Administration Says MOH Recipient Dakota Meyer Can’t Attend Marine Corps Ball Because Politics [VIDEOS]

Administration Says MOH Recipient Dakota Meyer Can’t Attend Marine Corps Ball Because Politics [VIDEOS]

Administration Says MOH Recipient Dakota Meyer Can’t Attend Marine Corps Ball Because Politics [VIDEOS]

Five years ago, Sergeant Dakota L. Meyer, United States Marine Corps, was awarded the Medal of Honor at the White House.

Since then its been an interesting roller coaster of a ride for that young man.

110914-N-UH963-060 WASHINGTON (Sept. 16, 2011) Medal of Honor recipient former Marine Corps Sgt. Dakota Meyer speaks with Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV) the honorable Ray Mabus before an induction ceremony at the Hall of Heros in the Pentagon. Meyer was awarded the Medal of Honor for actions in Afghanistan on Sept. 8, 2010. Meyer saved 13 U.S. Marines and Soldiers and 23 Afghans. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Kevin S. O'Brien/Released)
WASHINGTON (Sept. 16, 2011) Medal of Honor recipient former Marine Corps Sgt. Dakota Meyer speaks with Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV) the honorable Ray Mabus before an induction ceremony at the Hall of Heros in the Pentagon. Meyer was awarded the Medal of Honor for actions in Afghanistan on Sept. 8, 2010. Meyer saved 13 U.S. Marines and Soldiers and 23 Afghans. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Kevin S. O’Brien/Released)

Appearances on national TV, speeches across the country, participating in events such as the NSSF Shot Show, a child with and a marriage to Bristol Palin. Through it all, it has become quite clear that Dakota Meyer loves his country 100%.

However, at times he’s been very blunt in his criticism of the current Administration and Obama.

Recently, the Marines stationed in Kabul, Afghanistan invited Medal of Honor Recipient Dakota Meyer to join them in celebration of the Corps 241st birthday. The invitation was ok’d and preparations for Meyer to join them were well under way. The ball was scheduled to take place on November 10 at the embassy. The Marines and Meyer had a fantastic time right?




As arrangements were being finalized, however, the Medal of Honor recipient was told that he would not be able to come. Why? Because Meyer has been an outspoken critic of the Obama administration.

Ambassador P. Michael McKinley ordered his chief of mission to “look into” the Medal of Honor recipient and, based on the report he was given about Meyer’s political views, decided he would not allow Meyer to attend the ball inside the embassy.

Read the above again. The embassy wasn’t concerned about major security breaches or an attack like what happened earlier this morning at Bagram Airfield. Nope. Instead the Ambassador nixed Meyer’s joining the Marine Corps at their ball because of POLITICS. 

Wow Ambassador McKinley, thin skinned much? You put politics along with the Administration’s personal animus over the moral of the troops? Nice…very nice. NOT. Meyer’s response was quite measured in my opinion.

“I was told he doesn’t like my position and comments on the administration, but those views are my right. Blocking access to the American embassy is his right as the ambassador.”

“It’s disheartening that he’s using the Marine Corps Ball as a chance be petty and political. This should be beyond politics and a time for him to support the men and women who defend he and his staff at the embassy.”

Agreed. The entire event should’ve been about the troops and celebrating one of the foremost fighting forces in this world who have, for 241 years, been front and center in keeping us safe.


Politics should never have entered into this particular equation at all.

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  • VALman says:

    People can say what they will about President-Elect Trump. Nevertheless, I have a difficult time believing that such a dis-invite would take place during his administration.

    Some legacy of this one. One of the worst, no doubt.

  • Steve says:

    Looks like President-elect Trump will be appointing a new ambassador to Afghanistan.

  • GWB says:

    One thing to note: Meyer is not active duty.

    It impacts his right to say what he likes, and it impacts his invite to the ball. IMHO, if he were active duty (though it would mean he couldn’t go about spouting politics) the Marines would be the only ones to have any say in whether he attended the ball. (None of that argues with your points, just adding info to ponder.)

    What’s upsetting, IMO, is the ambassador forbidding any American citizen from coming to the embassy. Especially based on his politics. That violates the very essence of the embassy.

  • Joe Mack says:

    P. Michael McKinley, do not expect any current or former military personnel to grant you any respect, as you deserve none.
    US Army, Ret.

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