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I’ve always liked Rep. Trey Gowdy of South Carolina. After all, no one else could execute such exquisite slash-and-burn grilling of Lois Lerner, Hillary Clinton, James Comey, or that weasel Martin Shkreli.
But then he decided to give it all up and leave Congress.
That news shocked me, along with other people, I’m sure. But now Gowdy is a short-timer in DC. He’s even counting down the days when he walks out the doors for good:
“I can tell you right now I have 19 more drives to the airport before this session is over. Nineteen more weeks for the rest of the year that I’m going to be gone three or four days away from home, and then after that I’ll be in South Carolina.”
I know the feeling. That’s how I felt when I quit my job as a speech pathologist in a public school district.
But, I still practice my career in another venue. Gowdy, however, is completely done with politics. And it’s because an inept Congress crushed the spirit in the man.
For one thing, the win-at-all-costs attitude disgusts him:
“We’ve convinced ourselves that we have to win, because the country will go to Hades in a handbasket if my team doesn’t win.”
He also thinks he’s kind of a failure in Congress. “To the extent men judge themselves based on what they do for a living,” he said in an interview, “I don’t have a lot to show for the last seven years.” However, despite the fact that Hillary Clinton still walks free, Gowdy, as noted by Philip Wegmann of the Washington Examiner, actually has done more than the average congressman.
Then there’s the contempt heaped upon Gowdy by some Republicans for urging President Trump to sit down with special counsel Robert Mueller. Who does that?
Maybe, if Congress was less political and more honest, they could’ve conducted a fair investigation. Instead, as Gowdy put it, “congressional investigations leak like the Gossip Girls.” Moreover, the body has “proven itself incapable of conducting serious investigation;” thus, he has more trust even in Mueller to be an “independent ball-and-strike caller.” Gowdy added, “Serious investigations don’t make up their mind first, and then go in search of the evidence to validate your previously held conviction.”
Ouch. Such an opinion doesn’t sit well with party supporters. But, as the old saying goes, the truth hurts.
Here, in this interview with VICE News, Trey Gowdy explains it all:
So what will Trey Gowdy do after he leaves the not-so-hallowed halls of Congress? For one thing, he’ll no doubt continue his friendship with SC Senator Tim Scott. The two men authored a recently-published book, Unified: How Our Unlikely Friendship Gives Us Hope for a Divided Country.
It tells how Gowdy and Scott forged a deep bond, despite their racial differences and their respective Southern roots. And this book on racial reconciliation is already making waves: as of Wednesday, it stood at Number 5 on Amazon. Moreover, hundreds of readers attended the authors’ first book event in the Charleston suburb of Mt. Pleasant.
I don’t think we’ll see Trey Gowdy run for national office again; he doesn’t want to play Congress’s games anymore. I don’t blame him, either. Whether or not you agree with what he’s done, you must admit that it takes a lot of integrity to give up the power that he could’ve had if he’d played political clown games.
Godspeed, Mr. Gowdy. I, for one, will miss you.
It’s sad that the good guys don’t want to serve anymore. We need to strip away the salary, pension and perks and make it a true service again. Then they need to go home and live under the laws they passed. It was never intended to be a career.
Serious investigations don’t make up their mind first, and then go in search of the evidence to validate your previously held conviction.
Wow. And yet he supports Mueller, who seems to have done that his entire career.
Tim gave me hope that justice would be served. I’m sure he had that same hope. I understand his disillusionment. Tim, you were expert as what you did. I watched all the hearings. I’m so very sorry to see you go.
[…] Victory Girls Blog: Leaving Congress: Trey Gowdy Finally Explains It All. [VIDEO]. […]