Jamie Rathburn Became a Bully to Fight Bullies

Jamie Rathburn Became a Bully to Fight Bullies

Last month, Jamie Rathburn finally had enough. Her son, a third-grader at Greenbrier Elementary School in South Carolina, had been bullied once too often. Pushed to the…

9/11 First Responders Deserve Better

9/11 First Responders Deserve Better

Yesterday was a day that should live in infamy. A sub-committee of the House Judiciary Committee met to hear testimony from 9/11 survivors in preparation for a…

Scot Peterson Might Finally Face Justice

Scot Peterson Might Finally Face Justice

Yesterday, authorities announced that former Broward County Deputy Scot Peterson faces 11 criminal counts stemming from his actions–or more accurately, lack of action–during the February 14, 2018…

Buttigieg & Moulton Condemn Trump For Not Serving

Buttigieg & Moulton Condemn Trump For Not Serving

The media, not to mention the Democratic Party, have no shame. Our nation just commemorated Memorial Day, remembering all the men and women who laid down their…

From the VG Bookshelf: A Social Poison by Thomas Sowell

From the VG Bookshelf: A Social Poison by Thomas Sowell

A Social Poison is one of the essays included in Thomas Sowell’s excellent Black Rednecks and White Liberals. Whether you believe in a “Redneck culture” or that…

Madam Speaker Flips and Flops on Impeachment

Madam Speaker Flips and Flops on Impeachment

Madam Speaker has spoken. And danced. And changed positions. And finally come around to the position we all expected. She’s flipped and flopped her way into beginning…

Adam Schiff Sinks Deeper into Trump Derangement Syndrome

Adam Schiff Sinks Deeper into Trump Derangement Syndrome

First the Democrats promised the Steele Report would bring down Donald Trump. When that failed, they swore the Mueller Report would vindicate their hatred for the President…

From the VG Bookshelf: Black Rednecks & White Liberals by Thomas Sowell

From the VG Bookshelf: Black Rednecks & White Liberals by Thomas Sowell

Thomas Sowell has never been one to shy away from telling the hard truths. An economist, he sees the potential pitfalls of the path our country finds…

Even Behind Bars, Cohen Grasps for Relevancy

Even Behind Bars, Cohen Grasps for Relevancy

In what would have been the main story for tomorrow’s newspapers until the tragic news of another school shooting, Reuters reports in an “exclusive” that Michael Cohen…

WaPo Twists and Spins Mueller Note to Barr

WaPo Twists and Spins Mueller Note to Barr

Just when you thought it was safe to check media headlines again, the Washington Post did its best Jaws imitation. Of course, like almost everything else it…

Florida Supreme Court Rules Against Scott Israel

Florida Supreme Court Rules Against Scott Israel

Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel became a household name, one that might go down in infamy, after last year’s Parkland school shooting. Few except Israel himself were…

Alan Dershowitz and the Mueller Report

Alan Dershowitz and the Mueller Report

Alan Dershowitz is a self-defined “liberal-Democrat”. He doesn’t hide the fact he voted for Hillary in 2016 or that he voted for Dems in the latest mid-term…

Sol Pais, the FBI and Columbine

Sol Pais, the FBI and Columbine

Parents and students in and Littleton, Colorado must feel like they’ve stepped back in time. Yesterday, Columbine  and 21 schools in the area were placed on lock-down…

Luke O’Neill: The Next Generation of Yellow Journalism

Luke O’Neill: The Next Generation of Yellow Journalism

Wednesday, the Boston Globe found itself in hot water for an editorial written by contributor Luke O’Neill. With a wink and a nod, he suggested waiters “contaminate…

Liberals: Trying To Be Relevant and Failing

Liberals: Trying To Be Relevant and Failing

Poor liberals. They’re facing yet another week where things just aren’t going the way they want. No matter what Pelosi and company do, it seems to backfire….

Censorship or Protecting the Union?

Censorship or Protecting the Union?

Well, the ACLU is at it again. This time, they claim the federal government is censoring former intelligence employees and members of the military. In fact, it…

Democrats stack the electoral deck for 2020

Democrats stack the electoral deck for 2020

Still reeling from Hillary Clinton’s loss in 2016, Democrats are doing all they can to stack the electoral deck in their favor. Several states have passed laws…

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Ava Gardner