Sheesh. Clean the atmosphere? Kind of ironic when we think about Biden visiting a city that once had a SnapCrap and Poop Maps for residents and visitors to avoid landmines of human feces. Ironic as Biden visits a city where dirty needles are found in parks where children play. Clean the atmosphere. The Democrats who attended these events for sure are as clueless as they come about “cleaning the atmosphere”. They love this filth and squalor. They don’t have to live in it. They can afford not to. They vote for governors like Gavin Newson and Jay Inslee, vote for Biden/Harris and go back to their homes adorned with their Pride/Progress flags, looking out at the rotting corpses that are our cities from the safety of their liberal bubbles.

The question remains: was Biden really “joking” about Donald Trump injecting bleach? And, is this the decorum of a President we’d like to see? In truth, Biden’s time in The White House does not allow for any matters of levity. Approval ratings are dismal. Economy is soft. Morale is at an all-time low. Hate and division between Americans has intensified. Our kids’ schools are a mess. Our kids’ universities, in some cases, are even worse. Getting up on a podium and joking about your predecessor and opponent is not a good look right now.Joe, you are writing checks you cannot cash.

This seemingly errant comment gives us a bigger look into the soul of Joe Biden. The wee-little-beady-glazed-over-dementia-eyes these days don’t have it. Joe Biden was not “joking” about Donald Trump (or any of his supporters) injecting bleach. Not in the least. This is more of Angry Joe bubbling to the surface-Angry Joe who has a serious contempt for his opposition. Angry Joe who wishes anyone who dares to vote for Trump again-would inject bleach in their arm. Angry Joe and his supporters, collectively, wish anyone who remotely favors Trump would inject bleach.

In reality, the only place that needs an injection of bleach is The Joe Biden White House. That place needs a full-on deep cleaning after these few years. Break out the Clorox, stat!

Featured image: photoshop courtesy of Brand X Studio.

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