US Rep Tells La Raza to Get Amnesty and Punish Those Against Illegal Invasion

US Rep Tells La Raza to Get Amnesty and Punish Those Against Illegal Invasion

Members of the United States Congress are elected officials chosen by the People to represent the interests of illegal invaders and their home countries, drug cartels, and racist groups who believe the US should give up part of its land.  At least, that’s what Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) apparently thinks, since he spends his time lately advocating loudly in favor of the current invasion going on at the southern border.  We covered this story very briefly a bit earlier today in another post, but I wanted to specifically address this because it bears some additional research.

On Saturday, Gutierrez told the National La Raza Conference that Obama “assured him during a White House meeting with Members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus last week” that he would stop the deportation of “our people.”  In other words, Gutierrez not only identifies with illegals (and NOT with the United States he supposedly serves), but he also says Obama promised him all kinds of things.

“You gave us a down payment when you freed 600,000 DREAMers from deportation,” Gutierrez said. “Now it is time for the president in the United States… [to] free the Mom and Dads of the DREAMers. And to go further. Be broad and expansive and generous.”

So, it wasn’t enough to bring all the “DREAMers”, which is the nice, fuzzy term they came up with to whitewash the invasion. Gutierrez and his reconquista-advocating buddies also want the “Mom and Dads” too…or at least anyone who claims to be their parents.  (Keep in mind that most of the “children” coming across are 14-17 and many of them are not only NOT ‘escaping violence’, but the violence rate in their home countries has actually gone down since they left.  What does that tell you?)  Gutierrez still won’t be happy, however.  He wants Obama to “go farther.”  To be “broad and expansive and generous.”  In other words, let anyone in here who comes.  Never mind their criminal history.  Never mind that they have no job skills, no loyalty to this nation, no understanding of anything except the word “gimme.”  Why would he advocate this?  Simple.

He went on to say that illegals should all get citizenship, and they should “punish” those of us who “criminalize” the ongoing invasion.

I want you to really read that.  I want what he is saying to truly sink in.  This is an elected official of the United States of America, openly advocating to a racist-terrorism group that they should 1) invade us, 2) get amnesty, and 3) punish Americans citizens who stood in the way of them getting what they want.  Invade, Take Over, Punish.  That’s what you do when you’re conquering a region.  You invade them, you settle in, and then you punish anyone who stood against you.  Make no mistake: a sitting member of the American Congress is loudly advocating that foreign nationals take over the United States and punish us.  If that’s not treason, I’m not sure what is.

“…whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason…”

La Raza is all about war.  That’s what the reconquista movement is about—“taking back” land by force they see as theirs, or at the very least, invading us, getting citizenship, and using that citizenship to further Mexico’s agenda in the United States.  By the way…if you’re new to La Raza, here’s some background.  They’ve been friends to the PLO, and have been aligned with other terror groups.  (In fact, here’s a site by E. F. Mohammed Martinez you might be interested in.  His top article is addressed to Murietta, and it’s titled “The White Supremacist Filth of Murietta, CA…”)

La Raza’s ‘army’ is the Brown Berets, and if you want to see some racist, pathetic, pro-violence propaganda, you can view their site here.  One more thing…Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor is a former member.

Someone needs to remind Mr. Gutierrez who he works for.  If he isn’t putting the interests of citizens (and the will of the People) above all else, then he needs to be removed.

By the way…that “someone” is us.  We the People.  Remember?  Or are you too busy watching the latest episode of The Bachelorette?

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  • Anonymous says:

    Didn’t we call this kind of thing “high treason,” once upon a time?

    • GWB says:

      Didn’t we not even bother calling it anything and just get a friggin’ rope?

      (Uh oh, now I’ve done it. I’m sure that’s a dog whistle everyone hears….)

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