Arkansas Message To Joe Biden: We Will Not Comply

Arkansas Message To Joe Biden: We Will Not Comply

Arkansas Message To Joe Biden: We Will Not Comply

Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders sent a loud and clear message to Joe Biden – Arkansas will not comply with the federal government’s Title IX new regulation. A regulation that now allows men in women’s locker rooms, bathrooms, and sports.

Go, Sarah Huckabee Sanders! More states are starting to do the same. Alabama, Kentucky, Louisiana, and Texas have filed lawsuits challenging the rule. As of this writing, Ohio and Virginia have joined in as well.


The Joe Biden anti-woman administration has destroyed Title IX. It may as well not even exist anymore. It means absolutely nothing. In case your attention has been diverted, let me remind you what we are discussing.

In a sweeping new Title IX rule, the Biden administration has usurped Congress to undermine free speech, dissolve due process, and redefine sex to include “gender identity.” The rule, effective August 1, will force all educational entities in receipt of federal funds to allow males access to female spaces, sports, and scholarships whenever they claim transgender status. – National Review

Oh, dearies, but this is nothing new. Remember, they tried to tell us all that it was simply about fairness.

Earlier in the week, in Arkansas, the fruit loop progressives sued the state for not allowing the mark of X on state-issued driver licenses instead of listing male or female.

“This act is a stark defiance of laws to protect against discrimination and a clear, aggressive attack on the well-being and freedoms of LGBTQ people in our state,” Megan Bailey, spokesperson for the American Civil Liberties Union of Arkansas, said in a statement. – AP News

What freedoms are being taken away? The LGBTQ+ people have all the freedoms the rest of us have. But a man doesn’t have the right to waltz into a woman’s space like a bathroom or locker room. At least not in Arkansas now.

It is utterly ridiculous that we must develop laws regarding such common sense. But here we are.

The video below includes reactions from certain groups. Also, the Arkansas Governor addressed the issue of the federal government withholding funds for schools that abide by the state’s law and new executive order. She’ll take them to court.

The democratic candidate for the third district, Caitlin Draper, a licensed clinical social worker, says she believes everyone should feel safe. No, you don’t, Caitlin. She obviously doesn’t give two hoots about women’s rights or their privacy and dignity.

Governor Sanders wraps it up quite nicely here:

“According to the rule, sex is no longer based on the commonly understood biological differences between men and women,” Sanders said. “It’s based on how a person feels or their gender identity. To put it another way, Biden thinks anybody can be a woman just because they say so. As a woman, the mother of a daughter and our state’s first chief executive to give birth … I can’t think of anything more offensive or dismissive of the very real, very scientific traits that all women share and that no man does.” – Fox News

Amen, Sarah, and thank you for standing up for women.

Feature Image: Gage Skidmore/Flickr/License CC BY-SA2.0/Modified in Canva Pro

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  • GWB says:

    And, of course, aside from all that, how is that an administration can change that without accompanying law?
    Yeah, exactly, it really can’t. But Biden’s puppeteers will, just like they’re changing firearms regulations and forgiving student debt. They desire an imperial presidency so they don’t have to get a bunch of people to agree to it in the legislature. “Stroke of the pen, law of the land,” you know?

    (That was said so much better by Yule Brynner: “So let it be written. So let it be done.” He probably understood totalitarianism better than 0bama did.)

  • John Shepherd says:

    I don’t understand why all the internet discussions for Trump’s VP pick give bare mention to Sanders. She comes from a po,critical family, already worked for Trump and is good governor. All we here about is Tulsi Gabbard, the Kanine Killer and Mike Rowe. Of the three I like Mike Rowe but he is more the Secretary of Labor type than VP.

    • Cameron says:

      On the one hand, Mike has not shown any interest in a political career.

      On the other hand, that’s what makes him a good candidate.

      The thing about Sanders and DeSantis is that we need people like that as governors more than we need them as a VP.

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