Is Ebola in the US? Why You Need to Know

The current epidemic of Ebola in West Africa is scary but it’s way over in Africa, right?  It won’t come here, right?  The sanitation standards in the…

Looking for the Meaning of Courage

Where do we find our courage?  Where do we even begin to define it?  A lot of us are inspired by the quotes of great people; not…

Deal to Fix VA Healthcare? Congress Says Yes

After six weeks of a whole lot of stupid—and many, many months of our veterans being treated like garbage (if they’re treated at all)—House and Senate negotiators…

UN Security Council Demands Ceasefire in Gaza

The UN Security Council held a meeting a few hours ago in New York to demand “an immediate and unconditional humanitarian cease-fire in Gaza.”  As can be…

Illegals Tell Border Patrol “Obama Will Take Care of Us” as Border is Overrun

Chris Cabrera, vice president of the National Border Patrol Council Local 3307, says that illegal children and adults coming across the border have been coached on how…

A Primer for Obama on Executive Orders

President Obama, We the People realize that signing executive orders is right up there with vacationing on other people’s dime and ‘playing the back nine’ in terms…

Mexico Complains About National Guard on the Border

The Mexican government is not happy about the decision to send 1000 troops to the border, and they’re actually being rather loud about it.  ConservativeInfidel reports: “Attention…

Proof: Obama Lied About Individual Mandate Tax

It’s a familiar story:  Obama says something, then later it becomes obvious he lied.  In round #78634, we have the individual mandate tax for Obamacare, which is…

The Hypocrisy of the Liberal Tolerance Argument

For years now, conservatives have been painted as bigots and homophobes.  We are intolerant.  We want to control everyone and everything and we are just horrible people…

How Do You Get on the Government Watchlist?

Many of us have joked about being on a government watchlist.  In fact, a few of my friends consider it such a badge of honor that I…

US Rep Tells La Raza to Get Amnesty and Punish Those Against Illegal Invasion

Members of the United States Congress are elected officials chosen by the People to represent the interests of illegal invaders and their home countries, drug cartels, and…

UW-Madison Adopts Diversity-Based Grading

So much for higher education; it appears whoever’s running UW-Madison is just high, period.  Apparently it’s not enough to use race as a determining factor in admissions,…

Help a 5-Year-Old Boy Battling Cancer Get His Birthday Wish

This comes in from one of our readers, who thought that we might want to help…and we do.  Five-year-old Danny Nickerson has an inoperable brain tumor, and…

CNN Reporter Calls Israelis “Scum” and Promptly Deletes Tweet

Remember the days when journalists reported news?  Yeah, me either.  CNN “reporter”—I use the term loosely—Diana Magnay is a big fan of Palestinian attacks on Israel, apparently. …

Diversity Danger? Non-Pilot Female Chosen for Command of Air Force in Pacific

The White House, the entity that cares even less about dead Americans than it cares about a wide-open southern border, is taking care of the stuff that…

Illegals Get Arrested for Violent Crimes–Only a Few Days After Getting Here

When it comes to the current crisis on the border (and our stand that these people need to go home), some of the writers here at VG…

A Message to Marines

[note: this post is a message by guest writer MarinePrepper, intended for former and current Marines nationwide. Please share.] Silently. Silently they fell in line, He doesn’t…

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Are you interested in writing for Victory Girls? If you’d like to blog about politics and current events from a conservative POV, send us a writing sample here.
Ava Gardner