Barack Obama: Rude, Crude and Uncalled For “Nationalism”

Barack Obama: Rude, Crude and Uncalled For “Nationalism”

Barack Obama: Rude, Crude and Uncalled For “Nationalism”

After hearing about the “education” Barack Obama gave to Donald Trump on Friday (honest-to-goodness quote from a radio report), BHO hops on board an international speaking tour…his last as President. Yesterday’s stop: Athens, Greece.

USA Today reports “Debt, not Trump” as the focus of Obama’s speech. Right. It did not take long for Obama to throw a dig in there. In fact, it would be quite uncharacteristic of him to not throw a jab or two in.

“We are going to have to guard against a rise in a crude sort of nationalism, or ethnic identity or tribalism that is built around an us and a them, and I will never apologize for saying that the future of humanity and the future of the world is going to be defined by what we have in common, as opposed to those things that separate us and ultimately lead us into conflict.”


“In the United States, we know what happens when we start dividing ourselves along the lines of race or religion or ethnicity. It is dangerous. It is dangerous, not just for the minority groups that are subjected to that kind of discrimination, or in some cases in the past, violence, but because we then don’t realize our potential as a country when we are preventing blacks or Latinos or Asians or gays or women from fully participating in the project of building American life.”

I find Barack Obama’s choice of words to describe what is happening, “crude nationalism” as an interesting one. The “crude nationalism” he is referring to is the rejection of globalism and, reading between the lines, the “loonies” who voted for Trump. He was not referring to this (LANGUAGE NSFW):

Or this:

Or even this:

You see….this is not the “crude nationalism” Barack Obama refers to in his speech. This is:

This “crude nationalism”, in Obama’s delusional mind, is the culmination of frustration with corrupt government systems and leaders’ lack of pride in this country that lead to Donald Trump winning the electoral vote last week. This form of “crude nationalism”, in BHO’s opinion, is happening all because some Americans do not understand his vision for our country (because Barry knows best). Trump voters are the “tribe” he is referring to. You see, Barack Obama is making his last-ditch attempts at voicing his concerns because perhaps if he doesn’t, his legacy will unravel and disappear into thin air. All of that work after eight years in office. Poof. Gone.

Barack Obama is quick to point the finger at the factions that have caused the great political divide on the Trump side while he attempts to come in and be the “hero” to all people. The savior. The messiah. The anointed one. In fact, Barack Obama could care less about protesters burning the American flag, about kids being shamed and abused by their own parents after they voiced they voted for Trump in their school’s mock election, about individuals rioting and damaging innocent business owners’ property, that innocent people were injured or killed because of anti-Trump self-absorbed temper tantrums nor does he care about the silent minorities that are watching this all unfold in disbelief. While there were elements of division in the early days of the Trump campaign that brought out a fair share of crazies and their “tribes”, the Democrats played this to (what they thought would be) their advantage and now the results have come to roost and now, other nations are watching. It is not “We The People”. It has become, to some, an “us versus them” mentality and this “us versus them” defies reason and intelligent, civilized discussions. This, to Barack Obama, has become all about saving face and his legacy and if he has to use division to do it, he will.

“Because societies which are able to unify ourselves around values and ideals and character, and how we treat each other, and cooperation and innovation, ultimately are going to be more successful than societies that don’t.”

Why yes, Mr. President, you are right. We would be more successful if we unified ourselves, had some character and treated one another with respect. Respect, however, is a two-way street. Why don’t you start off by telling the people who worship the ground you walk on to practice what you preach?

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1 Comment
  • GWB says:

    Note one of the classic prog maneuvers – simply assume that something you’re arguing against is bad. Why is nationalism considered to be bad? Because it’s associated with NAZIism? Funny they don’t feel that way about the “socialist” part of that.

    It’s a prog conceit, and purely a prog conceit, that nationalism is merely a step on the way to globalism. Somehow a giant nation of everyone on the whole earth is a better thing than smaller groups of people banded together based on location or ideology. And, the next, natural (because progressivism is the nature of history, donchaknow) step of progress from nationalism is “mutli-nationalism”, then globalism.

    It is a prog conceit for a couple of reasons. First, if there aren’t nations, then there won’t be conflict or war. Of course, this is balderdash (based on human nature – ignored or hand-waved by progs), but that’s never stopped progs before. Second, it allows one group of ubertechnocrats to rule everyone all at once. And, yes, though it’s not part of their platform, power is ultimately the goal of progs – power to tell you the best way (in their oh-so-well-educated opinion) to live.

    And, the progs will never be happy to let us be. You will be made to care. Much like the islamists, you will be made to worship their god.

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