Newly inaugurated Mayor of San Francisco, London Breed, (a Democrat), urged homeless advocacy groups that receive money from the city to teach homeless people to “clean up after themselves” and went on record in to say the city streets are “flooded with the excrement of the homeless“in an interview over the weekend with local NBC affiliate.
Really? You think? Stop the presses! Quite the revelation, I’d say…
“There is more feces on the sidewalks than I’ve ever seen growing up here. That is a huge problem and we are not just talking about from dogs — we’re talking about from humans.”-London Breed
Was she trapped in a cave over the past few years? Well, no…she wasn’t.
This report from February:
And this was a response to a tourist from Texas complaining about the city streets sent from Breed’s office in 2016:
“If you’re embarrassed to be an American, then you’re barking up the wrong tree here buddy. Why don’t you write a letter to the editor of whatever town you’re from, if your panties are in a bunch?”
Breed told sources that the “anonymous intern” who penned the response, “was asked not to come back”. Shocker, I know.
Summertime has turned from a love-in to a poop-in there, making San Francisco the punchline of what could possibly go wrong when staring liberal, progressive leadership right in the face. Just about a few weeks ago, a large 20-pound bag of human excrement was found on a street corner in the Tenderloin district. A major medical conference canceled their semi-annual convention in the city, citing a survey of past attendees feeling unsafe walking on San Francisco city streets, prompting the group to seek a new venue.
@thecjpearson I’m here in San Francisco on a business trip and it’s so bad with the homeless, people walking around on drugs or mentally ill and prostitutes in plain sight that I can’t see my company ever coming back. #LiberalRuiningGreatCities
— Omar Oropesa (@OmarSnsd) July 15, 2018
Gone are the “gentle people with flowers in their hair”. Those gentle folk live in the neighborhoods outside of the downtown area and the Tenderloin district and their children, I am sure, do not have to “look down at the ground” to make sure they’re not stepping on dirty heroin needles.
And, of course, it’s not the local lawmakers and government officials at the helm who are responsible for this atrocity at all. Breed directed her frustration towards homeless advocacy groups:
“I work hard to make sure your programs are funded for the purposes of trying to get these individuals help, and what I am asking you to do is work with your clients and ask them to at least have respect for the community — at least, clean up after themselves and show respect to one another and people in the neighborhood.”-London Breed
Yeah, good luck with that, Ms. Breed.
A random individual also took to The San Francisco Chronicle this past week with a full-page ad urging residents to “watch their backs” after a psychotic homeless person came after her with a pair of scissors. So now we have human waste, people using drugs on public transportation and crazy people running rampant in the streets of San Fran.
How in the hell can you call San Francisco a great City!? You got vagrants and homeless all over on the streets and fact they even defecate on the sidewalks. It's filthy it's nasty and people are quite frankly, leaving San Francisco for a cleaner safer environment.
— KimPossible! (@KMVLizotte) July 16, 2018
Come San Francisco to see our tent cities. Oakland, Berkeley, most riverbeds and most freeway overpasses are filled with people who are homeless.
— Lily (Espinoza) Ploski (@LilyEPloski) July 13, 2018
The homeless epidemic extends up the coast to Portland (where San Francisco sent some of their homeless) and to Seattle (where Portland, in turn, sent some of theirs…how gracious of the Rose City). Travel on I-5 in Portland and you’ll find many a highway underpass with a few tents strewn about. Tent cities are set up in the middle of sidewalks in Seattle. People in motion, people in motion.
But the mentally ill and the strung out need to clean up after themselves, says Breed and stop crapping in the streets. Here’s an idea: let’s make it unpalatable for individuals to do drugs on BART trains, in front of city hall and in broad daylight in the middle of the street. Yes, I am saying let’s discourage these addicts from shooting, smoking and snorting as opposed to being bleeding hearts and enabling them to self destruct! Here’s the deal: a drug addict is a drug addict and he or she is not going to care enough about a safe injection site if it means getting an immediate fix with a dirty needle versus making an effort to get to the site for a clean one. I wonder what would happen if law enforcement cracked down on the dealers and suppliers (while agencies spent the extra money on those resources to cut them off at the pass as opposed to funding clean needles to keep people strung out). I wonder what would happen if the government, in cooperation with these agencies, got drug-addicts in a detox/rehabilitation program with shelter and job placementcontingent upon remaining clean. Something tells me that the streets of San Francisco will see a lot less in the way of dirty needles and human waste if this happens but we’re not holding our breath.
We may be holding our noses, though, because something stinks: like more failed progressive policy and blame-shifting. All par for the excrement-laden course. Stay tuned.
Liberalism, like it’s parents communism and socialism, has failed EVERYWHERE it has been tried….
Don’t feel too bad San Francisco, Triumph the Insult Comic Dog wants to visit. Enjoy the wonderful smell of your glorious socialist utopia comrades. Forward!
The liberals in charge basically took home a few thousand stray dogs, let them shit all over their living room, and called it “helping the homeless”. Brilliant. Go down to your locally-owned hardware stores (if there still are any), buy their entire stock of shovels, and give each and every welfare recipient one with directions that their payments will be delayed until the streets are cleaned. There. That solves two problems.