Biden Knew Border Surge Would Happen, And Doesn’t Care

Biden Knew Border Surge Would Happen, And Doesn’t Care

Biden Knew Border Surge Would Happen, And Doesn’t Care

In news that really shouldn’t surprise us, we find out that Biden knew a border surge would happen. Does he care? No, not one bit. 

The Department of Homeland Security was aware that a large population of migrants was preparing to cross the southern border months before a near-record number surged into the country this month, internal documents obtained by the Washington Free Beacon show—but appears to have taken no action to forestall an influx that has overwhelmed local officials across the United States.

The documents show that Mexican immigration authorities have seen a spike in apprehensions since May, an indication that border crossings were likely to rise, and that federal agencies documented a large buildup of migrants on the Mexican side of the border at the beginning of September.

That includes an unprecedented number of illegals on trains. So much so, that Union Pacific stopped running trains for a time because of the liability issues. 

The Biden Administration and Joe himself, truly don’t care. They don’t care that the numbers of illegals swarming the border are up in the double digits PER DAY. 

They come from Brazil, Burkina Faso, Uzbekistan, India and dozens of other countries, a moving global village of hundreds of thousands of people crossing the Rio Grande and slipping through gaps in the border wall at a pace of nearly 9,000 people a day, one of the highest rates of unlawful crossings in months.

They don’t care that these illegals are coming from all over the world. Oh, and about that fabulous CBP app that Joe Biden claimed it would ensure illegals could be processed in an orderly manner? Guess what? This allows many, up to 200,000 to BYPASS the border entirely!

In January, President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security began implementing the cornerstone of its current Southwest Border management strategy: a series of new “lawful pathways” measures designed to decrease the historically high monthly “encounter” statistics of illegally crossing immigrants and to thin their mass congregations before they become a political problem.

For one of the more publicized measures, DHS cajoles tens of thousands of intending illegal border-crossers per month to instead go on the CBP One smartphone application, and make an appointment with U.S. officials at land ports of entry instead of crossing illegally. After making an appointment, DHS invites these inadmissible aliens to walk over to the American side at the land ports, where U.S. Customs officials quickly “parole” them in, allowing them to travel to a city of their choice in the nation’s interior.

But one of the least noticed, mysterious, and potentially the most controversial of the new rechanneling programs that use the CBP One app allows migrants to take commercial passenger flights from foreign countries straight to their American cities of choice, flying right over the border — and even over Mexico. For this measure, Cubans, Venezuelans, Nicaraguans, Haitians, and Colombians — while they are still in countries south of Mexico — request “advance travel authorizations” through the same CBP One mobile app and take commercial flights (“at their own expense”) directly into U.S. airports, where U.S. Customs officers parole them into the nation, sight unseen, and in numbers publicly unknown.

Yes, you read that correctly. Remember those migrant flights that the New York Post reported on last year? That, likely, was just the start of what CIS is now reporting on. So no, Joe Biden doesn’t care that our border towns are more overrun than ever, and that the influx of illegals is increasing by the hour and day. 

He doesn’t care that the sanctuary cities are getting hoisted by their own petard, and looking to put up Yurts to house illegals. Instead, as Kim wrote here, Joe gave nearly half a million Venezualan’s temporary status, no questions asked. 

Guess what guys? It isn’t Joe’s fault he doesn’t care about our borders being overrun.

Nope, it’s the Republicans who are to blame!

You know, Biden doesn’t care that his open borders policy has seen the largest influx of illegal immigrants in this Republic’s history. But he SHOULD care given where his poll numbers are. 

On handling immigration at the U.S.-Mexico border, Biden’s rating is even lower, with 23% approval. In terms of intensity of sentiment, 20% strongly approve of his work overall, while 45% strongly disapprove. And the 74% who say he’s too old for a second term is up 6 percentage points since May. Views that Trump is too old also are up, but to 50% in this poll, produced for ABC by Langer Research Associates.

As others point out, there will always be a faction of folks who will vote for Joe Biden and the Democrat/progressive way regardless of reality. That said, 23% puts Biden’s approval rating concerning immigration into the depths of the toilet. 

All this to point out another issue of Biden throwing our borders wide open so Democrats can get the votes they want. National security. Our border patrol is so overwhelmed that they have NO TIME to adequately vet every illegal that crosses their paths. It’s been a miracle that they’ve caught the terrorists they have! 

That border surge we are seeing now? It will continue because Biden and his handlers just. don’t. care. about this Republic. 

Feature Photo Credit: Original artwork by Victory Girls Darleen Click 

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