AOC Agrees October 7th Is Really Trump’s Fault

AOC Agrees October 7th Is Really Trump’s Fault

AOC Agrees October 7th Is Really Trump’s Fault

Some things are just predictable. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. AOC agrees that Donald Trump is to blame for what Hamas did on October 7th to Israel.

Why? This seems to be a case of AOC and her “bobblehead” syndrome. You see, the congresswoman from New York is not exactly a brain trust. She got elected solely on the strength of her progressive ideology, not for her brains. Everyone should have known this from day one, when she was easily being stumped by questions in interviews.

Her reputation for dumbassery has continued into her Congressional career. Usually she has staff who help prepare her. But sometimes she just says stupid stuff.

And because she’s a dummy, she doubles down.

Stupid and thin-skinned is a wonderful combination in an elected representative. But AOC is a follower, not a leader. She always goes with the socialist left, but has no original thoughts of her own. She parrots all the lines of her fellow Hamas Squad members, but runs away when confronted. AOC does not have the courage of her convictions, because she has no convictions. She is a dutiful leftist who will always follow the person in front of her who she thinks is smarter.

Which leads us to her most recent bobblehead moment. The congresswoman was back in front of her regular consitituents – the Twitch streamers – with Hasan Piker, a left-wing pro-Hamas commentator who is popular with the Twitch gamers. (For the record, there is a real danger in the right not having a solid online presence in places like Twitch. We need to get out there and be meeting the people on these platforms. There are plenty of “normies” there.) So when Hasan Piker makes the claim that Donald Trump is responsible for what Hamas did on October 7th, AOC just nods along in order to keep her “in” with the “cool leftist kids” out there.

On the Friday livestream, the pair reacted to former president Donald Trump’s May 23 Bronx rally, where he claimed Israel would not have been attacked if he were still in office.

Piker argued the Hamas attack was a “direct consequence of the Abraham Accords and many of Jared Kushner’s and Donald Trump administration’s actions like moving the embassy to Jerusalem,” Piker said in comments first reported by Jewish Insider. Ocasio-Cortez responded, “10,000%.”

Nodding in agreement, she responded “absolutely” to Piker’s following comment: “He is just as responsible for October 7 as anyone else. The fact that he is saying that October 7 would have never happened is ridiculous when it directly happened as a direct consequence of him moving the embassy to Jerusalem, recognizing the annexed territory of Golan Heights as Israeli territory, going against international law, and also conducting the Abraham Accords completely sidestepping the Palestinians on the conversation.”

The Jewish Insider report notes that AOC “continued to nod along and say ‘mhm’” while Piker was talking about the Abraham Accords.

Now, as our readers will remember, the Abraham Accords were a huge step forward in normalization and peace in the Middle East. The Palestinian Authority and Hamas were not involved because, as their actions continue to show, they want neither normalization or peace. What they want is for Israel to be wiped off the face of the earth. The Abraham Accords were the recognition of that reality. Why should Israel not pursue peaceful relations with other countries just because the PA and Hamas are homicidal maniacs? The sober reality, that the Trump administration was truly the first to recognize and act on, was that there is no path to peace with terror groups who agitate for murder. And when Hamas realized that they had been left out, they started shooting off rockets into Israel. Yeah, that was truly the way to indicate that they wanted to be involved in a peace deal.

As for moving the embassy to Jerusalem? Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. Israel exists. Deal with it. Yes, we all know that Hamas and the PA simply cannot deal with it.

The problem with this entire conversation between Hasan Piker and AOC is twofold. First, that Piker is blathering to the Twitch audience his theory of blame, because he is pro-Hamas, which means that all those listening to him on the gaming platform are probably not the most well-informed people, who are looking for information among a diverse range of sources. Second, that AOC is a twit. She is an empty-headed yes-woman who happily follows along if the cause is on the left. So Piker can say his pro-Hamas bullshit, and AOC’s scintillating commentary is “mhm.” She can’t even own her own bigotry – she always has to bobblehead along to someone else’s lead.

And until her district either wises up, or she decides to make a run for higher office, AOC will likely be a congresswoman for as long as she wishes. Not that our representatives in Congress are a great brain trust to begin with, but she is transparently vapid and highly arrogant. And we’re stuck with her.

Featured image: original Victory Girls art by Darleen Click

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  • GWB says:

    She got elected solely on the strength of her progressive ideology, not for her brains.
    That and the size of her… bar-tending credentials.

    Usually she has staff who help prepare her.
    I’m guessing most of them are idiot Progs, too. Just slightly better at it than AOC, herself.

    But AOC is a follower, not a leader.
    Like cats are followers – of laser pointers.

    “direct consequence of the Abraham Accords and many of Jared Kushner’s and Donald Trump administration’s actions like moving the embassy to Jerusalem,”
    Ah, ok. So it’s just dumbassery on the part of AOC. The guy she’s nodding along with is just spouting the normal disingenuity of the Palis, twisting anything that helps Israel into “Oh, we poor oppressed Palestinians! Everything just keeps us down! It’s all the Man’s Jew’s fault! Waaaaah!”

    She is an empty-headed yes-woman who happily follows along if the cause is on the left.
    And she only knows what cause is on the left by her priests and prophets telling her. Guarantee she gets a daily missive from someone that tells her what to be angry about today.

  • Scott says:

    ” She is a dutiful leftist who will always follow the person in front of her who she thinks is smarter.”.. Let’s be honest, that’s probably the smartest thing she does.. if you’re playing the odds, it’s a better than 99% chance that the person in front of her IS smarter… (unless it’s Pedo Joe…)

  • Lloyd says:

    AOC will be re-elected again and again and again. NYC voters are diehard Dems!

  • […] Semi Bird, gubernatorial candidate, previously reprimanded for false military claims Victory Girls: AOC Agrees October 7th Is Really Trump’s Fault Volokh Conspiracy: Arkansas Supremes Formally Admonish Judge Whose Order Characterized Their […]

  • Dietrich says:

    Stupid Bar Wench says what?

  • draigh says:

    This woman is really too stupid to be a bartender!

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