The media has been having a heyday this past week. Not only have they continued their attacks on the Trump Administration but they got to once again cover their hero, Barack Obama. Oh the glowing coverage the Big O got during his time in South Africa. Such a statesman. Such a visionary. Such a fraud (oops, they didn’t say that. I did.) Now comes the latest in those singing Obama’s praises. “Conservative columnist” Max Boot laments that, because of the current political climate here in the United States, he’d take back Obama in a “nanaosecond”.
Reading Boot’s article, at first it is difficult to see what all the brouhaha is about. He notes how he worked to defeat Obama with both the McCain and Romney campaigns. He admits he thought Obama was too hard on Israel and too soft of Iran, among other things. But then — THEN — he walks off the end of the pier without ever looking back.
“Now I would take Obama back in a nanosecond. His presidency appears to be a lost golden age when reason and morality reigned. All of his faults, real as they were, fade into insignificance compared with the crippling defects of his successor. And his strengths — seriousness, dignity, intellect, probity, dedication to ideals larger than self — shine all the more clearly in retrospect.”
Remember, he is basing all this on a speech Obama gave in South Africa that was supposed to be honoring Nelson Mandela’s 100th birthday. A speech where, instead, Obama once again took to his bully pulpit to condemn not only his successor to the Oval Office but our country as a whole.
A speech where he warned of “strongman politics are ascending suddenly, whereby elections, some pretense of democracy, are maintained, the form of it.”
Well, I guess someone who honed his political bones in Chicago would know about “strongman politics” and a “pretense of democracy”. After all, he watched — and ignored — intimidation at the polls when he ran for president. He used every trick he could think of to make sure his own agenda was passed, including having a Speaker of the House who aided and abetted him whenever she could. Can any of us forget this quote from Speaker Pelosi about the Affordable Care Act? “But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy.” Why couldn’t they tell us — and themselves, for that matter — what was in the Act before it was passed?
But this is the form of Liberal World Order Boots longs for.
Boot longs for the one he claims is much more of a “stable genius” than Trump.
Obama denounced the “politics of fear and resentment,” the spread of “hatred and paranoia and propaganda and conspiracy theories,” and “immigration policies based on race, or ethnicity, or religion.”
Of course he did. What Boot seems to have forgotten is how Obama abandoned our allies in favor of bowing to our enemies. He forgets how our reputation around the world fell under Obama because they knew what Boot appears to have forgotten: Obama was a weak leader determined to undermine the very foundations of our republic.
Was Obama smooth? Of course. He never would have been elected otherwise.
Is Trump crass, brash and socially unacceptable? Hell yeah. And it is exactly what we need right now.
Boot may be many things, but one thing is for certain. He’s not a conservative. He is, at best, an apologist and misguided. To think, to actually write, that the only sorts of scandals we saw coming out of the Obama White House “was that the president wore a tan suit or put his feet up on the desk?” I’m sorry, but no. Not only no but hell no. How convenient it must be to have the selective memory so many in the media have. But then, they adored Obama and it seems Boot has finally drunk of the O-cup.
Is Trump perfect? Far from it. But I will take his crass, brash, in your face attitude over waiting for the next time Obama is going to stab us in the back. Not that he has stopped trying to do so know that he is no longer in office.
Any time someone starts using terms like “World Order”, we should all take a giant step back and look long and hard at not only what they said but why they said it. For now, let Mr. Boot mourn the fact Obama is no longer president. I, for one am glad to see a president who is willing to back our military and who has just sent $200 million in security assistance to the Ukraine.
Max Boot, along with George Will, is a quisling.
The economy was on fire under Hussein Hopenchange what with that never above 2% GDP. When you are the ocean levels lowering Dear Leader Messiah then you get a pass on the economy. Not so much for any other president.
The worlwide bow and grovel tour by Dingle Barry made America look so strong. Remember when the IRS targeted political groups due to their viewpoints? Good times. (not really)
Those unifying moments like Ferguson and Baltimore really healed the divide and all thanks to Hussein Hopenchange, the one!
Faggotry. Faggotry everywhere.
Boot may be many things, but one thing is for certain. He’s a sleeper.
Sorry, forgot the quotes. “Boot may be many things, but one thing is for certain.”
Vapid and vacuum. Someone needs to collect the rotgut insanity of the NeverTrump contingent and publish the book. It will stand forever as the Testament of nullity among punditry.
Meanwhile, Trump is better than the Great president, Reagan. If his tariff campaign does not derail the economy, then Trump could well be the most important US president since FDR. How could “pundits” disgrace themselves more?
“His presidency appears to be a lost golden age when reason and morality reigned. All of his faults, real as they were, fade into insignificance compared with the crippling defects of his successor. And his strengths — seriousness, dignity, intellect, probity, dedication to ideals larger than self — shine all the more clearly in retrospect.”
Max has access to some SERIOUS hallucinogenics.
It is sad to say that poor Max has gone insane. Perhaps he believes the “no scandals” rhetoric. But anyone with eyes to see knows Obama was intimately involved in the “Stop Trump. Elect Hillary” government conspiracy. One would think that even a man of low principles like Max would see that as a problem. But, he seems blissfully unaware.
They should name the border detention centers after their creator The Barack Obama Child Detention Centers