The Trump Campaign Finally Broke Their Silence on the Assault of Michelle Fields, and It’s Full of Lies
The Trump Campaign Finally Broke Their Silence on the Assault of Michelle Fields, and It’s Full of Lies
March 10, 2016
Despite Trumpbart’s very best efforts, the assault on reporter Michelle Fields by Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski has become major news. Up until now, the Trump campaign has been quiet on the issue (probably because they don’t mind violence against people they disagree with). But today, finally, they broke their silence. And it’s full of lies, which isn’t altogether surprising considering that’s pretty much how Trump operates. ABC News tweeted the official response from Hope Hicks, the Trump campaign spokesperson. And not only does Hicks blatantly lie, she also attacks the victim in the situation: Michelle Fields herself.
NEW: Trump campaign spokesperson Hope Hicks responds to allegations campaign manager assaulted Breitbart reporter:
— ABC News Politics (@ABCPolitics) March 10, 2016
That statement is so full of crap and offensive that anyone with even a modicum of common sense and moral decency will be outraged by it.
First, to the issue that the incident was never addressed with the campaign? Lie. As The Daily Beast outlined, Ben Terris, the reporter who witnessed the assault, actually did have an appointment to address the incident with Lewandowski himself. Guess who cancelled that meeting? The Trump campaign, thanks to Trumpbart outing Terris as the witness to the altercation.
Second, Hicks tries to claim that since there is no footage of the assault, it must not have happened. Well, there may not be video proof of the violence (unlike the countless other times people have been violent at Trump rallies), there are multiple witnesses. Politico spoke to one witness who confirmed Fields’ account of what happened. And according to Terris, Lewandowski left bruises on Fields’ arm.
Finally, they reach their most reprehensible: casting aspersions on the victim, Michelle Fields. Hicks is apparently just following Lewandowski’s approach, who attacked Fields on Twitter today:
Michelle Fields is an attention seeker who once claimed Allen West groped her but later went silent.
— Corey Lewandowski (@CLewandowski_) March 10, 2016
Guess it’s safe to say that Trump won’t be firing Lewandowski. Based on their response, it wouldn’t be surprising if Trump gave him a raise. And apparently, as Fields said herself on Twitter, the bruises on her arm just magically appeared:
I guess these just magically appeared on me @CLewandowski_ @realDonaldTrump. So weird.
— Michelle Fields (@MichelleFields) March 10, 2016
There’s also that inconvenient fact about how, you know, Lewandowski admitted it, saying he did it because he thought Fields was a “bad” reporter.
Meanwhile, Trumpbart is apparently feeling the heat, because they’ve now released a second statement. But it’s as weak and pathetic as the first. They said they stand behind Fields and are disappointed in the campaign’s reaction, but call on Lewandowski… to apologize. That’s it.
Breitbart CEO and Pres Larry Solov statement: “We are disappointed in the campaign’s response”
— Hadas Gold (@Hadas_Gold) March 10, 2016
So someone roughs up one of their reporters, and all they want is an “I’m sorry”? No way. This entire incident has made it appallingly clear just how in the tank Trumpbart is for their new Dear Leader. Other people are demanding that Lewandowski resign, but not Trumpbart. They apparently saw that despicable statement from the Trump campaign and can only manage to say that they’re “disappointed”, and nothing more. It’s pathetic, and it’s an insult to Andrew Breitbart’s memory.
When we forget history, we inevitably will repeat it. Germany, 1934
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