Biden On Trump Verdict: “No One Is Above The Law”

Biden On Trump Verdict: “No One Is Above The Law”

Biden On Trump Verdict: “No One Is Above The Law”

“No one is above the law.” Yes, that’s what Biden led with after the verdict came in yesterday. As Deanna pointed out, Donald Trump was found guilty of an invisible crime.

The absolute glee from the media, Democrats, and Hollywood is sickening. 

‘We should start referring to him as 34 instead of 45,’ Star Trek alum George Takei said.

Kathy Griffin – whose career took a massive hit in the wake of a 2017 controversy over a photoshoot depicting violence against Trump – said she was crying ‘TEARS OF JOY’ in the wake of the verdict.


Actress Vivica A. Fox said, ‘WOWZERS #Trump GOT’EM!!’ 

Comedian DL Hughley said, ‘We really have to do something about all this White on White crime ! #TeamDl.’ 

Actor Billy Baldwin said, ‘Guilty on all counts. E. Jean Carroll … Stormy Daniels … Election interference, espionage and inciting an insurrection coming up.’ 

Alvin Bragg, who kicked the case to the curb initially, is now claiming that he did his job correctly and followed the facts and law to the letter.

What facts? What laws? I’d laugh, but none of this is a laughing matter. This case was weaponized from the very start.

The jury instructions, all 55 pages worth, were such that it was essentially mandated that the only verdict is guilty. All of which served to blow a crater in the middle of 200 years of Constitutional jurisprudence. Those who are gleeful at the thought of Donald Trump being a convicted felon should really stop and think about the precedent they’ve set. 

The legal system was weaponized because of politics. If it can be used as a bludgeon against one person, it sure as hell can be used against someone else. That’s the Pandora’s box that was opened yesterday. 

That’s correct. Biden is now on record claiming that “No one is above the rule of law.” 

Well, if that is the case, then the same applies to EVERY SINGLE person in this Republic. Including Hunter, James Biden, and Joe himself. But the Democrats and the Biden brand will do everything they can to make sure that won’t happen. You see, that’s different because reasons and Trump is their battle cry. 

While Biden admits that no one is above the law, the campaign issued a cautionary note. Elect Biden or chaos will rule. 

Chaos. Really??!! I can tell you with certainty that if the verdict had been not guilty, there would’ve been riots and flames EVERYWHERE. 

Meanwhile the Biden campaign is also insisting that the verdict isn’t going to change things. 

And even though the president will likely discuss a guilty verdict at times on the campaign trail, his team doesn’t view his opponent’s conviction as likely to meaningfully change the trajectory of the campaign. But it could make a difference along the margins, and that may matter in a race expected to be extremely close.

“On voter sentiment, what I’ve seen is that there are some voters, especially moderate and Independent voters, who were not enthused about Trump’s involvement in all of these criminal trials. It casts doubt about his character,” said Matt Barreto, a Democratic pollster who works with the Biden campaign. “I think [the verdict] will weigh on some voters’ minds, but the election is in November, and for me and for the campaign, we are singularly focused on winning at the ballot box.”

Regarding voter sentiment, the Trump campaign website crashed at least twice last night after the verdict. Did the Biden campaign website crash? Nope. 

Furthermore, all the Democrats are in lockstep on the rule of law mantra. 

Eric hopes we’ll all forget his cute little affair with the Chinese spy. Even Michael Cohen got in on the act. 

Michael Cohen, Trump’s former attorney and the prosecution’s key witness, said Thursday marks “an important day for accountability and the rule of law.”

“While it has been a difficult journey for me and my family, the truth always matters,” Cohen said on a post shared on X. “I want to thank my attorneys @eDanyaPerry for her invaluable guidance and support throughout this process.”

The truth is Michael Cohen is a convicted felon himself who has lied like a rug multiple times. And, astoundingly, bluntly admitted on the stand last week that he embezzled money from the Trump Organization because he was OWED it. Yet the rule of law doesn’t apply to him evidently.

Biden and crew are bragging that the rule of law was followed. Was it REALLY?

Again, we still don’t know what criminal statue was applied in this case. We don’t know what the crime itself was. The judge cherry-picked which evidence could be offered and what witnesses could appear. That’s antithetical to how our legal system is supposed to work.

The rule of law — including impartial courts and ethical prosecutors — is fundamental to the survival of this republic, and of trust in democracy.

Biden can laughably claim that “no one is above the law” only because the law was perverted to benefit him and put President Trump at a disadvantage. 

Feature Photo Credit: Law scales of Justice against American flag via iStock, cropped and modified

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  • I am only partially in agreement with the “sauce for the gander, sauce for the goose” notion.

    Yes, charges should be brought. The Biden clan for their criminal actions of corruption, collusion with enemy nations, etc. If others are involved in that, them, too.

    But, on a broader scale, it should not be “name me the man, and I’ll find the crime.” The majority should be charged and tried under USC18-242 – deprivation of civil rights under color of law. That encompasses corrupt judges, prosecutors, Governors, and Attorney Generals, as well as many of the corrupt officials at all levels of government. (Merchan, Engoron, Bragg, James, Willis, Smith, and their flunkies, Governors and AGs going after those whose “crime” was being Trump Electors – there are iron-clad cases against all of them under the statute, as well as most of the J6 prosecutors and judges.)

  • Lemuel Vargas says:

    What Biden did not say loudly is “No one is above the law” except us, w/c includes the hard core Dems, the leftists and those who agrees w/ our progressive policies. But once you disagree w/ us, then you are not above the law but below that law.

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