AOC Shouted Down By Her Constituents Again

AOC Shouted Down By Her Constituents Again

AOC Shouted Down By Her Constituents Again

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) is shouted down by her constituents again. She appeared in Queens on Friday before this three-day holiday weekend for a town hall meeting.

The socialist Democrat made it known without apology that the debt limit should be eliminated. She is a big supporter of handing loads of cash to Ukraine without question or accountability. Her constituents seem to have had enough and let it be known Friday night.

A handful of people were escorted out of the town hall meeting when they voiced their concerns about AOC’s support of Ukraine and for putting America last. But it’s not just the Ukraine cash cow that concerns the people of Queens. They also legitimate worries over the illegal squatters transported into America by the millions since 2020. Thousands of them moved to NYC.

And the residents should be concerned. With the tent cities in Central Park being suggested to possible street closures so asylum seekers can set up street communities to hotels all over the city being offered up freely to house the incoming population of illegals, so yes, New Yorkers are rightly upset.

This isn’t the first time AOC has been heckled by her people. The last time, she just danced it off.

You would think a Representative would listen to the people who voted them into office. But perhaps that is just something the Republican Representatives do.

An article in February 2023 reported that 85 hotels have been handed over to house illegals in NYC, who now outnumber the homeless. Of course, we are closing in on June, so who knows how many it is now.

AOC Doesn’t Care

You’ll read all sorts of stories about the invasion of New York by illegals. A violent, drug-infested free for all is how one employee describes the migrants new to the area. And now a 4-month-old baby girl has died at one of these migrant hotels.

In October 2022:

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said she’s working with Mayor Adams to apply for more federal housing funds to help the Big Apple address the migrant crisis — but refused to call on President Biden to secure the border and instead welcomed the surge of asylum seekers.

We see how that’s been working out, and so do the residents of New York City. So yes, AOC, you may want to do something other than dancing back and laughing at the people who gave you your job.

But there’s more. During that town hall back in October, this time in the Bronx, a retired firefighter voiced his concern and asked what AOC would do to help secure the southern border. He continued by telling AOC that people crossing the border were not politically persecuted foreigners, making them ineligible for political asylum.

AOC clapped back,

“It’s legal to seek asylum at the United States border. It’s legal. It’s legal. It’s legal to claim asylum,” Ocasio-Cortez, a democratic socialist, repeatedly emphasized, ignoring the burden it has placed on border, and now New York’s, communities.

“When we talk about undocumented people, my priority is about opening legal pathways to citizenship. And making sure they are open.”

So no, I don’t see the socialist Democrat AOC doing a damned thing to help New York.

Feature Image: Dimitri Rodriguez/CC BY 2.0/Wikimedia Commons


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  • Cameron says:

    AOC was getting LIT up by her constituents, who are sick of her putting America LAST!

    Then why do you stupid bastards keep voting for her? This is 100% YOUR FAULT! And don’t give me this “We didn’t know she was like this!” She’s a communist, you short bus riding imbeciles. They hate this country and a simple web search would have helped you!

  • billib says:

    You get the poitician you deserve. AOC has been rated as the worst, least effective pol in Congress. When will they wise up and vote her out?

    • Carol Marks says:

      I honestly don’t know how she got in there in the guest place. Thank you for taking the time to comment.

    • Cameron says:

      They won’t. She’s latinx or whatever the term is now and voting against her will mean you hate brown women. They’ll fall into line and give her another term.

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